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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2020 in all areas

  1. In Memoriam Detachment Leader Executive Officer Provost Marshall Deployment Office Pre Approval Forum 3D Section Field Exercise Awards Master Armorer Program Detachment Affiliation Election Timeline Just For Laughs Costume Totals Hall of Fame Fire Teams Trooping Imperial Attaché Program EIB & Centurion: What do these terms mean? Advanced Tactics Awards EIB - The March To 1000 Merchandise & Branding Officer Public Relations Follow FISD In the second week of January 2020, Glenn Arnold (SL-4527) passed away. Glenn has been a respected member of the Isle of Wight Garrison since its inception as the Vectis Remnant Squad of the UK Garrison. Glenn is well-known for his portrayal of Darth Vader, an accolade earned with the longest trooping run in his garrison’s history. He is highly regarded for his craftsmanship of all manner of things, from creatures, starships, hyper-detailed custom action figures, to studio-scale props. Though Glenn may not be remembered for his smile, his memory certainly will bring smiles to those who remember him. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. "Buckets Off" On 3rd September 2019, Florida Garrison member Jean-Paul Fouchey (TK-4346) passed away. A supporter of the 501st Legion podcast, Jean-Paul is known for his kind and patient demeanor. Jean-Paul was also active in the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. "Buckets Off" 31st January 2020, we pay tribute to honorary 501sy member, Alan Harris, who has sadly passed away at the age of 81. Deeply involved in the original trilogy, he wore the white Boba Fett costume in tests before playing a Rebel guard and a Rebel mechanic as well as a Stormtrooper in A New Hope, a Bespin Guard in The Empire Strikes Back as well as a Rebel Hoth trooper and a Stormtrooper on Bespin. and again as a Stormtrooper in Return of the Jedi. Star Wars trivia fans will also know that the body of Han Solo in carbonite was Alan, that he was the double for Anthony Daniels as C-3PO and had the aforementioned Boba Fett costume built around him. He returned to the saga for The Phantom Menace to double as Terence Stamp, but he will be best remembered as Bossk in The Empire Strikes Back, the role he became synonymous with. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. "Buckets Off" Greetings Troopers, With elections voting upon us, I want to start by thanking every single person on staff that has helped out in some way this year. You have been a marvelous team to work with, and it was an honor. Thanks as well to the membership of FISD for a fantastic year. We did some amazing things, refined some older things, did some much needed cleanup, had one of the biggest racing shirt runs the legion has ever SEEN, finally brought some pride merch and recognition into the mix, grew our social media channels, and marched ever closer to the 1,000th Expert Infantry approval. It was a fun year, and the next will be fun too! Now lets get out there and troop Signing off, With Unquestioned Loyalty Sarah Bailey TK-20466 "Alay" Detachment Leader Greetings, Troopers! This will be my final column as DXO. We recently finished some long-need updates to the TFA and ROTJ TKs and added a much-requested L3 requirement about separate vocoders. I expect there to be many more CRL updates in 2020 regardless of who your new leadership team is. I look forward to 2020 and wish whomever wins the election best of luck. With Unquestioned Loyalty Brien Edick TK-92802 "Harbinger" Executive Officer - Merchandise & Branding Officer Greetings Troopers! First I would like to say a huge thank you to this years FISD staff for a job well done. As some of you may not know the Legion Elections are approaching very quickly. The new election timeline can be found here This can also be a tumultuous time within the legion. I would like to remind everyone that historically we have had very smooth election process here on the FISD. The Provost Marshalls will be running the elections as usual and we expect them to run as smoothly as ever. I would also like to remind everyone that any candidates we do have for the FISD are volunteering their time and it is not their day job. So if we do get to the Q & A process please remember that sometimes candidates will need some time to answer any questions. If anyone has any questions about the election process then please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Chris (themaninthesuitcase). Again, I would like to thank everyone for a very smooth year and making our job as easy as ever here on the best detachment in the legion. With Unquestioned Loyalty Steve Sheades TK-10466 "starsaber25" Provost Marshall Hello Troopers Deployment Officers With Unquestioned Loyalty Sha Sha Chu TK-19233 "shashachu" Senior Deployment Officer With Unquestioned Loyalty Daniel Melin TK-99665 "TheSwede" Senior Deployment Officer With Unquestioned Loyalty Mike Souza TK-11463 "msouza" Deployment Officer With Unquestioned Loyalty Joseph Pedigo TK-10963 "justjoseph63" Deployment Officer The FISD is pleased to announce the addition of a new area in the Advanced Tactics forum dedicated to those ready to submit for basic 501st TK approval. This section will allow future Troopers the opportunity to submit photos of their completed build to be reviewed by the Staff, Imperial Attaches and others in preparation for forwarding it to their GML for approval. Any and all advice/suggestions given will be specific, constructive, helpful and respectful. Please note that this program will NOT take the place of your local GML, as Detachments are not chartered for costume approval and can not override a GMLs decision, but is instead a peer review program designed to help you look your best and offer guidance and positive feedback. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your completed armor, weapons (if applicable), accessories, etc. and get accurate information from the experts here at the FISD.. the definitive home of TKs worldwide. For more information on this program, please visit the link here Contributor Awards Greeting fellow Troopers, Don't forget to visit our 3D section when next surfing the FISD forums, there is plenty of useful information to potentially help you on your next TK adventure. You may be a designer wishing to showcase your latest designs or prints, or maybe looking for a file to print your very own Blaster or Laser Axe. You might be feeling may generous and share with our community a new TK related 3D file and maybe win yourself a 3D contributors award so check out the details below and be part of the in house 3D community. Keep your eyes on this guy: Bsati from the German Garrison is working on updating his TFA helmet files, he's making great progress and we truly appreciate his transparency and skills shown with his work. Keep up the great work Trooper Take a look at his progress. Main forum title: 3D Parts and Technical Sub topics: 3D Printer owners Your place to discuss what printer/s you own, recommendations, tech talk and the like, It’s a place to learn something new 3D CAD Designers Home of talented 3D cad designers, show off your 3D renders, of FISD related costume parts and accessories. Offer help and advice on programs, or offer to commission a piece for a fellow member 3D File Depository A home for 3D file sharing, Troopers helping Troopers is what this section is all about; yes a single location to keep any 3D files offered up by our extremely generous membership. This will be a 501st member’s only section and rules will apply to any usage of the content. I will be looking for content to continue the growth of these new sections so If you are interested in helping drive the 3D forums, then please send me a PM and let’s get the threads and the filament flowing. 3D printer heads will understand that last comment Here is a link to the FISD 3D Contributor program. With Unquestioned Loyalty Andrew Franke TK-11469 "Sly11" PRO - Awards & Twitter Don't forget to create a troop log here on FISD and get awarded for your adventures The list of accomplished troopers keeps growing, so get on board and register your troops today. We understand not everyone can help build multiple sets of armour for their fellow troopers, nor own a 3D printer or have the time and skill set to design and offer free 3D files to the detachment. There is however one thing we all can do, and that is troop. Here is your opportunity to stand and be recognised for simply trooping in your TK. We're rolling out a new award system to encourage and reward our members who take the time to post up their field training exercises and keep a troop log. As you attend events and post logs, you'll earn these shiny profile badges, here are a few: Keep the troop logs coming folks, not only can you earn the badge but you can show others your favorite troops. You know we love photos here on the forums. Simply start (or update!) your troop log, keep the running total in the title, and post (at least!) a date and name for the official 501st event where you wore your TK! Once you've hit a milestone count, go over to the "Field Exercise Awards -- Post your milestones here" thread to request your profile be updated! Simple, right? Troop log title examples: Milestone post example: Milestone and Troop Log Title: [100] TK12345 My troop log Date and Event: 8/23/2019 -- Death Star Cooking Class FAQ: Do my past troops count? Yes! You can update your troop log thread with all your past events for credit Is there any costume requirement?You have to have attended the event in a costume that falls under the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment for credit. We love pictures from any events with white armor though, so even if you attended an event in another costume with stormtroopers present don't hesitate to show off!Do I have to include pictures?Pictures are not required, but are highly encouraged! Your picture may end up in the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame Award Recipients January - February TK81489 "Imperial FoST" Corey - TK21999 "NeoNines" - David TK21175 "Hotel" Jim - TK71508 "nukem25rs" Mike - --- --- --- --- --- --- Congratulations troopers and keep on trooping With Unquestioned Loyalty Andrew Franke TK-11469 "Sly11" PRO - Awards & Twitter The FISD Master Armorer program is an optional, detachment only incentive award to recognize individuals who have directly helped another 501st stormtrooper to achieve Expert Infantry status. Some people spend countless hours helping others, and want to reward their results as well as incentivizing new people to help as well. To register a “win” in the program, the assistance must have provided hands-on help trimming, building, and/or fitting of said armor for the person who was awarded Expert Infantry status. Other program notes: • Helping remotely, giving advice, or taking payment in exchange for help does not account, all work must be voluntary and without expectation of compensation. • The assistance must be for a period of 30 minutes or more. Spending 15 minutes tweaking someone’s fitting or taking photos does not count. • "wins" can be retroactive, e.g. if you helped 5 people in 2017 already, those can count as long as they are fully documented. Award Levels • 5+ “wins”: FISD Armorer Badge • 15+ “wins” FISD Senior Armorer Badge • 25+ “wins” FISD Master Armorer Badge The process • Person applying for the award will create an application thread to track the help they give. • For each “win”, they will list the person they helped achieve Expert Infantry status by copying their EI approval thread. • For each “win”, the person who was helped will validate that this person helped them. You can find the master award area here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/182-fisd-master-armorer-program/ With elections starting at the end of February it's time to check your detachment affiliation. OK so you look at your Legion profile and it shows that your detachment affiliation to FISD is pending, or otherwise incorrect. Why does this happen, and what is detachment affiliation anyway, and what will FISD do about it? The answer is that detachment affiliation is only ever used once a year, and for one purpose. The only time the Legion ever uses it for anything is to determine who can run for DL and who can vote in detachment elections. That's it. Otherwise it is pretty much ignored and not used for anything. The process of validating detachment membership is cumbersome and time consuming because people use different email information between their Legion and detachment logins, and that there is no way to bulk update the rosters. For a small detachment it is not a big deal to do this manually, but for a detachment the size of FISD with hundreds and soon thousands of 501st members, it's impossible. Fortunately we have technical folk both on FISD and in the Legion web team. Once a year they take a feed from FISD's database and do a bulk update on the Legion database. This occurs right before the election cycle starts and is done once per year. Pro tips: 1) Ensure the email address you use on the Legion & FISD boards are the exact same. 2) Ensure that your FISD profile has the correct TKID. 3) IMPORTANT! You MUST be in the right security group. It should be "501st Stormtrooper" in order for the automated system to pull you over. This thread is where you get your detachment access updated. 4) If after the bulk update is complete and your profile is still not updated, and you are 100% sure your info is in sync between the two boards, then ask for to the Legion web team. They should get feedback on why this isn't working. 5) If all else fails, ping the FISD staff. Which basically means that we'll simply tell the 501st web team to bulk approve everyone 6) If still you have no luck you can contact the legion web team directly via email: lwm@501st.com To check detachment affiliation go to the 501st Mb database here then click Your Profile Data. FISD affiliation shows "pending" contact our DL @Alay and request a manual update. 2020 Legion Election Timeline Voting is well underway and you have until Wednesday 12th February @ 11.59pm GMT to have your say. Transition period will take place after then and the new DL and their staff will take office on Monday 17th February @ 12.01am GMT Election Issues/Access You may reach the Legion Election Moderators by emailing elections@501st.com Link to legion election here Currently (as of 7th February ) there are 28,991 approved costumes in the legion, out of these under FISD there are 5,495 which is 18.95% of all approved 501st costumes. Interestingly this is the second time this number has fallen under 20%, the larger the legion costume totals grows the smaller amount of TK's there are. Thank you to all of you troopers who have been filling the “Field Exercises” with a plethora of pictures and your experiences.As the curator of these halls, it has been epic to stroll through and see each trooper’s hard work - my bucket of to you all.With that being said, Troopers please welcome TK - 73705 Nik to the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame! With Unquestioned Loyalty Aaron Gibson TK-99725 "Pyrates" Curator Hall of Fame Greetings Troopers. The Fire Team program is completely optional, and is intended to help form a common identity and spirit of camaraderie among 501st Legion stormtroopers in the same geographic area/garrison that troop together. Fire Teams are not officially recognized by the 501st Legion nor the FISD, although they will be able to access a Fire Team sub-forum on the detachment website. Because Fire Teams are unofficial groups, they cannot have any 501st or FISD markings, including 501st Legion, 501st, Legion logos, Vader's Fist etc. on their branding or logos. However, Teams will be allowed to use any unique markings at informal events provided they follow these guidelines. Guidelines No 501st or FISD markings. Period. Any active Legion member with a valid stormtrooper costume in the specified geographic area can join. The Team can create a name, logo, backstory, etc. for itself (names usually contain Fire Team, though this isn't required). A list of each Team (with their specific "Teams Name") with a current list their members will be kept in the Fire Team sub-forum on the Detachment website. A Team member must troop at least twice per year to maintain status as a member. Two or more Team members must troop together once per year to keep the group active. Merchandising Again, no 501st or FISD markings. Merchandising will only be limited by the imagination of the Fire Team. Any merchandising should be submitted to the detachment, or through proper Legion channels. A master list of all Fire Team merchandise (with photos) will be posted in the Fire Team sub-forum. If any of these guidelines are violated, the group will be disbanded. Here is a link to the Fire Team area: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/130-fire-team-area/ 501st membership is needed to view this area. This is a great program that is strictly just for fun and it also allows fellow TK's get to know each other better. I would love to help any Garrison/area get a Fire Team started, just let me know what I can do to help. If you would like to register a Fire Team here is the link In other business, just a reminder, if you have an addition, removal or any other change in you Fire Team's status, send me a PM here and I'll get you all squared away. Who would have thought when this program started it would progress so well that we now see our 50th Fire Team, congratulations to Southern California Garrison (Southern California) - Fire Team Heavy Hitters. Recently Approved Fire Teams # 56 Allow me to introduce our 56th Fire Team: Burning River Fire Team!! Region: Illinois (Midwest Garrison) Name: Fighting 21st - - - - - - - - - - - - - For the full list of Fire Teams head here With Unquestioned Loyalty Mark Ryner TK-4584 "captsafe66 " FISD/Fire Team Director January - February A few troops from around the globe Rise of Skywalker @ Lemoore NAS By: Rebecca, TK29118, "Sharkbait" William Jeanse Memorial Library Star Wars Day By: A.J., TK51351, "A.J.Hamler" Worcester Railers Hockey Star Wars Night By: Nicholas, TK263299 "Silentperformance" Star Wars Night at the Surrey Eagles By: Andrew, TK76271 "MissionTrooper" Serve proudly, ladies and gentlemen, and as Tim (Dark CMF) says: "Keep doing what it is that got you here"! Are you an approved TK that spends more time on the boards than the average Trooper? Do you enjoy using your knowledge to help out future and existing Troopers? If so, we would like to invite you to join the Imperial Attaché program! Members of the I.A. team are chosen to help out not only those here on the boards, but on a local level as well. Our aim is to have at least one in each and every Garrison, Squad and Outpost in the entire legion to be the eyes and ears of the FISD on a local level. A suggested level of EIB or above is preferred, as part of the duties include assisting those aiming for levels 2 and 3, but is not a requirement. Being active on the boards on a regular basis , welcoming new members and helping out where you can is, though. Some of the benefits: 1. Access to exclusive Attaché merch., including patches, etc. 2. Having the Imperial Attaché title under your name. 3. Being a part of the team that welcomes new and prospective members of the FISD. 4. Being the "go-to" person in your Garrison, Squad or Outpost. 5. Exclusive access to the Attaché HQ area, Imperial Propaganda Machine (newsletter) and merchandise discussions. We are currently in need of Attaches in many units, especially International Garrisons/Squads and Outposts. For more information on this program, please head here and if you should have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at any time. (Pretzel) For a complete list of Imperial Attaches, go here IMPERIAL ATTACHE AWARD Imperial Attaché Award for those attaché's who have gone above and beyond [minimum 1 year of service] You can find a list of prior recipients here ATTACHE MERCHANDISE Attaché Patch For those of you on the Imperial Attaché staff, the official I.A. patches are available Here are the details.. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! Patches will be limited to TWO per person, and will only be sold to those who are currently serving FISD Imperial Attaches. These patches have been graciously DONATED to the FISD, so all you will need to do is cover the cost of shipping and PP fees, which will be $1.00 each for those in the U.S. and P.R. and $1.50 each for those outside the U.S. What a deal! Thank you Joseph @justjoseph63for looking after these. You can find the thread here ATTACHE ROCKER For those of you on the Imperial Attaché staff, the official I.A. rockers are now available. Link below Attaché Ambassador Greetings troopers, As the elections come to a close and I hang my Attache Ambassador hat, I sit back and reflect on my career here with the 501st Legion and FISD. It now seems all one big adventure blur. To an eager recruit (sometimes it felt like that armor would never arrive) to a Stormtrooper trooping every other weekend, to soon a staff member donating his time to serve and promote the FISD and do the best he could to live by the FISD's motto: "Troopers Helping Troopers!" In closing, I hope to see you all continue to assist and help your fellow trooper to accomplish their goals! I will see you around on the boards TK's! Maybe we will meet at celebration Thank You for an incredible time as your Ambassador. I was proud to represent you all. Troop on! "Keep Doing What got you here!" With Unquestioned Loyalty Preston Christman TK-91488 "Pretzel" PRO Lead - Attaché Ambassador So what exactly are EIB (Expert Infantry Badge) and Centurion levels? These programs were designed for those who choose to take their armor above and beyond the minimum requirements for basic 501st Legion approval. It gives you the chance to show a level of dedication and pride that takes your armor closer to being as "screen accurate" as possible, without as much extra work as you may realize! It also works on giving a better look to the Legion as an entity, and you can bet others will take notice of your hard work. The 501st has a list of detailed requirements for Basic approval, (level 1), EIB, (level 2) and Centurion, (level 3) which can be found here in the Costume Reference Library, (CRL) http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:FISD_CRL Here are a few of the questions people may be wondering about: 1. "I am a (tall/short/heavy/thin) Trooper. Can I still apply? Of course! These programs are open and encouraged for all sizes of TKs, as long as the costume is correct and meets the guidelines. There are many specific build tutorials to every option, as well as a vast network of fellow TKs on the FISD to help you out and offer suggestions. 2. "How much extra will I have to pay for extra items"? The cost is actually quite reasonable, considering the few extra supplies you will need, which are listed in the requirements area. While it may run you a little more to implement these additions to your costume, they will go a long way to improving accuracy. All needed items can be found for sale on this thread: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/16-ongoing-sales-project-orders/ While blasters are not required for basic approval, for EIB and Centurion levels they are, and may need upgrades (also listed in the CRL). 3. "I haven't even got my kit yet, is it too early to start planning"? Actually, aiming for Centurion is easiest to do right out of the box. 4. "I have my basic TK approval, can I still get in these programs"? In a word... absolutely! 5. "Are there any "perks" to this extra work and cost"? Besides knowing that you have a great looking set of armor, the 501st and FISD believes you should be deservedly recognized for your achievement(s), and allows you to wear the appropriate embroidered "rocker" badge of rank (available for a very minimum cost) on your shirt, helmet bag, etc., as well as rank decals to put on your armor bin. You will also have access to select "challenge coin" runs, receive (free) a cool certificate for your new rank, and have your title posted below your name in your FISD signature. Plus, once you reach these levels, you will have the extra knowledge to help out those who are looking to apply as well. 6. "Is it hard to apply, and what happens then"? After basic approval, all you do is make sure your armor is up to the standards set forth in the CRL, post a thread with the required photos in the appropriate area (see below), and wait a bit for the D.O.s (Deployment Officers) to address it. (Hint: Studying other people's threads before you submit can be a GREAT help). These are also listed on the main page of the FISD site. While waiting for approval, you will get some comments from others who will offer suggestions and constructive advice to help you out. If you should need any changes, the DOs will let you know, so you can adjust accordingly. Don't be dismayed if you do need changes... it's all for your benefit! After you are approved for EIB, then you can submit for Centurion. EIB https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/19-request-expert-infantryman-status/ Centurion https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/72-request-centurion-status/ Just remember that the FISD is here to help you every step of the way with whatever other questions you may have, but if you can't seem to find what you are looking for in your research, just ask away here on the forum. This area lists all those who have gone above and beyond basic approval toward screen accuracy. FOR January - February the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment would like to congratulate: Expert Infantry Badge Award: Carsten "Sidius" TK22672 EIB 952 Ardeshir "euuspolo" TK43128 EIB 3rd GREAT job on your approval, now on to Level 3! Request your free EIB certificate here Centurion Badge Award: Ardeshir "euuspolo" TK43128 EIB 3rd Outstanding job on reaching Centurion, Troopers! Request your free Centurion certificate here If you see any of these Troopers around your Garrison or Squad, be sure to congratulate them! As many of you are aware, the FISD is currently in our March to 1000 program. Our goal is to reach the one thousand mark of Troopers who have earned their Expert Infantry Badge, and although we are well on our way to this goal and have just reached the 952 mark! The amount of approved submissions is increasing thanks to the dedication of those willing to go the "extra mile" toward screen accuracy. Here is a brief description of EIB as written by Paul (Daetrin), our founder: "Expert Infantryman status is not required for members of this detachment. It should be viewed as an optional set of requirements for those who wish to take the accuracy of their costumes to the next level, and be recognized accordingly. We're a costuming club - think of it as an award for costuming excellence and you get the picture. The requirements will not replace or supersede 501st standards, but only serve as an inspiration for the level of accuracy that can be achieved. The standards are meant to be high but achievable..." Besides the added pride you will have in your armor, those reaching this level can purchase exclusive EIB gear (patches, decals, coins etc.) and get a free certificate for your accomplishment. If you are interested or would like more information about the program head here that will help. You can also contact myself "Pretzel" or any Imperial Attaché, and we will be more than happy to assist you! Greetings troopers. Racing Shirt fulfillment is under way - most of you in the USA should have received your shirts by now, and all other areas are in transit. Please do no hesitate to reach out to the shirt fulfillment team (myself, @TK-42134 and @Disco) with any issues. With Unquestioned Loyalty Brien Edick TK-92802 "Harbinger" Executive Officer - Merchandise & Branding Officer Lead Public Relations With Unquestioned Loyalty Preston Christman TK-91488 "Pretzel" PRO Lead - Attaché Ambassador Newsletter Hi all this could very well be my last newsletter for the time being, I would just like to say thank you for the support and comments I've received over the time of newsletter PRO, it's been a pleasure to serve this community, in my mind one of the best in the legion. Thank you all With Unquestioned Loyalty Glen "Q" Rhodes TK-85421 "gmrhodes13" PRO Newsletter Facebook With Unquestioned Loyalty Daniel Lauber TK-55550 "Ripper_L" PRO Facebook - Editor at Large Instagram With Unquestioned Loyalty Preston Christman TK-91488 "Pretzel" PRO Lead - Attaché Ambassador With Unquestioned Loyalty Teresa Nuthall TK-41307 "Soulart" PRO Instagram Twitter With Unquestioned Loyalty Andrew Franke TK-11469 "Sly11" PRO - Awards & Twitter Facebook Group With Unquestioned Loyalty Tim Waychoff TK-51878 “Dark CMF” PRO Director Facebook Don't Forget We're on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor Facebook Group: 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) Official Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st Instagram: www.instagram.com/fisd501st On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff and the Imperial Propaganda Department
    3 points
  2. Thanks guys. Didn't think this would come out that good. Now I have to add the right power cylinders.
    3 points
  3. Troop 87 Date:02/08/2020Location:YMCA2775 Hendersonville RdArden, NC 28704United StatesDescription of Event (Please share as much info as you can):Mission complete- Make A Wish Troop for Creed went well ... Carolina Garrison teamed up with members from Garrison Tyranus and Mando Mercs to award him with a special plaque, stormtrooper helmet, E-11 and lots of cool toys ... he was extremely surprised and had a blast..now he is gearing up for his amazing galactic adventure at Walt Disney World thanks to the Make-A-Wish foundation.
    3 points
  4. Troop 104: 02/10/2020 Boy Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet - Tigard, OR (215th troop overall)
    2 points
  5. Oh yeah they are black on the other side, should've shown that, thanks for the heads up though
    2 points
  6. Troop Number 63 December 21st, 2019 Premiere Cinemas Lubbock, TX Star Wars Weekend Red Carpet Premiere
    2 points
  7. Welcome to the FISD!! If you haven done so I would start by reading this section here! You’ll find just about everything you think of when it comes to getting started and your armor needs! You'll also find a very useful checklist that our Deployment Officer Just Joseph of what you’ll need other then that amazing white shiny stuff. I found that personally it came in extremely helpful for my build. Once that has been all decided upon then I would dive into our EIB / Centurion sections and find out which a little extra effort you can get on screen accuracy. Hope that helps point you in the right direction, I know its a ton of information and a good size financial commitment so if any other questions come up feel free to ask. Its why we’re here “ Troopers helping Troopers” Best of luck in your journey.
    2 points
  8. Ok. This seems to work. Some little things have to be done. T-Tracks and the scope. But for now I'm quite happy with my first build. Which took me around a week.
    2 points
  9. Hi! Sick of photobucket being a slow, bloated piece of bantha poodoo (that now apparently charges you insane amounts for external hosting)? Wish you could just upload some images to your build thread to show off your sweet-an impolite person testfit of your armor after you've done all the strapping and not use 50% of that time closing popups? FEAR NOT! PSA: Keep a backup of your images! No one can predict the future, Imgur may not always be around (or may hold your images hostage like Photobucket). 1) CLICK THIS TO GO TO IMGUR.COM (Or you could click the mouse wheel, which opens any link in a new tab) 2) Make an account: 3) Fill in your stuff or use Facebook/Google whatever: 4) Go to your images: 5) Find your awesome picture: 6) Drag and drop your awesome picture right onto Imgur (or use CTRL C+V): 7) Click your newly uploaded picture: 8) Click the Copy button on the BBCode section: It will flash green and stuff, welcome to the future! This baby's almost ready for paint! Pretty painless! It also has albums, ability to auto-resize, you can even select several pictures from your folders and just drag them all onto Imgur. Pictures are hosted on imgur, and you are merely linking to them by posting them using this method. If you remove it from imgur, it will be removed from anywhere else you posted it using the link. Here's what all the sections do: Image Link: Links to the image, but on Imgur. [EXAMPLE] Direct Link: Links directly to the image, and nothing but the image. [EXAMPLE] Markdown Link: Formatting for Reddit comments, disregard this one. HTML: For embedding your picture onto your website. HTML Code. BBCode: For embedding your picture onto forums (like FISD and 99% of all other forums). Linked BBCode: Same as above but with a clickable picture that leads to the picture on Imgur. [Example below, click it!] HOW TO RESIZE YOUR PHOTOS FROM YOUR SMARTPHONE/CAMERA IF YOU HAVE BANTHA POODOO INTERNET CONNECTION (WINDOWS ONLY): If you're like me, you have a sub-par internet connection and a "regular" smartphone. Smartphones takes pictures with a large file size and it is not optimal for us with a bad connection wanting to upload it for web viewing. 3.5mb takes a long time to upload, so let's shrink those files while still keeping it high quality for the web. 1) Open up the pic in MS Paint Right clicking the image and clicking edit should open up the selected pic in Paint. If you highlight multiple images and do this, it should open an instance of paint for every selected pic. 2) Resize in Paint Click the "resize" button in MS Paint. You'll see this: Click TAB once and it should highlight the number, making you able to type into the field. I usually resize my pics from my Samsung S8 by 40-50%. Press OK (or just hit enter) and it should resize. Now you can go to File->Save/Save As.. or simply just press CTRL+S to overwrite and save to the file you opened. Now it only takes a few seconds to upload a picture, instead of a minute. Time saved that you can use on removing excess E6000 glue from your coverstrips If you have any questions i'll do my best to answer them. Ensi out!
    1 point
  10. Hey guys my name is sebastian and can't wait to join the 501st in the future. I just recently got my FOTK armor and all I need is my helmet and boots unfortunately lol. However, I'm still not giving up my process on joining the 501st. Just wanna say hello and can't wait to meet great people within this community. I live in Orange County, California btw lol.
    1 point
  11. Hello there I'm a new member here and since december a member of the 501st Family in Switzerland.
    1 point
  12. EMAIL PROBLEM RESOLVED!!!!! Thank you all for helping out Mark (AP)
    1 point
  13. Dang, I didn't expect so much welcome. Thanks for all the encouragement!
    1 point
  14. new email sent from yahoomail. cheers
    1 point
  15. It is Gmail. Just sent one from a Yahoo address I don’t use as often but it works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. you're right. cool mate. keep on doing a great build.
    1 point
  17. Great !! I think you're in the right path mate. The butt conecctions looks good . Another detail is about the Belt ,if you want to have a more screen accurate look, you may consider that for level 3, the crl states "The top of the ABS ammo belt should sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels." Cheers
    1 point
  18. Hey everyone! Me and Dad have been hard at work! We have made alot of progress. Got some tubes of the legendary E-6000: Got some rubber gloves: So we found the butt plate stuck out over the kidney plate, so we put some tabs on the inside: And we started to build the arms, here is the right one: And finally we finished the shoulder strapping: So that is wat we've been up to. Dad is getting more and more excited to get his armour soon. We still haven't moved onto the legs, but we will once the arms are done!
    1 point
  19. send again through another account.
    1 point
  20. Hello and Welcome to FISD. May I ask, where are you from? Beside research here, you can contact to local unit (Garrison, Outpost, Squad) or Imperail Attache in your area. I'm sure they will help you and discuss about your planning to be a Stormtrooper
    1 point
  21. A great result Andreas - and done in record time! I really like the weathered look of this blaster. Well done.
    1 point
  22. Progress. Had my wife help me with painting, I suck at painting. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Welcome! Mark (AP)
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Hey AJ welcome to the FISD. FOTK isn't too bad. Yea it's a bit advance than the OTTK (older TKs) but there are plenty of build threads and countless folks here to help.
    1 point
  26. Hello all, have been super busy, I haven't died! Update post coming soon. Is it possible to trim the bottom of the shoulder bells off so you can see more of the bicep? Thanks!
    1 point
  27. hey that’s my photo! look mom, my photo made the newsletter!!
    1 point
  28. Hello AJ, Welcome to FISD.
    1 point
  29. Some hand guard references
    1 point
  30. I'm also confused as to what the GML is asking you to do about those handguards. Cutting them down? That would be... weird? :/ From what I can see in your pics, the latex handguards look like they could be glued down more along the edges, thereby creating a curve that fits the back of your hand. My hands are very small as well, and I troop in rubber gloves with latex handguards. I had to glue the handguards down to the gloves with a curve in them so they didn't flare out. That flare from the flat handguard may be what's causing the proportions to look off. To get the curve, I placed a large bottle of Novus polish inside the glove as a base. Make sure that the handguard doesn't go beyond the knuckles when you make a fist (mark your handguard locations first before gluing!). I then used Loctite plastic bonder to glue the latex guard on. It's a two-step system that works ridiculously well to adhere that handguard to the rubber glove. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y3LHXW After prepping your surfaces with Step 1, apply the glue (Step 2) sparingly and in one small location at a time to ensure adhesion and prevent seepage outside of the handguard. It all goes pretty quick. When you're done, your handguard will remain stuck with a curve on your glove. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38416-crickets-rs-stunt-build-for-the-vertically-challenged/?do=findComment&comment=538665 Oh, and I've found that Trooperbay sells pretty thin latex handguards if you're needing a thinner set. They're full-sized, just thinner than what I see in your pics.
    1 point
  31. (8) 02/08/2020 C4 Cochise College Comic-Con Sierra Vista TK W/ CDZ4861, CDRO4877
    1 point
  32. Thanks, Tony. Much appreciated. It’s no trouble - I’ve really enjoyed documenting this build. :-)
    1 point
  33. Welcome to the FISD. Always nice to have a knowledgeable handler around, but a Phasma build would be pretty cool... .
    1 point
  34. So as I have been hanging out on facebook droid sites, I was asking around about a cut acrylic piece for choppers leds on the side of his head. I finally did get in touch with a guy whose post I originally saw but unfortunately, the sizes did not match. (Droids don't have CRLs so it's all up to artistic expression) This droid not being as popular as R2 definitely has a bunch of builds with differences some subtle and some obvious. A few days latter a fellow chopper builder reached out and said she would give it a try. She had me visit her etsy shop. Purchase some lenses for another item and remark that I needs this cut for my chopper. Well what I received soon after was amazing. The fit was spot on. The thing that impressed me the most about this whole deal was I basically gave her a drawing with some general dimensions on a piece of paper, hand drawn. This is what I got back! Blown away.
    1 point
  35. Looking good. If your gonna trim the shins start off with small amounts. 100 small cuts is better then one big cut too much Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. I appreciate the gif there, no need to be harsh about it. I'll try to attach that to the original post. I'm not sure what the argument is about, the point is that something is being pointed out that was hard to show in the past, but now am able to bring it to light.
    1 point
  37. Date:09/29/2019Location:Greenville First Assembly1105 Haywood rd.Greenville, South Carolina29615Description of Event (Please share as much info as you can):Greenville First Assembly hosted an At The Movies sermon series at their church during the month of September. September 29th was Star Wars Day! They decking out their church lobby and stage in all things Star Wars.Everyone loved seeing storm troopers, droids, boba fett and Darth Vader walking around the campus.
    1 point
  38. Super excited. The second kit arrived today, so my son has his BBB now too! One the the Garrison Armours offered to help us next weekend, so off to a great start! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Troop #8 - 13/05/2017 - Yaxley Festival (5 hours in Armour) This was a fun one. The call came in that Warwick Davis wanted a lot of TKs for a festival he's a patron of. Despite being a bit of a peak period the UKG provided a number of fine TKs along with a selection of TIE, TIE Reserve, Shoretroopers, Imperial Guard and an Ewok (because why not). Rebel Legion were also invited and provided a selection of X & Y wing pilots, ROTJ rebels, a Jawa and an ANH Leia. Warwick was on stage speaking to the crowd when the garrison was deployed to interrupt him. After a few sketchy moments getting up the wet steps we marched on to the stage whist Warwick talked Star Wars for a bit. Yaxley Fesitval by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr The crowd was pretty large and the response to our appearance was really good. Yaxley Fesitval by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr After the stage appearance we made our way into the event arena for the usual meet and greet mix of high fives, selfies and arrests. Yaxley Fesitval by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr This was a new event for us but really was an excellent day. Whilst I didn't get to meet Warwick properly, I just stood behind him for 10 minutes, due to timings not working out it was awesome to be able to take part. I am hoping this one becomes a regular in future. Edit: A couple more photo's I'm in by one of of the spotters (https://www.facebook.com/Funkstercosplay/) Yaxley Fesitval (by Funkster Cosplay) Yaxley Fesitval (by Funkster Cosplay)
    1 point
  40. Hey Joseph: Something to perhaps add to your list: The Green welder shields (or similar) that people are using to make replacement lenses for their helmets. Or whatever you may have that's comparable. I've been trying to nail down a link to a specific product, but I've been striking out so far.
    1 point
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