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About Daetrin

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    Detachment Founder | Keeper of Archives

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    Wishing I was in Hawaii


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    FISD Founder

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    Garrison Titan

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  1. Just my $02, but you look amazing! Would be proud to troop next to you anytime. Well done, sir!
  2. The deployment officers are the experts on this costume, but it gets a big thumbs up from me at least. You look fantastic - well done you!
  3. Yup, sure did. Easiest money I ever spent, and I was up and running again in a few minutes.
  4. Well, this is my opinion only. I'm no longer the owner of the CRLs, so will need to defer to detachment leadership to weigh in on if its official or not.
  5. Thanks so much! I'd be inclined to think it would be acceptable since it's not just a "face" character. The differences between ANH Hero & Stunt are subtle and only seen on a small handful of troopers besides Han & Luke, yet we allow both. So on that logic, it would seem equivalent to me.
  6. OK, I've been out of FOTK costuming for some time and don't remember this at all back in the day. What is the Finn cut if I can ask? Pix are helpful.
  7. Daetrin

    FISD Memes

    The old FX & RT Mod kits were actually much, much easier to build. They came 100% pre-trimmed, no butt joins, no cover strips. Just glue, velcro, and go for the most part.
  8. There is a discussion thread on recasting and the differences between "good" and "bad" in another thread. This conversation is best continued there.
  9. Yup, all valid points. Hopefully another vendor will offer them, as you guys can tell Hero is my fave look, followed by ESB. I have a stunt helmet but tbh do not troop in it nearly ever.
  10. Actually it depends on who makes the lenses. Mike Appling made some for one of my hero helmets and they worked out great. Also, some folks offer replacement ears so you can take a regular helmet and do the hero option. Note that you would either need to sand and paint t to smooth out the cap and back if you want perfection or leave it bumpy for good enough. It has been years since I last shopped for armor but at one point TM Troopermaster was #1 at least for armor and hero helmets, and TE2 for stunt helmets.
  11. I would do a lot to get a copy of thisk.
  12. Well, that's what my wife would do when I die. A good reason to have some type of document written up, else 1000's of $$ will be chucked in the bin. I don't have an eye for this like Terrell or Wyatt used to who could spot in seconds the exact make, but as noted others do. $50 is a sweet deal.
  13. The two most memorable trooping moments for me were 1) The first time I ever went to Emerald City Comic Con. This was before the event was big and when my garrison was pretty small. No one wanted to troop it so my fellow TD Brian Sasaki & I went on our own. We got all of 5' inside the door and were mobbed for photos by at least 10 minutes, and couldn't even move. I've never been so mobbed for photos since. They ended up using our pix in promos on their website. This was 2006. 2) Rose Parade, 2007. Being flown out to California for a week, 4 men crammed into a room with 2 beds, Germans, Brits, and Belgians trying to see who can stay up the latest at the bar. Not much for sleep but yeah being able to march 5 miles in full armor with 200 other troopers from around the world. And as you can see all the memories, the impromptu football, etc. Nothing else has come close.
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