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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Parquette

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    Springfield, Illinois

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Midwest Garrison

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  1. Awesome. I think the main areas of concern for flex on a given R1TK/FOTK/Remnant would be the thighs, shins, and cod. This is why leather pieces would be great substitutes (even allow sitting) If a chest piece was made, that'd be even better. Will report back with pics once I get a good test piece
  2. Like the title says... I've been upgrading my R1TK armor, and by trade I am a leather holster worker. I have to do the wet moulding, dying, all of it. This all means that I've once or twice looked at the flexible urethane TK's of the new films/shows, and thought, "surely hardened leather would work as a budget flexible substitute for the expensive urethane?" So before I go and make some parts, resubmit my armor for approval and hope no one notices, I come here for y'all's two cents: Could there be a future where if the leather was prepared right, painted right, and accurate, that it could be approvable? Especially considering there are ways to remove the leather surface grain, and painting a consistent glossy surface (think techniques painters use on rubber parts of Iron Man cosplays). It wouldn't be anything like foam cosplays, since there's less room for precise details.
  3. Glyn Dillon (costume designer for the new TK) recently shared this for May the 4th. Let the research commence! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jYQ6iNlnQ/?img_index=1
  4. I was the fifth one approved in the legion I'm still around, just slowly upgrading elements of my suit. Pictured on my profile is from an event in 2018 where I got to guard a R1 Heavy Tank in a parade!
  5. I for one think we need a CRL for this, considering the production heavily considered this not only on the Mandalorian, but I believe on ROS as well? We have a concept art CRL for the Macquarrie trooper after all
  6. Hot dang this might be one of the best R1TK's I've seen done yet! Fantastic job! If I may, the only thing of note I would adjust before submitting for approval would be the calves. They appear to have plenty of room towards the top, and you might want to take them in to diminish the gap. Other than that, I'd say you're pretty well set!
  7. Maybe for future episodes, members should be selected for their passion in their armor, and determination to get cast in the role.
  8. Damn, thisis awesome. What do we R1TK's gotta do to get our suits in these shows??
  9. Still waiting for screenshots of said 501st scene...
  10. Another side note: The ribbed section of the undersuit has extended to the thighs, versus just the knee gaskets and ribbed shirt of the R1TK.
  11. So what're you, like a career TK extra? I think every time there's more TK's in these shows, you have more info? I'll give you some death sticks to inform us
  12. Holster shots (all photos below from Jim Hall). As a side note, I'm liking the weathering direction they're going with these. Blaster without flashlight. Looking at the rail it reminds me of the Hyperfirm blasters. Side note: Weathering variances above and below. Notice below the black weather scuffs all over the raised sections of the chest and shoulder bell.
  13. Aye, was looking at various other screenshots and all their abdomens are exactly the same way. Not to mention their holsters, and their e-11's no longer possessing flashlights now make this a unique variant of the Anthology TK.
  14. We'll see. It seems rather odd that the "buttons" on the TD are specifically singled out red sections? On another note, I noticed the abdominal box "square" no longer has the window section inside it. Photo from Jim Hall: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=560926212357428&set=oa.1243696676165600 R1: (as a side note this paint scheme is inacurrate. The window square button isn't blue, from everything I've seen it appears a dark green like the helmet lens.)
  15. So someone over at New Generation Stormtroopers fb group posted this Anthology TK from the Kenobi exhibit at Celebration (phew, that was a mouthful). Apparantly red marks on the TD? Photo taken by Justin Reed.
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