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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Nice work, a couple of things you could address next time you are kitting up is you have a large area of glove showing, you may want to drop those forearms a little to reduce this. There is some overlap of your ab over the back plate on the side photos, also on the other side your rivets aren't aligning. You could also drop your thighs a little, they appear to be just touching on the back photo, will help when walking to have a little more of a gap there, will also reduce the large area of black at the back of your knees. The bottom blue button on the large ab plate seems to have a lot more paint on it comparted to others, I'd suggest removing a little of the paint. Nice work, good luck with approval
  2. For cannon troops I prefer to look like a generic stormtrooper so I normally wear my stunt version so no commlink, for other troops I do like the hero version, a lot of younglings notice the commlink and grappling box and ask what they are, it's nice to get a conversation going with them. I've been lucky to attend 2 LFL cast troops here and each time I've submitted both hero and stunt stormtrooper photos and the stunt version was requested each occasion.
  3. A couple more images. Well the Jedha trooper ended up over at MEPD but this guy is completely clean, I'm sure it will be discussed by the DL's
  4. A lot of makers will sell spares have you tried contacting the maker of your armor?
  5. My first belt I had to adjust it's placement so I just added a little material on top of the holes and sewed it in place.
  6. Costume Approval Information - Legion Elections 2019 With the Legion election period about to start February 2nd, the membership database will be in lock down, during this time new member applications through your local garrison/outpost can not be finalized, you may however still submit them but they won't be processed until the end of this cycle. This does not affect the addition of any new costumes to an active members roster/profile, however it does affect any membership status changes ie: active / reserve / retired and any personal information updates. The period of membership database lockdown for 2019 starts Feb 1 and ends @ Feb 19 (GMT). Thank you for your attention.
  7. They are desperately trying to raise some money from their in stock items (that won't sell) to pay for producing armor for the backlog of FOTK orders. No that was not an official update
  8. You could also have an extra connection, I placed a snap behind the rivet, then added another snap set in nylon and glued in place, this gives you the added safety of an extra connection as well as the ability to open and close at the front, I find it is easier to access the front of the elastic when kitting up. What ever works for you but I can tell you there's nothing worse than being at a troop, kitting up and a connection fails, always a good idea to have a spare in those places which are prone to letting go
  9. Very nice. If the boots are a little too tight you can stuff with wet newspaper, really jam it in there then leave until they dry, I've done this to a few pairs and gave me just the extra room needed. Looking forward to the progress on your boots, good luck.
  10. Tape definitely helps with wayward magnets. Nice work.
  11. Nice work, one other thing is your calves are closing from the inside over the outsides, the normal way is the outsides should close over the insides calves, this is so the openings aren't seen from the outside Good luck with approval
  12. Everything in the Star Wars canon universe is vague, it's not there as a replication of structures in the real world and isn't there as an encyclopedia of the universe, we can all put our own interpretations into what it should be but apparently Star Wars isn't real, but many would wish it was, I for one, beats real life But canon is canon and is what the CRL's are based on so we have to go with those structures and details
  13. This is the "ideal look" but shouldn't hold you up for basic approval
  14. The "grey" is actually a mistake by a toy company and is really very dirty white, and as such is not considered canon Sandtroopers CAPTAIN – Orange Pauldron SERGEANT – White Pauldron PRIVATE – Black Pauldron First order OFFICER - Red SERGEANT - Black WHITE - Squad Leaders
  15. Going on past pieces of Star Wars being put out there I'll leave judgment until I actually see it on screen. With armor Disney/LFL isn't concerned with following exactly what has been used in the past, yes it would be great for us as fans to have the armor looking as if it followed a time lineage, heaven knows what the makers where thinking with the R1 stormtrooper, it should have resembled those seen in ANH not a completely different design. At least this stormtrooper looks excited to be there, just check out his cod
  16. Very nice work on those straps, you may be able to coat with a gloss clear to give the same appearance as the rest of the armor.
  17. You will find even with direct cable to aker you will get feedback if the volume is too high, have you tried testing at a lower volume and then turning up slowly to find when the feedback starts or are you getting feedback straight away at any level?
  18. As per the EI application guidelines you have missed one step, you need to have 501st Stormtrooper access on these forums before applying for EIB, link below Expert Infantry Application Guidelines Creating Application Post Request 501st membership status Good luck with your application
  19. Coming along nicely. Just in regards to the helmet it does appear you have the back plate a little too far back hence the big gap you had between the front and back, this make the ear position a lot further angled than normally seen. If you compare with the image below.
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