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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. There’s lots of build threads of others that had filled theirs . For me I used JB weld to join both sections on the side, does take 24 hrs to completely dry but it is solid, allows for some flex and is sandable. If you have any gaps or air holes you could then fill with Bondi or even ABS paste, there are so many options, just have a look through some builds. TD is there to cover the back join so you’ll have to seperate that somehow, hopefully it’s not too hard. Coming along nicely, keep it up.
  2. EVENT: Starlight Express Room Christmas Party LOCATION: Hospital Ave Nedlands DATE: Tuesday 18th December 2018 TIME: 12:30pm Troop: 1.30 to 5.30pm LANDSCAPE/WEATHER: Indoors TROOPERS: TK85421 - Q - gmrhodes13 TK59226 - Jerry - jezzapm TD84000 - Kevin - DARTH TROOPER TK671 - Mark - TK671d ID36367 - Luke - Gyurizon IG21897 - Johnathon - ImperialKanos WRANGLERS: Marie Liz REPORT: We arrived at the hospital, most of us on time, not me. We waited for the Transformers people to kit up, nearly an hour, tow of our troopers managed to squeeze in and do ward visits while the others waited to get kitted up. We then trooped, entertained and were basically awesome as we normally are. Made sure we kept those rebels at bay for Santa's arrival, lots of younglings lined up ready to see him. The hospital was a little quiet which was good to see, many younglings where happily able to get a pass over the Christmas break, for those that couldn't leave we at least brought a smile to their faces if only for a short while. With every hospital visit some of the ward visits can be a little confronting, those so young fighting so hard, can definitely bring a tear to the eye. A few more photos and then we where done, we wished everyone a Merry Christmas and then it was time to head back to the death star. CHARITY: NIL INJURIES: NIL ARMOR REPAIRS: if any armor needs fixing HAPPY PEOPLE: Everyone UNHAPPY PEOPLE: NIL MISSION STATUS: complete REPORT BY: PLUNK
  3. Firstly if you are newly approved you can request an access upgrade here. I would suggest having a read through the Trooper Survival Guide. I do advise caution when trooping out on your own, especially without a handler/wrangler/support there are many obstacles which you may not be aware and the last thing you want to do is turn and knock over a small child, having someone with you can be great assistance. I would also be cautious if you have no experience attending troops official or unofficial, there are guidelines with LFL have given us to follow which you may not be privy too but your command staff would be, I would definitely discuss this with them as already suggested. Some have had issues working with some charity groups in some parts of the world in the past for various reasons so make sure you have local command's blessing first. A former CO had always told us "yes it's your costume and you can do with it what you want when not representing the 501st but remember even though you attend unofficially and don't say you are 501st people will/can just assume you are" Just a FYI, bear in mind the following are some guidelines to follow when giving interviews as a 501st member: Interviews If you don't feel up to it or feel unprepared, don't hesitate to direct the interviewer towards a member of your unit command staff. When being interviewed by members of the press, or independent media producers it is important to maintain the distinction between Lucas Film and the 501st Legion. While we are typically happy to grant interviews requests for interviews need to be evaluated to make sure that we will not be put into a situation where we may be requested to speak on topics not related to the 501st. Legion. Lucas Film has requested that when conducting an interview we do so with "buckets off" to make a clear delineation between our membership and the characters we portray. For example it's appropriate for us to discuss specific charity involvement as a member but not appropriate for Darth Vader to say that "XYZ Foundation" is his favorite charity. Interview Tips Buckets off: Identify your self as a member of the 501st either by name or TK-ID. Avoid controversial topics: No discussions of Religious or Political issues. Promote the Legion in a favorable light. Be Positive: Don't comment negatively on other Costuming Groups and Star Wars organizations. We Build our own costumes: stress that our costumes are all fan made. Talking Points The Legion officially began in 1997. We currently have over 13,000 Active Members. The Legion currently occupies approximately 61 countries world wide. The 501st Legion is a totally volunteer organization How do I join: Visit www.501st.com and/or your garrison website. Discuss your Garrison troops and accomplishments. Discuss your Detachment Mention Kids and Fun. We don't "get paid to troop" : Mention our charitable contributions and activities
  4. Hey if it's fine with your garrison then it should be fine here, just doesn't hurt to ask
  5. Congratulations Ray. Big thanks for offering this Joseph, I do miss entering these ho ho ho
  6. Great photos thanks for sharing, just watch adding full names, I have been asked in the past to remove last names for local troopers for privacy reasons so make sure you check with everyone first
  7. When ever in doubt about a costumes detachment you can find a detailed list here also by detachment here
  8. As long as it meets centurion requirements, looks like screen used blasters and you spend some time getting rid of printing lines then there shouldn’t be an issue.
  9. Mate stay off eBay, head to the getting started section, lots of info there on vetted sellers.
  10. Helps when you have long arms and legs, although it's not ideal for the ideal Stormtrooper I do have a little more gap on my elbows and knees than most so I can bend a little more, so for me it's easy to get kitted up without help, people always look and say "how the hell do you do that". It also helps the way you unpack, I make sure helmet gloves, arms, blaster are up a bit higher, once that body section is on it is a little hard to bend down for those extra bits. I do find if I drop a glove I can still pick it up, I just have to do a half splits, it doesn't look pretty but it works . Sitting in a car I just wouldn't attempt, I'd never get out again, bet this trooper is still in there
  11. Yes as have I, but Dave mentioned he may try painting if he could find templates. Many of us have trooperbay decals, was the only place for Dave M’s at one stage
  12. I can sit on the edge of a bench/table or arm of a chair, being taller I just can’t fully sit in a chair. I have seen a few others sit in cars I can only imagine it would have been difficult to get in and out. If there is no change area we do car park changes, try to park away from others in secluded areas, it only takes 5 minutes to kit up these days so your not exposed for long, note it pays to turn up wearing your under suit
  13. Just note that the angle \\\\\ of the stripes shouldn't hold you up for basic approval, it's just the ideal look, I wouldn't pick it. You should be able to get your stickers off again, I have managed too in the past, I first apply some painters tape over the middle of the tube stripes, then with a sharp blade I ease from each edge of the stripes and slowly pull away, with patience they will peel off and then you can reapply. If you do decided to paint a good tip is to apply a base coat of white, this is in case you have any bleed through in the corners of the masking tape, the white will bleed and fill any gaps then you can go over with blue, I believe trooperbay sells masking templates.
  14. The front of the stripes are angled , if you look from the sides you have yours like this (back) \\\\\ (front) and they should ideally be like this (back) ///// (front) You can see in the images below:
  15. I feel your pain, we all go through it, every time you hear a vehicle your heart skips a beat in anticipation it is a mail delivery, then only to find it was a vehicle going to next door Hang in there it can't be too far away
  16. Or just right click on the image in Imgur, select copy, then paste directly into your post
  17. If they weren’t seen in the movies with them then they are not canon to that version of armor.
  18. Stick to the vetted sellers list, there’s a reason it’s there You can find it in the Getting Started section
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