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Everything posted by Lichtbringer

  1. Cool. I need one of those for my cinema, but never could find one for a good price (shipping and import mostly kills the deal).
  2. That´s cause they choosed a way to overoptimistic name for it. It´s next to no "reference" in it, it´s just a nice collection of build and upgrade tips for making the blaster, with most tips/technics nothing new for modelbuilders (but maybe for costumers). Reference is something with dimensions and appearances of the original, like Zeros (sadly unfinished) work, not nice looking alterations on copied parts. I hope he is well, wherever he may be.
  3. So sahen die billig hingeklatschten Requisiten aus. Schlampige Billigarbeit von Stümpern.
  4. I assume a lot of people would think it´s cool to see other things, things they have paid for long ago.
  5. Thanks, but other than building mine (with some special updates) i only machined the masters for casting of the greeblies. The main-work was done by my friend Markus, not only he did all the casting, he was also the one who paid the thousands for the real Simrad. Not sure if he still has some/one, just ask him. His username on the RPF is Odiwan72.
  6. Mine wasn´t a cheap alternative, but as a cast from a real Simrad with adding casts of real or precise replicated parts it´s definately a need to have for accuracy nuts. Closest to a real multi-thousand dollar real Simrad as possible.
  7. Und falls du jemanden in deiner Nähe findest der dir beim bauen helfen wird, dann könntest du auch Anovos in Betracht ziehen. Das ist eine leicht überarbeitet Variante der nicht symmetrischen Anzüge, aber zumindest mit babypopoglatten Oberflächen.
  8. Dann fallen die warzigbeuligen und verbogenen "filmakkuraten" Versionen wie RS schonmal weg. Eher sowas wie Troopermaster, aber ich weiß nicht ob die anziehfertige anbieten. Eventuell von jemand anderem bauen lassen. Oder du schaust ob dir jemand hilft, im Pott sollte es einige Armorbesitzer geben.
  9. Da gäbe es einige Fragen vorab. Wie teuer darf es gesamt werden? Und wie soll es aussehen - mehr wie ein mit eilig zusammengeschustertem Kostüm ausgestatteter Statist in einem billig gedrehten SF Film? Oder mehr wie ein imperialer Soldat aussehen würde wenn das SW Universum real wäre?
  10. As far as i remember Wannawanga offers his accurate sized T-tracks on request also in rubber.
  11. How much?<br><br> My last Sterling has a bend one, I might replace it.
  12. Your airsoft can shoot, none of my sterlings can do more than move the bolt and trigger.
  13. Easy accessible - 400€ Hunting one, maybe a long time, with patience, and luck - maybe less Here in Germany.
  14. Have you mailed them if you can order now, at this price, for delivery within the next run?
  15. ??? Have you asked them if it´s still time to order?
  16. They are longer in the fields, but Imperialboots has drawn a lot of customers from them, for sure.
  17. On the RPF. Can´t remember his name for sure, might be Fierfek.
  18. Will check, thanks. Edit: Checked it, you are completely right .... it´s very silly. And i say that nonetheless i think it´s one of the nicest sabers in the SW universe.
  19. I know the Cuis-clone thing - but for me they are not more than a EU blimp, nothing ANH hero as Alex wrote.
  20. But you know that from all shark attacks worldwide the most happen in hip-deep water?
  21. It's more general, the length to bulkyness ratio. While both drilled barrels are around the same diameter, the receiver part of the dlt is way more bulky. <br><br> And additional the drawing your build is based on seems to have a shorter barrel - which looks a little more "matching ".<br><br> Hope that helps.
  22. Looking at the pictures I think it might be a tad to long - maybe 2-3 inches.
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