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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Tray

  1. that is totally sweet. The grey is nice but id liek to be able to make it match the interior of my helmet now. Excellent work. Count me as very interested in a kit.
  2. All rivets should be painted white. Testors works great cause you can find it at any hobby store.
  3. i know there was a post on the legion boards about this.
  4. Awesome work. I am getting a full T/MC kit for myself so I can build the complete armor and get yet another costume on the boards. After seeing Brian and Marty's suit's I decided I had to have one. It will be fun if we can get a bunch of us at CVI wearing them.
  5. it's the photobucket graphic that says, This image or video has been moved or deleted. I can see the screen capture but not your holster photos.
  6. The one I made is sort of like that. I only made it with 3 layers but also have in the middle a thick interfacing. Intersting thought to make it all out of 6 layers. I might have ot go back and make a new one now. Problem is I can't find the material I really like anymore. It was in Colorado at Jo Anns in Loveland. Not white and not nutral. It was sort of in between and slightly softer feel overall. Can you post a link to the place you saw this reference of 6 layers? Thanks.
  7. The only thing I see wrong with that is the Clone Shock Trooper. Even though the names are the same but different costumes it might just make a lot of confusion. I don't follow a lot of the games so I really didn't know about the HWT or the shock trooper name as it was. I just know it is kind of stupid having the HWT in the FISD yet it is labeled TD.
  8. Here is how I did mine. The strap holding the thighs on are hidden behind my drop boxes so you can't see them ever. The only real strap you see on my armor is the one that wraps around the shoulder bell at the bicep and where the bell straps snap to the shoulder strap. Not the hard shoulder part but the webbing that snaps the chest and back together.
  9. More power... question... obviously we have 2 sides of the helmet with stripes. If I based this on the left ear, the right ear would be flipped and show a different rank. Would these be mirrored for each side or is it the same way and you just have to recognize that the front stripe on one side is the back stripe on the other side? For instance, the way mine are at this moment I have PFC on the left ear and WO on the right ear. All fun set aside to help my own confusion. AND... What about those hero ears that only have 3 bumps. Really? 3 bumps? I don't get why they would create 2 different ears for the helmets anyway. Especially such a small detail. That never made much sense to me.
  10. I would think that AP has 4 boxes, an inner and outer.
  11. Ignore me. Mine is 3" and looks just the same. I am not sure why some are wider. Would be interesting to see reference photos showing them wider.
  12. I would venture to gues as long as they were all consistent it would be okay to use the bottom ones. It is much more blue than anything else I see there. The photos don't show the colors very well though so it is hard to pick on or the other.
  13. MonCal also does those type of handplates. Being so small it might be easy for him to just add them into another pull he is doing.
  14. I cut my plate to be slightly less that the size of the space it fit over. I darkened the plate so you could see where it is compared the the space it glued to.
  15. and not just girls. I know a few guys who are vertically challenged that would have loved to see something like this. I had a guy in NYC who is easily 5'4" and knowing what you did would have helped a handful. Thanks for sharing the process.
  16. yeah, there has been a lot of discussion about it. No one is willing to take on the job of transferring it to it's proper ID. All those profile photos would have to be changed as well as all the coding and ID changes to those peoples profiles.
  17. the only return edges I have are between my kidney and backplate.
  18. yeah, I say use your own voice. You can add your own style to how you talk but I wouldn't try and hide the fact that you are a girl. Some of my favorite people to stroll the cons with are the girls in armor. 1 of them refuses to talk when I am with her though. She let's me do the talking.
  19. those boots look like they could work fine Renata. Infact you'll look more accurate than a lot of us having those black boots painted white.
  20. if you can't adjust the knee plate you might try adding some small padding behind the thigh at the bottom to pull it away from teh front just a little. Even 1/2" foam should help it some if not enough. ----------
  21. Yes, i can't see anything that would stop you from being approved. As for the side rivets, not much you can do now that there is a hole in them. Even if you did move the bottom one down. You'd have to patch and then the nightmare of matching the colors so you can't see it. I'd paint them white at least. they still look silver in the photos.
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