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Ducati's Build


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Vern - I can put you in contact with someone for laser cutting, although I think I maybe easier if you find someone local as my guys aren't cheap. When you factor in freight and duty I think it maybe cost prohibative. I will PM you with in the week.


Everyone - Thanks for the compliments


I'll try another post up today.

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Some odds and ends that don't fit anywhere else.


A bit of background that will make sense in a second - My wife and I had our first date on Halloween, as a result Halloween is a big deal to us. Ya'll get one guess as to what this years costume was.


The bolt. This is another part that I had CnC'd. There are some helical shapes on the outside of the barrel that would have been very difficult with the equipment that I have here. I actually sent this drawing off shore to one of my works suppliers. This part came in at the very last minute, Oct 28th. As a result I didn't get to put the paint finish on it that matches the screen version.




You'll notice the bolt looks normal when it's inserted into the barrel, but when its out it has all kinds of funny relief cuts in the back side. These cuts were to allow room for the wiring that needs to pass through that section of the barrel.




The spring was purchased from an online catalog. Springs are cheap and come in a huge variety of sizes and shapes. If I remember correctly my spring was less than $2. In a later post I will detail out where I purchased all the stuff I got.








Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.


I had intended to do a series of pictures at regular intervals of how things where coming alone. I had hoped to create a "time laps" of the build from start to finish. As it turned out I did well at the start but as crunch time came around I just had to keep my head down and work towards my deadline. Here are the pictures I did take.




One month later




One month later






One month later




2 months later



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Final pics and some videos


Truth be know I still have a few things that need to get painted; The latch for the folding stock, the grip fastner & the bolt cocking handle. I ran out of time at the end of the project to paint them properly. I'll get to it eventually...










Note how the folding stock butt blends into the stock body.




Here you can see the spring plate that locks the folding stock in the open position


























I guess that does it for show and tell. Next up will be some info on where you can buy the stuff I used (like switches, springs, paints, LEDs). After that will be a drawing package and Solidworks model release.


Finally if a mod knows how to imbed the videos above I would sure appreciate it if you could do that for me. I can't figure it out.

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You have a tremendous amount of skill! I do have a question for ya. It seems like you had several parts welded together or used a 2 part epoxy. I've been having a crazy time figuring out how to attach original sterling parts to the galvanized steel pipe I drilled out. So far I've tried JB weld, Aves Fixit, and Loctite epoxy - but none provided a strong enough bond. I'd hate to have to go to a PVC pipe barrel because I want it all metal.


I've considered either buying a Mig/Mag welder or contracting someone to do this, which has been incredibly difficult to find the right person for. And I know about the dangers with galvanized steel.


Been following your thread for the past month and I'm close to being done with my E-11. You've given inspiration and motivation!

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in the factory they used braizing paste. in a chamber.

the paste is applied, then the whole part is jigged and clamped then heat is applied like an oven.


then other parts are stick braised with a torch.

welding per sea was not used, as it produces too much slag.


the parts have to be fluxed, and completely clean to keep oxidation from forming.

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You have a tremendous amount of skill! I do have a question for ya. It seems like you had several parts welded together or used a 2 part epoxy. I've been having a crazy time figuring out how to attach original sterling parts to the galvanized steel pipe I drilled out. So far I've tried JB weld, Aves Fixit, and Loctite epoxy - but none provided a strong enough bond. I'd hate to have to go to a PVC pipe barrel because I want it all metal.


I've considered either buying a Mig/Mag welder or contracting someone to do this, which has been incredibly difficult to find the right person for. And I know about the dangers with galvanized steel.


Been following your thread for the past month and I'm close to being done with my E-11. You've given inspiration and motivation!


Parts that don't have much stress put on them I used some form of glue. The grip and the folding stock mount were welded. I chose to go this route as I had nightmares of the blaster tumbling out of my hand and hitting the ground while I still had the grip in my hand and the stock in my shoulder, I glued the low stress parts as it was the easiest method of construction and it didn't add any heat or distortion to any of the detail parts.


If I were in your shoes I would try removing the galvanization from the barrel & the paint from the part you are trying to glue (just in the areas where you are making the joint). I would also try gorilla glue/epoxy. Either the paint or the zink oxide might be preventing a good bond. In some parts like the handle you may not have sufficient surface area for the glue to make a strong enough bond. I would try and find an experienced welder to do the brazing as Vern suggested. Before you hand everything over to your welder I would try and get them a sample to test everything first. You're joining 2 different types of steel of unknown origin. They may have different melting points and a proper weld may not be possible. Better to have the welder screw up some scrap and not your good parts.


Good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rob was kind enough to share his CNC files and other plans he used in this wonderful build for others to benefit from. So they are now hosted on the FISD server right here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/article-resources/PDFs_and_edwg.zip (also linked in 1st post).


Big kudos to Rob! :duim:

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Rob was kind enough to share his CNC files and other plans he used in this wonderful build for others to benefit from. So they are now hosted on the FISD server right here: http://www.whitearmo...Fs_and_edwg.zip (also linked in 1st post).


Big kudos to Rob! :duim:


I'm happy to share it.


Some points of clarification:

  • The zip is a series of PDF's that detail 98% of the parts that I made. Note many drawings have multiple pages.
  • While my parts are very close in shape and size of sterling parts, I doubt that anything would be interchangeable. For example; a sterling clip would not likely fit in the mag well detailed in my package. (although I don't think it would require much work to make it fit.)
  • There are some variations from the genuine parts.
  • There is a dxf for laser cutting/layout of the sheet metal. Everything in the layout is 1:1
  • At some point in the future I will post a list of things I would do differently if I could travel back in time.

I've also included an edrawing of the whole assembly. You should be able to pull any measurements that I missed in the drawings. You'll also be able to see how stuff goes together if its unclear.


You'll need to download a viewer from Solidworks to view the edrawing. Here is a link for the viewer:




If anyone wants the actual solidworks stuff, PM me.


If you run into something that you can't figure out just ask and I'll try and clear it up for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Here is a list of most of the purchased parts detailing where you can find them. 





Part number


Approximate cost


Numrich gun parts

Limited shipping options if you live outside of the US




Laser pointers 2in1 Super Red laser Pointer W LED Lamp Keyring


Used for "sights" inside power cells. Purchased from user "Itechcool"



LED bar graph, 10 segment LED bargraph Array fixed Tri-Color New

King Bright

You can find this on Ebay as well.  Purchased from Ebay user "teketron357"




Muzzle LED, 3W RGB High power LED star 2 watt lamp light


3 colour high intensity LED (I only use red/blue).  If your using a blaster core board, This needs to be have a common Anode.



Rare earth magnet

Lee Valley hardware

Used to latch the clip to the barrel




20 pcs SMD SMT 1210 3528 PLCC-2 Super bright red LED lamp light RoHS


Used for barrel propagation effect. Brand Everlight, color Red, Forward voltage 1.9-2v, forward current 20 mA.  Purchased from user "grand_sky"


<$3 for 20

4p, Two 2 Gang Off on Panel Mount MINI Slide Switch, K5


Used to turn the blaster on/off.  Purchased from user "goodbuy7888"



Filler/2 part epoxy putty

Local hobby store

Used to fill gaps/sculp details that are too difficult to machine





Home Depot

For joining non structural Aluminum parts together. Gorilla glue



Raw aluminum material

Metal supermarkets

Everything from sheet metal to tube for barrels in all kinds of sizes.  They ship and you can buy small quantities.




Resistors - muzzle LED


3W 18ohm 18R Metal Oxide Film Resistor R 3W.  Purchased from Ebay User "abillionstore"



Resistors- everything but the muzzle LED


100 SMD Chip Surface mount 0603 Reistor 68 ohm.  Purchased from user "grand_sky"



Rotary switch, Otax KDR102 PCB Mount Rotary Switch 0to9 Slotted 5pcs


Mode selection switch. Purchased from user "breconjess"



Sheet metal

KSM Laser

Talk to Lisa; she will hook you up.  1/16th & some 1/4 aluminum




Sound board

Plecter labs

This can be a long wait for these as he produces them infrequently





Plecter labs

Typically in stock




Springs - Compression

Reid supply

Buy the 10" length, outside diamter to match in ID of your barrel.




Springs for trigger


Ball point pen


Trigger switch


I pulled this out of a junk draw.  The best I can offer is to look for a "micro contact limit switch". You will need to match the mounting hole pattern as what is the DXF package (First post in this thread).  Alternatively you can modify the side plates to match any switch



Edit - I see the formatting on my chart has gone to the dogs.  I will try and clean it up shortly

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ducati,


Outstanding work on the E11. However, I've checked your .zip file and I can't find the scope graphic for the crosshair printout. Did I miss that or is it just not uploaded? Could you provide us with a printable version of the crosshair? A friend of mine is working with car wrap foils and maybe he could be able to plot it out :)




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Hi Ducati,


Outstanding work on the E11. However, I've checked your .zip file and I can't find the scope graphic for the crosshair printout. Did I miss that or is it just not uploaded? Could you provide us with a printable version of the crosshair? A friend of mine is working with car wrap foils and maybe he could be able to plot it out :)




You didn't miss anything.  I can't see it there either.  I will see about getting it uploaded.  If you want it ASAP then PM me your email address and I will send it directly to you. 

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