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Everything posted by Nairy

  1. Amazing Adam, happy Trooperversary! This makes me so happy and excited to continue myself! Are you going to smash the badge next year?
  2. Yeah that spacing from OX looks way more proportioned to the cylinders on the Death Star!
  3. Amazing @gmrhodes13 Where is the proof that Joe Johnston is wearing two right glove plates? The only thing I've seen is one right plate on the left glove, you kind of don't see what kind of a plate the right glove has!
  4. I'm not sure this is the right thread, but I asked David Berry who worked on the production of A New Hope at ILM for any information regarding the spacetrooper backpack. I got this answer Sorry, I am afraid that I do not have any information on this. ILM did not manufacture any of the costumes for the first Star Wars film. If I were to guess, it would've been the English crew working from concepts based on Ralph McQuarrie's designs (or maybe Joe Johnston), but putting their own spin on the final design. But again, that is a guess, what do I know, that was a long, long time ago...Cheers, DaveB It is not any news per se but I'll keep on digging!
  5. Great to have you here! Looking forward to getting to know you!
  6. If I'm reading Chemi's comment right, those are mainly dressing issues! You got this!
  7. Hello there! Did we recruit you at Comic Con Stockholm perhaps? Glad to have you here!
  8. 4. 2022-11-06, Comic Con 2022, Stockholm (Hero) Me next to the Sandy! Me in the middle Me in the middle A nice picture of us patroling the floors (be in front of the Sandy) Me on the right and @LEGOeatPokemon on the left! Me on the left Comic Con has been awesome! My feet hurt! Many hours of walking and images and high fives and fist bumps and marches and good fun!
  9. 2. 2022-11-04, Comic Con 2022, Stockholm (Hero) 3. 2022-11-05, Comic Con 2022, Stockholm (Hero) Troop number 2 and 3 at Comic Con Stockholm 2022. Will update this post with images as I receive them Me in the middle with the winner of LEGO Masters Sweden 2022 I'm far right, together with my fellow troopers, and our little gem, the coolest girl ever, Sigrid (the small one) After assisting my friend Anton Grandert's signing session. I'm photo bombing in the background! Me far right A nice close up at the signing After one of the parades (I'm the Hero in the middle behind C1-10P) Me on the left Watching
  10. Man I wish I could bid on this magnificent piece of work! I'm staring at it like... **(one day Jonatan... one day)** Set for stun! Thank you Joseph for the eye candy!
  11. It looks good to me! If anything, don't trim them more!
  12. You've worked so fast! Awesome!
  13. Hello and welcome Arief! Amazing that you have resumed the build again! Excited to see your progress!
  14. Amazing work Adam! Would be an honor to troop with you some day!
  15. Hey there Paige! How's it coming along?
  16. It's good to know you're out there spreading the good looks of the Empire's finest!
  17. Hello Jim! For the higher levels (L2 and L3) you need to do some adjustments, but it looks to me like it should** be able to pass for basic 501st approval! Good work on that armor of yours! ** - My only reservation is the sniper knee plate and how it is attached, it is a ROTJ style attachment method, but you have an ANH kit here!
  18. Welcome to the FISD Alan! How excited are you?
  19. Hello and welcome Robert! I doubt that you won't love every second of your build! Make sure to measure twice and cut once If you need help, you are in the right place!
  20. Congratulations Paul! Armor is looking great! Will we see you in the EIB application threads in the future perhaps?
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