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Everything posted by Nairy

  1. Nice! I'm also in Stockholm! I'm not sure, maybe @TheSwede knows?
  2. Spännande! Where are you located in Sweden? Looking forward to your progress! Everyone is here to help when you need questions answered! Sidenote: Fellow Swede and Swedish Garrison GML (@TheSwede) has been building an FOTK recently, so mistakes or triumphs are fresh on his mind!
  3. Hello Bill! I love my Hero and the fact that with the power of my mind I can be either Han or a regular trooper (I must say I'm more of a regular trooper)! BUT, my helmet is inspired by Hans helmet, with a slight higher brow height and the correct amount of stripes (11 on right as you wear and 13 on the left)! Looking forward to your future builds!
  4. Enjoy your new sweet banner and profile pic @Bobstormy
  5. Got inspired and made a new one for my self, I guess it counts!
  6. Enjoy your new banner @techdesco Turned out pretty cool!
  7. Couldn't agree more! Congratulations Caleb, outstanding work! Your TK-ID will be the most anticipated in our recent history! Thank you for being you! @MaskedVengeance
  8. 10. 2023-01-14, Örebro Universitetssjukhus (Örebro University Hospital) (Hero) Troop number 10! The long awaited first milestone! The second completed milestone in this troop was my first visit to a hospital! We plundered the Christmas tree and danced out Christmas together with children who has been freed from cancer (and other diseases) so it was an amazing event with a lot of happiness!
  9. Yes of course, had the wrong thing in my clip board and was in a hurry! Updated now! Sorry!
  10. Hello Pascal and welcome to the FISD! I have an RS kit, love it and the people there to bits! Their service is amazing! Are you going to get your Sandy from there too?
  11. Looking good Nicholas, you got this! Never seen the shoulder bell strap snapping above the white shoulder elastic strap before! It could look even cleaner if it was under it, since the black strap will go against your black understuit! Just a thought!
  12. Sounds like an awesome idea and a logical step for FISD! If I wasn't a man I'd really like for this to come into fruition so I could ask my very personal questions straight out to people with the same fysical experience as me! The FISD has always been about troopers helping troopers so I'd vote for let's make it happen! I can see all peoples perspective and points in the naming, and hope you can agree on a name that feels good for everyone! I personally kind of don't feel like I could suggest any names (although I think this part of a process like this is always super exciting) since the sub team is not for me specifically! However, I just think I'd come out and say that Vaders Valkyries sounds really cool and has the right "ring" and meaning, like it belongs in the Star Wars universe! I'm not qualified to even guess at this but it feels like people that are not defining as either or could get behind the name too, right? If you'd want any additional help on maybe graphics or patches or anything like that - I'm at your disposal!
  13. Hello again Lee! Did you have an awesome first troop? Got any images of it perhaps? Start a Troop Log so we can follow your journey!
  14. Welcome Gregory! Feel free to shoot any and all questions and we'll answer and direct you best we can! Really excited to see the kit!
  15. Any particular reason why you'd swap it out? My brain is just going: Thicker lens => Less space inside in front of your face, will you be able to see out of it? (thinking a bit about the current material that is already darkening everything a lot)
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