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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TikiTechie

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    Erie, CO

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  • 501st Unit
    Mountain Garrison
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  1. Colorado Springs Comic Con Day 2 A hectic fun day. I hope the General doesn't look at this photo or I'm back for another reprogramming.
  2. Yeah, that's my buddy Calvin who has some great 3d printing skills. I am inspired to make one now. Might look cool with 2.
  3. SRS -Tender Care Family Days A fun family event that eventually got a bit rainy. Appreciating the cooler weather for outdoor troops! Some pipe cleaner sculpting.
  4. I think rather than trying to extract data from an inaudible, ancient movie clip, why not re-record it either yourself or with a voice actor? It's not like it's James Earl Jones speaking, it's some random actor (unless someone knows differently, no shade on their abilities. ). I have spent a fair amount of time trying out AI voice dubbing, voice cloning and have limited success getting repeatable or consistent voice clips back. Assuming you can provide it enough data for a voice clone, you can get something usable, but it just doesn't quite sound real to me. I guess give it a few months/years and it'll be better.
  5. 2024-07-20 Sci- Fi Day Colorado Model Railroad Museum 50th troop! Oops. At that range, I can't miss. Love our First Order presence lately.
  6. 2024-07-04 Denver FanExpo Day 1 2024-07-05 Denver FanExpo Day 2 2024-07-06 Denver FanExpo Day 3 2024-07-07 Denver FanExpo Day 4 A crazy 4-day extravaganza with so many unique costumes and experiences. Highlight were members of the Socal garrison that allowed us to get some great First Order photo indulgences. Definitely one for the books. We are growing our ranks. For the Order! I loved this General Grievous and was honored they wanted a picture with me. The new recruits have arrived! Handsome devil.
  7. Timnath Safety Fair 2024 It doesn't seem like it could've been a year since this troop. A nice event, thankfully a good breeze was going on because it's starting to get HOT out.
  8. Estes Park Safety Fair Definitely the best fair like this that I've been to. Horses, dogs, drones & a helicopter. Our POC and buddy Officer Paul was a great guy. Things were going smoothly until I upset the wookiee.
  9. 2024-05-04 Free comic book day 2024 2024-05-04 Star Wars Day @ LINC 2024-05-04 25th Anniversary: The Phantom Menace (Day 2) 2024-05-04 May the 4th @ Totally 80's Pizza 2024-05-04 Rocky Mountain High School Prom Busy May 4th as expected. My eyes definitely feeling 10 hours of a fan blowing onto them. Pictures TBA
  10. 2024-05-03, Westminster Promenade 24 Star Wars Marathon I love events that are focused around Star Wars. Not just because I like the franchise but because the expectation for the visitors is set for the genre and they are pumped for it and the characters. Not that I don't enjoy surprising and making a lot of other smiles happen, but people are extra-jazzed to meet the characters if they are there for it. [My shoulder bells got messed up in the early pics and no one told me. ]
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