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Everything posted by Nairy

  1. As the new curator of the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame, I'd like to kick this off with a bang (literally)! With an armor looking that mint, the Rebels should take the hint! Please welcome TK 20209 to the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame, January 2023! @MCPOLara Troop log can be found here. Well done trooper and congratulations on your 6th troop! Soon you'll have that badge! With Unquestioned Loyalty Jonatan Östling TK-23592 "Nairy" Curator Hall Of Fame
  2. Something that has been bugging me quite a bit is the gap between my shins and my thigh armor. I have a commissioned kit, so I'm not sure if all RS shins are shorter than most. If we look at the trooper to my right, he is wearing a TM kit, and the shins are much taller as we can see on this image below. The caveat here is that he has TM's XL shins so they add 2 inches, but still. Me to the left (RS), other TK to the right (TM) Just wondering if anyone else has had this thought or if it's just that mine are quite a lot shorter than the normal RS shins/they just ride a bit too low/my legs in combination with thigh height are too long. One potential fix that I could do to minimize the gap is of course to attach velcro to a sheet of ABS that I'll put on the inner tab of my shoe, and attach it to the shin on the inside so that it doesn't slide down as much. And lower the thighs a bit of course!
  3. 13. 2023-02-15, Barncancerdagen - Digital troop event (Child cancer day) (Hero) Today we digitally acknowledge Child cancer day by lighting a candle!
  4. Nairy

    FISD Memes

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
  5. 12. 2023-02-14, Internationella Hjärtebarnsdagen - Digital troop event (images sent in for a theme day: Gold Heart Day) (Hero)
  6. You're on the home stretch! Wow, just saw this thread. I've always loved C3PO and the fact that we soon will have a gold trooper in the CRL is incredibly exciting! I love your YouTube channel too! Let's goooo
  7. Especially since you will get feedback instantly before cutting or placing anything, so it eliminates most of the anxiety that we talked about!
  8. I was very nervous when taking on some of my tasks, but it was very rewarding when completing them!
  9. 11. 2023-02-10, The Sounds of Space with Anton Grandert (Hero) Troop number 11! Anton Grandert (concept artist for Lucasfilm) messaged me yesterday and wanted some TKs for a concert called "The Sounds of Space", where he was both playing the trombone on some songs and conducted others, and also had a little showcase of his work on Obi-Wan, The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett! With short notice I got @Coil to join in and it made for a very fun troop! We started by patrolling the queues and asking if they had seen any rebels around here, which they of course "hadn't"! When the concert began, we got to stand on stage for The Mandalorian main theme, Imperial March and the Star Wars main theme. At first I thought that I got heat stroke but it was just the orchestra that played the themes so good it gave me a serious case of shivering and goose bumps! There were both young school kids playing in the orchestra as well as senior citizens! Such a powerful experience! Before the Mandalorian Main Theme started we stood on stage and were looking for Din Djarin and the Grogulorian, but Grogu did a jedi mind trick on us so we looked the other way. It was a huge success and Anton was very happy! On stage while the orchestra played the Imperial March! The conductor was in Darth Vader costume. I'll add more images as I get them, as per usual in my threads! In the image above, you can see that I have adjusted my frown paint at the ends to match Han Solo's helmet! Yesterday I received my new white leather binder pouch from Darman's Props on Etsy, thank you @revlimiter for the tip! It is a great pouch! Even fits my phone, so I can now take selfies while on troop! (posting Adam's image for reference of how it looks, as I haven't gotten any images from Anton yet) I also did my first troop with a pair of TM bubble lenses (borrowed from another SG TK) that are much darker than my RS bubble lenses! It worked out totally fine! They had a lot more distortion than the RS bubble lenses but it didn't make me at all nauseous, as there was a perfect spot to look through straight forward! Woop woop! On to the next one!
  10. You shouldn't have to replace your sniper knee! I only remember small comments that some sand paper can take care of!
  11. I'm late to the party but really nice armor you have there Matt! Great work! Congrats
  12. Enjoy your new banner @Chemi!! The most ellaborate one yet
  13. Awww yeah! You've got a new subscriber! I've been longing for some 501st and FISD member content as I have a drought on the "Babe, what should we watch tonight?"-front! Thank you!
  14. This is not quite true in this case because I weathered my HOVI tips before my EIB approval, just thought I'd mention it. I applied for EIB just before this change happened This is what my Hero got approved with
  15. Amazing job Scott! Congratulations and welcome to the rank of Expert Infantry!!! Awesome to see another great looking Hero out there!
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