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Everything posted by themaninthesuitcase

  1. The colour used for the tan paint was discovered last night. It's great we're still getting discoveries now even with all the great reference.
  2. Also did you press start? I know it sounds silly but you wouldn't be the first person.
  3. I really want to order all of his stuff but that quality doesn't come cheap!
  4. No. the app can only be IOS as its written in swift.
  5. I am pretty sure there is a reasonably regular armour party in FL somewhere. Sign up with the Garrison and you might be able to get a bit more info on it. Worth doing that anyway. Most Garrison forums are fairly sparse untill you're an approved member and get full access.
  6. The iPhone is rather picky about things. 9/10 problems were the splitter used. The other 1/10 was the connection on the mic needed an adapter. Have you had a look at: http://www.cpearson.me.uk/tkvoice/hardware/ A picture will speak a 1000 words too, so a photo of the set up with all the parts will help me diagnose issues faster.
  7. They don't do discount codes like they used to. They only offer sale periods now for things like black friday or "con specials".
  8. That's Sean's one which is the one I have. I have a printrbot play which is only 4x4x5" so between the 54 pieces I've cut it into and a roughly 60% sucess rate it's taking a while.
  9. Guessinging from the list are you located in the UK? If so make sure you head over to the UK Garrison and sign up there. It's also worth considering a self build still, lots of help is available to those who ask and also it helps keep the costs down a bit. Chris.
  10. The EIB and centurion logos are available in the staff area so that won't be a problem. My only hesitation is that Tim has already said that something was in the works and I'd hate to see a waste of effort due to duplication. Edit: oops there was a 2nd page. Is the script on the server, which is why it requires a login? Is there a way to automate more or at least be able to run it on a personal system?
  11. Not sure how I missed this. Great comprehensive tutorial! Once I finally get my helmet printed I'll have to come back to these tutorials and follow them as best I can.
  12. I'm sure most of you has seen the image below. These Billgrams have become a bedrock on which many TKs have been built. However this image, and 1 very similar, has a colour on it no longer deemed correct. Rather than carrying on explaining it I've made a new diagram, sorry no catchy name this time, with just the correct colours. The images show the Humbrol colours, but the Testors equivalents are shown too if that's easier to source. All this was built upon Billhags work, so it would be wrong for me not to thank him for it. He's also my GML so he has had a hand in me getting this far in more than just billgrams. I already owe him a pint, so Bill if you see this and the opportunity presents it's self, make that 2. ANH Stormtrooper Paint Colours by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr Click through to flickr to get access to a full resolution version, and feel free to share this if you find it helpful.
  13. Okay heres the wording: "Based on a real or replica Sterling sub-machine gun, scratch-built, or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster." Maybe it would be better written as: Based on a real or replica Sterling sub-machine gun scratch-built a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster So it can be based on a real fire arm or replica. OR be scratch built. OR be a toy. Also bare in mind a replica might be a rubber or resin casting, like the large portion of trooper use. Does this clear up the issue?
  14. As Joseph says you don't need a blaster to clear in 99% of the Legion. As for "based on" most troopers use plastic toys painted black bought at a local toy shop, or resin/rubber copies. Scratch build is completely fine and many do. 3D printing is also an option, not sure if there's any free files about but you can certainly buy a kit on eBay or etsy. The wording is geared so you end up with something that looks like the original, which was a Sterling submachine gun with a sawn of magazine, some rubber trim, a tank scope and a bit of a WWII radio set. FWIW I think most DLT-19s and all T-21s are scratch builds, not many people casting up a lewis!
  15. Bloody hell mate that hand file work looks machined. Going to have to have a look at these at a troop once you're done!
  16. Seems I missed this, I saw you're post over at the UKG and it looks like you're in good hands. I will agree though that even with a full commision expect to make a few adjustments after your first few troops. Welcome to the UKG and FISD. Chris.
  17. I did they will be hidden so it's sort of up to you and how close you want to get to a real one.
  18. Wouldn't surprise me if LFL or Disney have had a word about how they handle new product launches.
  19. Sheartech do one I think. Also based off a real sterling, whilst I can't speak to quality as I've never seen one the guy who runs it is a nice guy. You'll be able to find them on facebook.
  20. Better late than never I have a couple of reports from 2 big events for the UK garrison that took place in the last weekend of October. MCM London Comic Con October 2016 On the weekend of Friday the 28th to Sunday 30th October the UK Garrison was again providing an imperial presence at MCM Comic Con London. This is one of the largest events on the calendar, MCM London is now the worlds 3rd largest con, with over 130,000 visitors over the weekend. Once again the Garrison teamed up with Rebel Legion, Reel Icons (characters from film and TV) and the UK Colonial Marines (Aliens Marines and Xenomorphs) to provide some high quality costumers for the day. As always this was a great showcase for the amazing work put in by our members outside of the Star Wars galaxy including a brand new Deadpool based on this years film. Over the course of the weekend our squads patrolled the event, arresting trouble makers and ensuring younglings were encouraged over to the dark side. Saturday was more eventful than usual. In the afternoon the Garrison was proud to present one of our main charities, The Royal British Legion, with a cheque for £15,000. The cheque was presented by CO Gary Hailes in front of a large crowd and backed by the full compliment of costumers. Over the course of the weekend we also continued to collect donations for this years Poppy Appeal, raising a further £204.89 (plus 50 cents and a shopping trolley coin). Finally in a moment that bought a tear to the eye TB 19176 - Andy Glenn proposed to his lovely lady Katie. In case you're wondering she said yes. Chris - TK10911 Ultra Con Doncaster 2016 Ultra Con returned to Doncaster in the UK on Sunday 30th October 2016 with their most dazzling and ground-breaking experience to date. Featuring a great line up of world famous Star Cars and Heroes, including members from the UK Garrison of the 501st. The event includes incredible life-size movie sets from Star Wars, Dr Who and Ironman, unbelievable movie props, and the return of their show-stopping staged parade extravaganza for the fans and cameras, showcasing a whole host of favourite sci-fi characters, iconic super heroes and villains. Members of the UK Garrison were on hand to provide a touch of class Star Wars style, and included Darth Vader, original TK Stormtroopers, Royal Guard, First Order Stormtroopers, Sandtroopers, Biker Scouts, AT-AT and AT-ST pilots, Darth Revan, TIE Pilots and Kylo Ren. We also had Chewbacca and X-Wing Pilots from the Rebel Legion. Apart from interacting with the crowds and posing for photos with the fans, two of the main attractions for our guys and gals were the fallen AT-AT in the snow, and the unbelievable, full size, fan built section of the Millennium Falcon. (Members of the UK Garrison in front of the fan built life size Millennium Falcon prop. Photo copyright: Dan Wray) A detailed and walkable entrance ramp, corridor and flight deck were assembled on site, and on the day the fans we able to relive their dream of sitting in the cockpit of the Falcon. (UK Garrison troopers Will Humphreys (TK 10064) and Tony Lee (TK51007) guarding the entrance ramp) Members of the UK Garrison took the opportunity to guard and later inspect the Corellian light freighter, reliving iconic scenes from ANH. [/url] (UK Garrison troopers Will Humphreys (TK 10064) and Tony Lee (TK51007) make a search of the Falcon) The UK Garrison have covered Ultra Con before and were delighted to have been asked back again this year. Tony - TK51007
  21. This is the best fan made armour I've seen and probably on par with the pro stuff. I just hope to be able to own some one day (insert grumbles about the strength of the pound at the moment)
  22. Adafruit do a simple board that will do that called the Audio FX board. They used to do one with built in amp too but looks like they killed that one It comes in a 2MB or 1MB built in storage and uses specially named files to work so is very simple.
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