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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Very nice Kris, I ended up finding some pants of similar glossy material and cut them down to shorts which I wear over my two piece undersuit, I do find that the glossy finish can rub off over time so I don't wear them all the time, mainly for higher profile troops
  2. Blue tape is always handy when building and test fitting, looking good.
  3. As long as you are not applying pressure to the pieces then 24 hrs will be fine, anything that needs pressure to close then wait the full 48 hours. Make sure you rough up both pieces with sandpaper before gluing and it will help adhere. Can never have enough magnets, clamps or blue tape when building, I've doubled up on magnets since this photo
  4. With the stripes you don't want them on an angle, should really be a pencil width all the way. You could if careful peel them off, I'd apply some tape over the top first to keep the spacing then gently peel backwards For cleaning any excess paint I find toothpicks really helpful.
  5. Ultimately you should follow the Deployment Officer, other comments are offered so you could make adjustments before the DO's ask you too, the thigh cover strip is a definite and should have been picked up at basic approval CRL Image:
  6. Nice work. Looks like your counter could come further forward and a slightly downward. Just to make the build stand out your TD clips should be square on the ends not rounded You could also add a little white paint to the rims of the mic tips Large ab plate is a little over trimmed, you could take off a little more material from your smaller plate. You could also bring up your sniper plate so it covers the angle of the shin. Good luck with approval
  7. Nice work, just a couple of things that you could improve on, your drop boxes aren't aligned to the edge of the belt in a lot of photos, a dab of E6000 on the elastic loops can stop them moving, also looks like your counter may be a tad low Could drop the belt just a little, should line up just under the bottom button, yours appears to be covering the bottom of the button. You may also need to supply photos of your bottom helmet screws Good luck trooper
  8. To get a nice straight line you can use sandpaper wrapped a round a piece of wood, it's mainly the ends you need to be fit flush together though as the rest is covered with the strips. Nice work, keep it up
  9. You'll still need to update your cover strip: Thigh cover strip should stop before the lower ridge
  10. Elastic definitely allows movement, anything else without some give will just separate the snaps.
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the EI ranks trooper, looking forward to seeing your Centurion application, good luck
  12. Looking smart Kris, good luck with approval, not that I think you will need it
  13. All you do is right click on images in Imgur and select copy, you can then paste directly into your thread or you can select "direct link" in Imgur
  14. That would be the paint looks a little large, if you check the reference the painted area just stops short of the outline of the circle.
  15. Much better, if I may could you also rotate your forearms a little too, they look to be rotating backwards and you'll find you'll catch the small front boxes on armor, also watch the position of your TD
  16. FYI tube stripes can also go on two ways, but the correct way from back to front, they have a greater fall from the top, from back /////// front
  17. I believe they are mainly FB based https://www.facebook.com/BackStageProps/
  18. It can take some time so please be patient, someone will be with you soon, remember we are all volunteers who take on these rolls and real life can take preference
  19. Congratulations trooper and welcome to the ranks
  20. Why not paramedics use it, ok maybe it's a little different Super Glue for Wound Closure article
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