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Everything posted by dashrazor

  1. if you used the krylon plastic paint it should remove easily with a little soap and water and steel wool or green scrub pad. that stuff doesn't really bond to plastic all that well as it is advertised, for weathering i find acrylic craft paints are the best (for drybrushing and blackwash). and just coat it with a clear acrylic craft sealer when done (clear matte finish looks nice). after sealing apply a coat of automotive wax and it will be just as permanent than any spray paint... the benefit of acrylics is, if you make a mistake it can be washed off with soap and water and a paper towel, and it has no fumes so you can apply it inside without ventilation an airbrush also adds a nice touch.... remember only water based paints can be thinned with water, spray paints/model paints can not be thinned without a proper thinner or reducer check out this site it has some good techniques http://www.starwarsmodels.com/techweath.html
  2. looks like a bit too heavy on the weathering. but otherwise it looks great! a good blackwashing looks more natural
  3. the textures do show a lot of details that do not show up in the 3d renders. if i can find more. i will post em up it is tedious work to do through the thousands of texture files to find the right ones...
  4. i managed to extract the game textures for the bazooka and HWT pack details.. it was not easy to find them lol bazooka \ HWT pack
  5. looks great trooper! approved all your hard work really shows in those new pics congrats!
  6. i know, it cuts like butta i have about 500 different dremel bits and really only use about 4 of them lol
  7. for the eyes and teeth i used this to remove the plastic from the inside http://blueroofdesigns.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/attach-sander-2.jpg for cutting nothing beats this ------- the diamond cutting wheel IMO is the absolute best plastic cutter for the dremel i use it on HIPS, PVC , ABS you name it.. smooth cuts and less mess than the fiber cutting disk. i should have a video showing it in action up in a few days..
  8. i used jasc for mine as well, i print at 100% scale, centered on page Width 7.775 height 10.240 but i had to tweak the templates slightly for 40mm pipe, what size outside diameter pipe are you using?
  9. we have been working on the puch list via pm, just a few more minor fixes. and bill i agree there are a few small should haves that could be made must haves
  10. seriously though,start with this one. i believe there is 3 or 4 parts on the thighs
  11. that would be fine there are very few ROTJ EIB's, i cant wait to see it! i am working n my second ROTJ style armor build now, so if you need any pointers on trimming/assembly or where to find the white door trim. feel free to ask....
  12. as long as it is not rubies or FX and you follow the CRL and EIB must haves. * Slate blue traps/tears instead of ANH grey * Black frown instead of grey, and the paint should overlap the "lips" * Lenses must be flat green or bubble green * Traps/tears must be decals, no hand-painting * Four teeth each side * No screws on ears * Ends of frown are squared off, not tapered to points what helmet are you planning to use? EFX?
  13. it's not perfect, but i did show one method in my build thread------
  14. shoot them an email, they have excellent customer service
  15. agreed. having struggled with dyslexia for years i find that visual information is far easier to comprehend/absorb than written info any day.. also i believe updating the crl's is on the to-do list
  16. (Daetrin} Yes, this is the whole point of the EI program, just as it was with MEPD. This will never change. We've been asked to have an uber-accurate program like MEPD SWAT. All I can say is that it's in the plans for post-election Honestly, the reason I started EI was to at least encourage people to make their out of the box FX at least look decent rather than the bottom of the barrel costume it had become in the Legion. Out of 2200 Legion TKs, we only have a 6.5% adoption rate. MEPD has over 33% of Legion TD's as MEPD deployed. Am I pushing EI? You bet - I'd rather see 733 barely passable EI's that at least are EI compared to 100 hyper accurate EI's. It's great that people want to push the EI program further, but remember MEPD was at 33% of the Legion before they tighted the standards. There is no way I could get Police Officer status today with the costume I got it with back in 2005.
  17. EFX is a make of helmet only, the categories are sorted by armor type
  18. i picked up some white elastic the other day ($0.75 walmart craft section)
  19. i think at times people sometimes forget that the 501st is not a prop replication club, where it would be cool if everyone had the money time and skill to make a 100% screen accurate suit, that is just not realistic, the EI program is not an elitist group by any means. the program is in place to encourage members to take there build a step above the legion standards. IMO setting the bar too high in anything can see diminishing returns in time, it could in fact eventually lead to the downfall of 501st membership if it is not kept in check. i remember when i first got involved in prop making and the 501st, the driving force that kept me coming back was the fact that it is FUN i think everyone should sit back, take a deep breath, and try to remember the reasons they joined in the first place..... sorry to rant.. and Paul it looks great . just a pic showing the belt adjusted and you should be good to go paint the missing ab button (3 blue + 6 gray) and a good shot of the shoulder straps (cant really see them well) pat... gotta love your 2 cents
  20. correct. it is a should have, but he mentioned it was intention to make it as screen accurate as possible, so it is optional and the ears are the main issue, the current decals will pass, but they are a bit off i found these printable decal sheets online and modified them a bit they should work printable decal paper is really cheap it should save you a buck
  21. looks nice now just get it done by april so we can do the oxford troop together lol
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