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Everything posted by dashrazor

  1. these videos from daves garage have some good tips on fitting the thighs
  2. yes, as stated above, the AM helmet is not acceptable. as for the blaster, and belt, as long as you follow the EIB requirements, you will be fine also, it really dosn't matter where you purchased the blaster, if you simply provide the basic type (resin,hasbro,scratchbuild ext...)
  3. yes that's great!, but optional. really the more a individual is willing to share about there setup will make it that much more valuable as a reference for future applicants
  4. looks great! i would move the straps connecting the back and chest plates up about 5-6" in the front so they are not as visible. and the belt could come up a bit in the front also...
  5. as far as i know, there is no t/mc EIB to search for as of yet i have tagged all but 3 EIB's to date, they were not identifiable because photos were missing and there was no mention of the armor type in the users posts. also a few older posts have no photos so i tagged them in lowercase, the rest are capitalized.
  6. i am implementing a few guidelines for posting your EIB submission that i hope will improve the quality of the program. 1: new formatting for EIB submission > please add the following information to your post using this formatting Armor= (your armor type) Helmet= (your helmet type) Blaster= (your blaster information)eg: resin,hasbro,scratchbuild ext... optional: feel free to add more information about your gear (see below) the more the better Height = Weight = Boots = Canvas belt = Hand Plates = Electronics= Neck Seal = Holster = adding this information will not effect your approval in any way, it is merely to make all EI post (past and present) a valuable point of reference for the community. as many of you know, when trying to achieve EI status that looking through the old EIB threads for EIBĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s with the same type of armor you are making can be tricky, as it is not always listed in the title or post. i have gone through all of the EIB post and added this information to the end of the post title. i believe this will make it much easier to find examples and references of other EIBĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s with similar armor types. the new formatting will look like this ( TK0123 requesting EI status [position #] [ARMOR TYPE] ). *pleas note that the position # and armor type will only be added after you are approved this also allows you to search all of the approved EIB post by armor type by typing the armor type you are looking for between brackets in the search box [armor type] look here for the list of armor search tags LINK i would also ask that all applicants to please have 501st trooper status before submitting your application. you can request 501st status HERE UPDATE: in addition i would ask that applicants post pictures directly on you submission post, please do not post links to photos. if you are unsure how to do this read the tutorial HERE or ask for assistance
  7. super nice i really need to finish mine as well, but i have to many other projects going on lol
  8. well i do not pretend to know the reasoning by any means... i am just seeing the end result, witch is somebody being discouraged from trooping/ and building by unreasonable changes being made to the set standards
  9. it seems to me that he may possibly have a personal dislike EU stormtroopers in general, and is making the standards for approval ridiculously higher to discourage people from attempting type of build.
  10. congrats! great to see your shooting for EIB, if you start out your build with that in mind it will be very easy to achieve measure twice and cut once and good luck with the build!
  11. just do it man if you need some help ask away
  12. well it would be a great accomplishment, not only would it be the first in the UK but you would be the first trooper to be red white and blue
  13. well you can bet you wont get your incinerator approved without a flamethrower <_< i can throw together a full tutorial and templates if your serious on making one
  14. i love the red white and blue idea myself i was actually thinking of making some kind of motto out of it also, whats with the bazooka deal? cant you get one made by somebody? it looks pretty simple
  15. i still want to make one that shoots real fire just for use around the campfire, my neighbors wont care, i have fired my shotgun off my front porch several times lol
  16. im in the process of making my 3rd flamethrower now and the woodchuck is making some also.. i am also making a template set for people that wish to make there own (still a work in progress)
  17. you thinking of going red? do it, do it!!!!
  18. not in any of the game references, the actual flamethrower has a tank on the side of the gun
  19. nope, just the pauldrons and ammo pouches were borrowed from sandtroopers while you may see this image around the net, it is fan made (looks pretty cool i think ) ---------
  20. now for the final mg 34 todlt-19 conversion.. i found this vintage t-track material in my cellar first i attached the t-tracks with super glue (i always use gorilla brand it seems stronger than most) i use this layout to align my tracks properly then i cut small notches in the far end of each track with a fine cut off wheel finally i stripped the insulation off some copper wire and wrapped it around the barrel tightly and soldered it in place (this will help prevent tracks from falling off) cut off the excess wire after soldering the ammo cover is a simple rectangular box that is made from aluminum and plastic the conical disc is made from a nail on type furniture glide http://hardware.hardwarestore.com/28-453-furniture-glides.aspx?viewAll=yes&sortBy= i put the nail end in a drill and filed it to a conical shape done at last sniper conversion
  21. well... its off to the emergency room for me lol i just about cut the tip of my thumb off with a surgical saw blade ( i do not recommend using a surgical bone saw ) i just wrapped it up with electrical tape, but the wife insist it needs stitches.....
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