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Mesa back!!!


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Hi gang,


Mesa back!!!


Thank you all for the prayers and for all the well wishes. Really - I cried after reading them. Thank you all!


A special thank you to Paul for passing on the information, a true friend.


And very special thank you to my wife Faye for putting up with my testosterone-driven cop, damn the torpedoes, type-A personality. It was pretty stupid for me to get involved in that foot pursuit... :angry:


I'm running on Tylenol with Codeine and DOLE Pineapple Orange Banana 100% juice which makes the pain tolerable so I'll get to everyone's emails as soon as I can - please be patience.


Thanks again everyone - you guys are truly "wonderful."


Aloha & God bless,


Tony SAGUN :salute:

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Here's to a speedy recovery and the world of being pain free. I'll raise a glass of Mexican suds to your health, sir! :pint1:

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Take it easy and feel better. I hate when I hear a fellow LEO gets injured in the line of duty. Its good to see you're in good spirits (of course the stuff you're spiking your juice with is enough to put anyone in a good mood.)

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Good to see you posting again!


Remember the pain meds hit you better if you chew them up instead of swallowing them whole. Just have something to drink handy :)

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So glad you're back in action, if only in a limited fashion for the time being. :) As I am currently going through all of the processes to enter into a law enforcement career I understand your gung-ho attitude - it's difficult not to be that way. B)


We all look forward to your full recovery!

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Jeez, I go away for a little while...


Tony, your full-time job now is to get yourself well again. Don't even think about fiddling with plastic -- not even your own. Watch movies, play video games, and entertain happy Star Wars-y thoughts about how it should have gone down. "There's one. Set for stun." :trooper::Laser:


Now, I know I have some leftover oxycodone around here somewhere... *rummages through accumulated medical stuff*



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Good news to see you posting again Tony... take it easy and concentrate on getting better :)


I would raise a bottle of beer to you as well but... well I'm also on Tylenol (paracetomol) with codeine for a long-standing injury, resulting from a car-accident 3 years ago.


A word of warning though....alcohol with Tylenol / Paracetomol is a *bad* idea for your liver... so you can choose to either mess-up your liver, or erm... mess-up your social life when you're on the stuff :(

US doctors should be prescribing you something without Tylenol/paracetomol, like oxycontin / oxycodone (like Jonah mentioned) anyways... British doctors don't, unfortunately :angry:


If it's any compensation I'm in severe pain at the mo' myself.... one of our firm's suppliers invited myself and a colleague out for an evening of go-karting yesterday evening. I *knew* it was a bad idea with how my back is, but I REALLY wanted to go! I lasted 4 laps and had to pull-out as the zero-suspension was like grinding a cheese-grater against my spine :o


So now the only relief I can get is taking 60mg. codeine (WITH paracetomol - AARRRGGHH) and lying flat on our solid cement floor, in my living-room.... I also have a mains-powered blanket with heated pads in it which helps when I need to sit upright in a seat or whatever. Some ideas to hopefully relieve the pain, mate...


Get well soon... I should have a box heading your way in about a month's time ;)




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