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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarkTrooper

  1. Thanks for posting those pictures. I've been curious at to what a NE looks like. Great progress in TK costuming/replicas
  2. DarkTrooper

    eBay boots

    OMG, those are hideous! Either wait for TKboots to be back in production or get those boots SolderMaster suggested.
  3. Wow, that ear looks great. Well done. Wonkiness is acceptable. Screen used buckets were that way.
  4. do have a preference as to what type of material? ABS? HIPS? TIN? PAPER MACHE? etc. Painted? Unpainted?
  5. Oh, so propmaker Morganthirteen IS shawn? Is this guy, automaton72, legitimately selling shawn's kits or is this being recasted? I've noticed these blasters for sale the last couple months. I'll admit I bought one a couple months ago when I thought I was just lucky enough to find one for sale on ebay, then they became a regular occurance.
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-SE-14R-Stormtrooper-Blaster-Pistol-501st-Prop-Replica-E-11-e11-/271201002785?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f24d6e521 Does anyone have any info on this individual selling these kits? Not a lot of info is available on this blaster. From what I've been able to put together these appear to be Shawn Morgan's latest version. These have a curved profile on the blaster handle. These appear to not be the Kropserkel versions either. Pretty good deal, too good that it might be recasted. Comes with a real scope too.
  7. Plus you're going for a HERO helmet too I assume? I see the ears have the 3 bumps. Those HERO ears are harder to come by.
  8. Your ATA helmet didn't come with two sets of ears? Ears are such a pain to trim that I thought that's why they come with two sets, I know mine did. IMO, you could trim a lil more from the front part of that left ear, at least more of the flashing that's still left. Take your time when trimming the ears. Trim a lil, measure/place it against the helmet and check if you still need to trim.
  9. Dremel out a hole wide enough for the nut and deep enough for the bolt/screw. Place the nut in that hole and epoxy it in place.
  10. I haven't encountered a trooper that has that system yet. Most folks have an external amp, like an Aker, mounted in their chest piece. An internal helmet speaker system is something I am working on though. I took apart a toy mic (T-pain mic) and I'm planning on rigging it someway into my helmet. I noticed that the speaker does need some sort of enclosure in order to have a loud enough sound. There's a thread some where around here from someone has a "speaker helmet". I think they used plastic toy eggs as the speaker enclosures.
  11. The return edge on the left side of the chest piece looks rather thick. The lighting could be distorting the image but it looks thicker than the right side. The bottom of the chest piece looks thick too. Too thick for my taste but it shouldn't prevent you from getting approved. I'm a GML, I'd accept you
  12. I would avoid ebay sellers, ones that regularly sell on the site. But every once and awhile you may come across armor that was 501st approved and complete. Its decent. Good starting base for a TD.
  13. I have a Hero ANH TK just about ready. I just need to add two more fasteners to the holster to make it hero style. It should be an easy pass for EIB. It has decals on the helmet and I don't feel like hand painting all the traps just yet. I also finished a 'spare' kit for my buddies to troop with me every once and awhile. But I'll mostly likely be posting it up for sale very soon.
  14. ---------- I just checked ebay and DoopyDoos is selling their kits.
  15. I was going to ask if there were any actions to be taken on current members who are not up to par with current CRLs . . . but then I read Mathias response. Are you sure current members are not required to update their costumes? I'm a stickler for screen accuracy and there are quite a few TKs in my garrison who are rocking plastic belts and one piece back and butts. So if I approach them, as our garrison's GML, and explain the updated CRLs and they tell me to "take a hike" I should just leave it at that?
  16. Nice idea with the key & slots for the leg closure. That should work out.
  17. I installed stirrups in my calves. I basically hot glued a piece of black elastic two thirds down my calves, enough to accommodate the height of my boots. Sort of like this baseball sock -------- My calve armor never rides up the tops of boots now.
  18. Yes those were on display at Star Wars Celebration V. At Celebration VI they used Clonetrooper helmets I believe.
  19. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/19329-where-what-and-whom-to-avoid-when-buying/ AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!
  20. Awesome. Are all the details hand painted?
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