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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by Doggydoc

  1. Troop 6 - November 26, 2022 Hamilton Retrocon This was an absolutely awesome troop. We were lucky enough to have Garrick Hagen (Biggs), Angus MacInnes (Gold Leader) and Roger Christian (Set Decorator and Production designer) From A New Hope. They were all very friendly and happy to share stories of their experience working on the original episode. Roger is the person that made Luke’s lightsaber, the E-11 blaster that we all love as well as the other blasters and even R2 D2. We raised money for the local Children’s hospital and 4 of us had the honour of escorting the trio into their evening panel discussion to the Star Wars Theme song. That was truly the highlight of the day. Some shots of our group during the con: Photo ops with Garrick and Angus: Also picked up a jacket from one of the other garrison members that he was no longer using that had an FISD patch on the shoulder and the large 11” 501st one on the back. The escort of the guests into their panel.
  2. Awesome to have you here Terry. Make sure to create a build thread and ask lots of questions.
  3. Congrats on your approval. Looking forward to seeing your troop log once you get out there.
  4. Hi Adam. ‘Great to have you here. Welcome. Which TK are you leaning towards?
  5. Hi Jody, welcome to the FISD. Try Endor finders for the gloves they have the option for black stitching needed for centurion. looking forward to seeing your build.
  6. Congrats Paul. Awesome job. Hoping to see you shoot for centurion
  7. Troop 5 - November 21, 2022 Cambridge Santa Clause Parade This was my first real cold weather troop at -2 degrees Celsius. Had several layers of undersuit that helped a lot but the wind was bitter and standing waiting for an hour at the staging area in what essentially amounts to underwear covered in plastic, it was chilly. Once the parade started though, the cold was not noticeable. Walking helped a bit but the cheers and reactions of the kids and their parents was so warming, especially when a small 2 or 3 year old child walked up to me as I stoped to wave at her and gave me a big hug around my legs. This was the first time that we were at the parade and we were very well received. We were also joined by the Mando Mercs group, who were also a great bunch Pre parade group shot We were asked to not bring any blasters, so I rigger up the candy cane instead.
  8. Welcome Jonathan. looking forward to seeing your build. I also went with AP. It’s a great kit. Make sure to start a build thread and ask lots of questions. There is a huge wealth of knowledge here to help you along your way.
  9. Congratulations Steve. awesome to see such a clean 3D printed costume.
  10. Hi Ryan. Welcome. I recently completed my AP build. It’s a great kit. There are so many knowledgeable and helpful people here to help you through it. Looking forward to seeing your build progress.
  11. Congratulations. You will have so much fun at your first troop. Remember. Smile as big as you want, no one can see you under the helmet.
  12. Doggydoc

    FISD Memes

    This is officially my first meme. Be nice. LOL
  13. Since I am going to build this for centurion, I will need to get rubber gaskets. This seems to be a challenge as Imperial gaskets is no longer making them. Does anyone know of another place to source good rubber gaskets, or will I need to figure out a way to make them myself?
  14. I figured that I would start this now even though it will be a while before I actually start building. I want to document everything from the start to show time lines to receive items. Armour Jimmiroquai TFA FOTK kit Ordered on November 10, 2022 Shipped on Dec 10, 2022 Arrived December 16, 2022 Boots Crowprops TK Trooper FO/R1 Short Boots. https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/fo-r1-tk Ordered November 11, 2022 Shipped Jan 17, 2023 Arrived Jan 25, 2023 Gloves Endor Finders Stormtrooper Gloves (Black stitching) https://www.endorfinders.com/shop/tfa-stormtrooper-gloves?utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer_notification Ordered November 11, 2022 Arrived November 28, 2022 Rubber Gaskets Thorsson and Associates Workshop http://www.tandaworkshop.com/ sthorsson99@yahoo.com Ordered November 29, 2022 Shipped December 29, 2022 (was ready to ship Dec 7 but I missed the notification for final payment) Arrived January 11, 2023. Metal Holster R2Dan - Dantooine Prop Collecting Ordered November 29, 2022 Arrived December 30, 2022
  15. Well, I made the plunge today and ordered 2 new kits from Jimmiroquai. I went with the TFA FOTK and (sorry about this) the death trooper. Decided to go with 2 kits to save on shipping. I will likely build the death trooper first. Looking forward to get back into it.
  16. Hi Matthew. great to have you here. Looking forward to following your build. Lots of great people here with tons of knowledge to help you out.
  17. Awesome Kyle. Looking forward to your build.
  18. I think most are using Imperial Boots or Crow Props. If you have a larger foot, then Crow Props will be able to accommodate you better. https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/fo-r1-tk https://www.imperialboots.com/product/stormtrooper_fotk_r1tk_boots/
  19. Congrats Paul. Great job on the armour.
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