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Everything posted by Sly11

  1. Looks fantastic. Not that I think it will have a bearing on your application, but you could just bring those drop boxes up, until they virtually touch the bottom of the ammo belt, can't see anything else, now the Det screws are black. Good luck with your application. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Looking sharp Trooper, good luck with your application. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Yes to industrial Velcro Looks like you have got everything covered. I used Velcro on my snap plates as an insurance measure, incase a snap ever broke or popped out in the field. Save the cash on the heat shears and just use a cigaret lighter on the ends of elastic and webbing material, it works just as well. Good luck with your build, and please post plenty of photos, as not only do we LOvE photos of armor, but an image will always bring more accurate feedback. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. There is no reason why you can't aim for the top, and go Centurion with an AP kit. You do however need to replace a few bits. The Hovi mic tips supplied are tap aerators. pM Sskunky from CFO, his are fantastic . S trim for base of helmet , go to Trooperbay for that. Backs for your drop boxes, sorry can't remember where I got mine from. I love my AP armour fits me well, so if you aim for Centurion from the start of your build, it is easier than you might think to achieve. Have a look at my armour build at the bottom of my post, and check out as many AP, EIB and Centurion applications and builds as you can, it all helps. Here if you need me [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Loving it so far, I can't miss this, popcorn time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. WOW, you look sensational. How long can you stay kitted up before you overheat, considering the tight fit of the head pieces? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Looking good, keep it up [emoji106] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I use a suitcase, everything fits inside each other as has been mentioned. I wrap the blaster in a towel to stop marking the armor. I have a separate helmet bag from Trooperbay, with my TK number and forum name on it. Recently added FISD patches with EIB and Centurion rockers, and it looks great. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. To weather, you can use what is called "Dry brushing", I'll explain. I have included the link to my blaster build which has a few images of when I was weathering the scope. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28297-slys-first-build-e-11-doppy-full-resin/ You select the desired paint colour, so lets say you are weathering the scope. Brass would be what you need as the originals were made of brass and then painted black. So first you paint your scope black, then dip you brush into the brass paint only a little. You then wipe the brush onto a piece of paper removing a lot of the excess until the brush strokes are leaving virtually no paint behind (run the brush back and forth like you are scribbling) Now brush back and forth lightly on the part of the scope you wish to look weathered. The effect is like black has been worn away exposing the brass underneath.
  10. Looks awesome John, had fun helping out yesterday, getting closer and closer to completion [emoji106] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Looking good Trooper. I absolutely agree, it is so much fun. I am actually enjoying helping a fellow member build an MTK at the moment, and must say am very impressed with the kit in general. Looking forward to seeing your EIB application, hint , hint
  12. Thanks [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Does anyone know what episode number it is with Billy D in please, would like to watch it.
  14. Hero helmet Bubble lenses 6 tooth frown 3 rank bumps on ears 4 rivets to hold the holster onto belt Stunt Flat lens 8 tooth frown Four rank bumps on ears Only 2 rivets attach holster to canvas belt This just to give you a rough idea, best bet, print out the CRL for both and do your comparison . This hobby takes time and research, have fun[emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Awesome, Awesome job Walt. I could tell by the smile on your face in your photos, you were confident and overjoyed at the accomplishment. Welcome to Centurion rank, you look fantastic.
  16. Hi Eric, welcome back. Please, please, please ship the Australian orders first, as US postal send them via canoe, so they take over two weeks to get here. Then our customs department like to wear them for a few days before they put them into our snail mail system, and finally a week or so later, we will finally, finally get them. This story may seem funny, but unfortunately, the time scale is accurate [emoji20] P.S. I wasn't responsible for the jello, smell, or the black tyre marks out the front. You just can't do those things via Skype Holo systems, but it was the only way to join the party from here in the Outer rim. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I actually thought the photos were of the same person at first look. Only realised it wasn't as I saw other posts lol, you have a doupleganger. [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Probably wondered who the random was that looked down the camera lens. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Being overwhelmed, I think it just par for the course with this hobby. First you have the MASSIVE rescource that is the FISD. Then you have a sharp learning curve and a lot to remember. Then the big brown box arrives, you are excited beyond belief, so you open it up,spread it across the floor and take the obligatory photos, and.... It's time to make your first cut......terror, what if I do it wrong, what if I stuff it up...... But it's ok, we have all been there, we are here for you, to help, give advise, to answer your questions. Take your time, start with something like your forearms, see what the first cut feels like. Trust me, once you make your first cut, your confidence will sky rocket, and you will love every minute of it. I wish you the very best with your build, here if you need help. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalki think he did indeed
  21. You could, but with freight charges every time you need to order the next part, it would cost you much more than necessary in the end
  22. G'day all I thought , just for a bit of fun, I would put into perspective, the magnitude of Scot's journey around Australia. North America and Australia share a similar overall land mass, so ever considering walking around the USA. You can imagine how tired Scott must be from all that walking and how sore his feet must get. Image courtesy of Australian government Geo-science website.
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