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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. Great to have you here - welcome to FISD
  2. We need to pin this thread - excellent information here that I will certainly be taking advantage of.
  3. Man, the details on this are crazy compared to the old days. Looking great!
  4. Man, what a find. As noted, we have suspected these were faucet aerators for many years, but it's nice to have this finally confirmed.
  5. I had one of me from Celebration Los Angeles where I was wearing an Alpha 75 TFA TK and walked in to one of the displays and froze for about 10 minutes. People came in and started taking my photo thinking I was one of the displays, it was pretty funny. At the time. Thanks for the Rose Parade pix Glen, man those are some mighty fine memories.
  6. LOL, which ones? I copied/pasted them and maybe the pasting didn't go through? It's hard for me to say as I can see all of them, as you may imagine. Should I just copy/paste all of them?
  7. Strange, I see them. I wonder if it's a permissions issue. Trying again...
  8. Brier? Brier? Man, I used to drive through there all the time back in the day and lived just south of you on Locust Way. Man times have changed, but one thing hasn't and that is having a good TK in Garrison Titan is always welcome. You look close, and definitely go the pre-approval route and make it easy on our GML. The feedback you'll get here will be better than anything you can get elsewhere. Have you signed up on the garrison boards yet? And, I empathize with you, I joined the Legion when my daughter was about 6 months old. Yes, that was 16 years ago. Man, how time flies.
  9. Me as one of the original Alpha 75 in Celebration LA.
  10. POST 58 Not me in armor, but it's a great shot. This was a professional photoshoot for the garrison. 1.
  11. POST 57 Great Wall troop with Chinese Outpost (they were not a Garrison back then) in 2010. 1. 2. 3.
  12. POST 55 Book shoot, at least 2 of these were used as the basis for FISD merch. 1. 2. 3.
  13. Man, this is coming along nicely. As Romain said above, take your time. No one will remember how fast you did it, but everyone will know how it looks in the end.
  14. I can't wait to see this complete, it will be killer. Haven't seen one in person yet and it's a totally boss TK version.
  15. Well, it could have been the akamai issue... https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/22/several-major-websites-go-down-in-widespread-internet-outage.html
  16. I met Dana, one of the founders, at Celebration in Los Angeles in 2015. Seemed a nice enough guy and they understood how to make accurate props and market them. What they didn't understand was manufacturing, and that is where all their problems came in. It's one thing to make a prototype that is perfect, but can you make a lot of them, and do so without losing money? Even in the fan community, there are very few people who make money, and only a select few who make enough for it to be a full time gig. And since they have so much of that market already covered there's not much left. Then too Disney wants their license fees, and everything has to be made to their specification. Want to change the number of rivets on the TK belt to make it more accurate? Sorry, no can do unless The Mouse approves the design change. I'm disappointed, but not surprised honestly. Again, good blokes but making a business out of replicas simply required more business savvy on the production side than they had.
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