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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Yeah...avoid the noid on this one.
  2. Agree with all the above. I'd avoid this one.
  3. Um...that's Bac-lava...but LOL! Try this out...http://trooperbay.com/black-balaclava/
  4. Well...I have this much hair so can't really offer much. I think the balaclava idea is a good idea though. ---------
  5. I stay in character while in public and when asked also refer to my armor as coming from the "Imperial Armory, as ordered by Lord Vader". I usually just wing the other questions that come up (and they do come up). I've said stuff like..."I was on vacation when the Death Star I and II were destroyed. So yea, I missed that one!" The kids love it too. However, I usually do not allow kids or people to handle my blaster.
  6. Agree with Vern...Sci-Fire makes a super nice one, and it's light weight. There is an in-expensive alternative but the sales/service are sketchy (CCC). I would not recommend it.
  7. Yup...velcro strip on the inner boot top connecting with the inner shin. That's me...works great.
  8. You are a breath of fresh air Ingrid! Nobody would EVER tell you to hush!
  9. Looks like your pics did not post correctly. Can you try again?
  10. Looks like a bad re-casting job...maybe AP or TE armor as stated above. I would avoid this one.
  11. Looks great! I echo the above comments on biceps/forearm distancing. What helmet is that, MRCE? You might want to get darker lenses at some point.
  12. I joined up last year and got my ID. Now I have 3 costumes and have learned so much. When I got started, and was totally lost and in need of help, a forum member helped me out. When I thanked him he said, "no problem, just pay it forward man." SO...I have always tried to do that and help anyone, anytime, anywhere...
  13. How did you do that?!
  14. I like suspenders and use them for my setup. But, it's all about what you prefer though...
  15. Good job and it's all about your taste and preference. It took me a few blasters to get a groove and form my "weathering style". If this is yours, cool.
  16. Looks great to me Noah! Your hard work and dedication has paid off trooper. Go get your TK ID and start trooping!
  17. Some folks use foam inside the forearms to keep them in place while others like them really tight. It's all a matter of personal preference for you.
  18. If you have not already, go grab a free Photobucket account. You can upload to it, then post your pic links here.
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