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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I have that one as well. It's dynomite and fits everything really, really nicely.
  2. I always drink water/coffee and hydrate in the morning (way before) the gig. Then, take little breaks during the event and sip water. So far, no problems, shifting (left or right), etc.
  3. Sci-fire is the best, IMHO. I got a CCC last year and actually was able to make a decent gun out of it. But, it's no way near the detail I would have liked.
  4. As with everything these days, just be careful and go into it with both eyes open. I have received some really good deals on eBay, but have also got some lemons. I prefer sourcing stuff from the forums, like FISD.
  5. My 2 cents... Doopys Kit - Great overall resin cast blasters; great looking and fun to build. Sometimes these turn up for sale by 501st and/or FISD members. Handmade PVC Pipe Kit - These can turn out really, really good if you have the time and skills required. Hasbro Conversion - These are just plain fun to make and an easy blaster for trooping - plus it already has sound and lights. Hyperfirm - This is a really, nice accurate light-weight blaster. However, I can't really see you mounting a sound board and/or lights to it. Here's my Doopys, Hyperfirm and Hasbro Mods:
  6. I'm not up-tight but I am a friendly, equal opportunity trooper! If you need any TB help, you know where to find me.
  7. Awesome box party! If you hit up BSN, find me over there. I'm a scout too.
  8. You could check out the MTK lid. It's awesome.
  9. Our little group is doing a "Free Comic Book Day" event @ Texas Toyz tomorrow.
  10. Casey (@ doopys) has had some network email issues. Just stay on him. They are great.
  11. I wear a size 11 and got a size 11. They are perfect and fit awesome. My 2 cents...
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