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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About LadyInWhite

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    Los Angeles
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    Writing, SF, Legos, Lasertag.


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    First Female FISD Staff Member

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  1. YAYYAAYAYAY to Phasma TLJ. While I work on that I need a new ANH or ESB TK. My poor old lady is not fit for duty << Where are those repair droids when you need them!? >> I'm half tempted to do a FO TK but I'm sorry, the OT TKs are still my first love and the most comfortable and versatile!
  2. After seeing pretty much every TK in the entire Star Wars universe bite the big one on screen, I felt like I needed to come here and give my long lost brothers and sisters a HUG. Actually I guess I'm the one who is Long Lost! Mama TK says Hi, sends her love, and hopes you all have wonderful holidays, winter break, or whatever you're up to. Also I'll be in NYC for a while between Xmas and NYE if anyone wants to get coffee or otherwise break up the New York Monotony. (That ought to get me some outings, right? "I'll show you!") I'm a California native, what do you want? STAY SAFE, and keep your blaster at your side! Ingrid
  3. Hello, Everyone -- I am so sorry for being absent and not answering anyone's questions. This teacher didn't get much of a summer off or any kind of break! I'm going to start transferring and archiving information from our Captain Phasma Costumers facebook group to here for long-term reference, but for the most part that's where most of the build answers including vendors are. I'll work with the team here to get things updated if they haven't already. See, I don't even know! Bad Captain! Anyway, I think my mailbox is useful again, so feel free to PM me, though it's WAY easier to find me on Facebook or email.
  4. Jennifer was one of the first people I met on FISD, and was, and will always be, my "build buddy." Her encouragement and advice were always given with grace, enthusiasm, passion, and humor. I would never have guessed, even having experienced major depression myself, that she was suffering. Jenny, I love you, and may there be endless trooping and a demand for your cheer and kindness in the Empire Beyond. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  5. Apologies for the late replies! I am not a fan of fiberglass so I'm glad I have light ABS plastic armor. The parts I have from Shawn are fine, though. CRL is in progress, mostly done... my bad... need to send in photos. The new LMO, or whatever his role is, is being a total jerk about it. (KIDDING!)
  6. There is nothing wrong with a male Phasma, any moreso than a female playing Vader. Just be true to the character and that's what matters
  7. I'm not sure if plastidip will hold the shape for the gaskets once you remove the mold, but its a thought.<br><br> As for the shape, I was going to use any ribbed or corrugated item, make a negative mold of it, and cut to shape (mostly rectangle anyway). But I'm still a ways away from that solution.
  8. Hi, Francisco! Which material, the plastic armor parts or the cape, or the black gaskets in the joints? Armor/Plastic = vacuum formed ABS, some fiberglass, styrene could work. Cape = cotton canvas is preferable. Joints/Gaskets = the original suits from Anovos are true rubber, but others are making them out of Lycra / Spandex (bathing suit) material, or other materials, including latex. I hope that answers your question! Gloves are just plain leather driving gloves I got from a street vendor in NYC for $10. I may switch to neoprene which fits more snugly and will not constrict my fingers as much when I wear the finger armor, and I'll just glue those on or something. I will say, though, that the neoprene is hard to get on/off if the fingers are glued on! Maybe I'll glue all but the middle and index finger, and just leave those end pieces as velcro so they don't fall off. My pinkies tend to fly away - they will be glued. The cape drop cloth is heavy but flowy, it falls nicely even though I can't find the nap. So who knows, I may have it all wrong. I spray-painted it because it would not take the dye, TWICE, two different types. Sigh. So it is actually a very stiff potato chip right now... I hope to remake it. I am going to get black fabric next time. For the CRL the cape is the only part I put a complete Level 1 and Level 2. The reason for this is to show that there are a lot more details on the cape to achieve, for those who go nuts, like me, but that a simpler version should be acceptable. I am 99.999% certain that not one fan in the universe who is not analyzing the costume to build it will ever notice that she has four pockets, three seams, a rubberized backing on the outside, etc. etc. So I also did not specify that canvas should be required at Level 1, leaving some flexibility for builders. We shall see what our illustrious (gorgeous, sweet, wonderful, awesome...) DL and the LMO etc. say about that, as it's not up to me! My husband and I are working on a latex paint solution but until then, you can get some shiny black (stretchy like lycra/spandex) material and just sew lots and lots of rows of tubes. I suggest sewing the folds first and inserting the actual piping material (cotton rope, or foam, or whatever) later. That's what I'll be working on this week... maybe a new build thread is in order! Never! Shiny white is my first love
  9. Thanks so much for your input, Bobby!!! In the final version I submitted to Eric recently, I definitely did not specify what materials can or can't be used. I just left it at "reflective silver or chrome in color" because if you can achieve that with a spraypaint, why not? Just not the foggy dull gray kind that claims to be chrome, like the Krylon crap I tried. I also removed that specification from the hand armor and fingers because they seem to be duller in most photos. I can't argue what you say about Vaders - I am used to working with ROTJ vaders and an ESB vader and I am always polishing and wiping their dang armor! My point was mainly that a flat plastic black isn't going to be the same as the satiny or shiny look. I do agree with your cape suggestion, I tripped over my own cape and I would not be surprised if this is what happened to that poor chap wearing Phasma in the 2016 Rose Parade. What if we said "near floor length" which leaves it up to the wearer whether they want it below, at, or just slightly above the heel?
  10. Here are my latest thoughts on the cape. PROPOSED CRL Wording - Level 1 The cape is black and crosses the chest diagonally from the top of the right shoulder to the left elbow, wrapping around to connect again at the top of the right shoulder. All seams except the front red seam are two parallel straight-stitches, approximately 3/8”-1/2" apart, including pockets, hem, and the borders of the straps. The front seam across the chest is two parallel straight stitches, approximately ~1” (~2.5cm) apart. A red stripe is painted along the entire front seam on the top/visible side only, within the parallel seams. The hem reaches the floor by the left foot, and crosses diagonally upward toward just below the back of the right knee. The cape gathers into folds behind the right shoulder. The hem of these folds increases in height, creating a zig-zag look. No clasp or buckle is visible on the right shoulder or elsewhere. The outside of the cape has a light sheen to it. Light wear-and-tear and weathering is permitted. Level 2 Details Cape is 3 panels, with seams on either side of the back plate. Four assymetrical pockets are present on the left panel; the top one overlaps the seam. They are in the pattern 1-2-1 from top to bottom. The top pocket is approximately even with the bicep. The pocket size is around 8” tall and 5” wide, but vary because they are not identical. Two ~1.25”-wide (~3cm) straps extend from inside the hem of the left panel at hand-level. One ~1”-wide strap extends from under the side of the bottom pocket. The cape is coated on the outside in a thin rubber-like medium. The fabric is cotton canvas with a diagonal weave visible in the medium. A black ~1-1.5”-wide strap extends from the top of the right shoulder down the back. Now I might need to do some more research into the exact measurements of everything but they will serve as approximations at this time. (Eg. a 2-inch strap or too wide a red stripe is just not right.)
  11. Verona is credited! Edit: As "Additional Voices"
  12. Very clever!! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. I haven't seen it. Not a fan of Anovos so much I can't bring myself to look [emoji14] It should get as close to mirror as possible, not a true mirror but absharp reflection. If not, its just another shoddy job for pre-sale profit. If it's just to put in a display cabinet, is probably fine. If you get one to wear : strip, prep, and chrome it yourself to match your kit. Just have a backup plan since you'll likely be waiting a year for it. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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