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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by BananoPower22

  1. I'm really looking forward to see how this armor turns out but the belt's taking forever to get to you
  2. I love my HWT, but the pack gets kinda heavy after wearing it for 3 straight hours.. edit: wow, I didn't realize that my thighs look horrible down there... I need to pull them up
  3. 5'9 and 130lbs i think it's very perfect. and armor building-wise i think anyone can pull it off bro, with FISD and us by your side you don't have to be afraid of anything. I built my first helmet, VT, which is basically the same thing as ATA and it wasn't tough to build at all. And my ATA build was SO much more easier since it has all the trimlines and tells you where to trim, cut, etc. if you go with ATA, you won't be disappointed. It's a GREAT armor.
  4. looks awesome. since you got all that gear going on you, it'd be nice if you could get some umbrella corporation patches and sew them somewhere, that'll give it a nicer touch
  5. Looking fantastic! Armor look perfect on you. One quick tip though, you can pull the belt up a wee bit more so it aligns with the bottom of the ab button square "control panel" or however it's called. But everything else looks superb. Well done!
  6. check out "houseofscuba" on ebay. i got my undersuit off there, it's really really good.
  7. Is it just me or are these tube stripes gigantic? Is it just the angle that's making them look like that? I'm kinda confused
  8. looking good but you can definitely do something about the thighs.. they look way too low
  9. well it might come in handy for those who know absolutely NOTHING about stormtroopers but still want to get the best armor they can get. just imo though
  10. You won't be disappointed Kim, John's work is truly beautiful!
  11. for 501st legion acceptance, i believe that blasters are optional as each country has their own laws that forbids some troopers carrying them. I don't know if the same can be said for eib and centurion
  12. Lol, would be pretty cool to do that. Just for the lulz. In my case, I'm not going to the phantom menace in costume. However; IF I finish my scout by the time tpm is at the theater, i might consider doing it with a group of friends dressed as sw characters too. just for the lulz of it
  13. Or a good ol' strong arm and a good hammer lol
  14. bfgs are fun, and you look like a badass with them but in my experience as a hwt, the butt of the rifle makes it a small PITA to pose for pictures
  15. Interesting! I never really thought of removing that area of the hasbro. Nice thinking there You can definitely reshape it and make it look smooth all over again. I'll be monitoring this thread!
  16. I don't know man, it's weird. Perhaps your e6000's old or something? Expiration date? (Does it has one? idk) I used e6000 on my doopydoos build and it has NEVER failed me. I have even dropped my blaster a few times my accident on a few troops and no part has ever separated. Try getting a new tube, if it doesn't works then you can use crazy glue?
  17. To each their own really. I think the gun looks amazing! I really wish I could weather mine like that but I've got 0 weathering skills!
  18. Here's Pandatrooper's ATA helmet build. It helped me A LOT back when I built my ATA helmet http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=14806
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