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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2024 in all areas

  1. It's... probably not an obsession. I think. Maybe. This one's for all of you: Squad, Outpost, Garrison, Detachment, Legion. Extended Staff or Staff. Thank you so much for all that you do! I've had the honor of being responsible for our Detachment Social Media accounts this past year and it's been so much fun! And it's given me a whole new level of appreciation for everything that people on Staff do to keep our beloved forum and club running. The time, the effort, the love and care that goes into this. Truly, shout-out to everyone who's ever done this or does this, you're awesome!
    4 points
  2. Research and reference pics! (This will be updated) Initial notes: Helmet appears to be ANH/ESB proportioned but with ROTJ paint and ROTJ ear caps AB plate has only 4 buttons colored, fifth is left white Gloves are Rogue One TK gloves Armor is ROTJ armor Traditional belt drop boxes, not MP40 pouches like the original HWT Only one MP40 pouch on entire outfit Backpack is completely new and has visible straps Pauldron is black, not orange Shoe soles are either dark yellow or dark gray No holster is worn Thermal detonator is worn
    4 points
  3. Hey hey! Been a while since I've been here. I've got a new costume in the works, but after looking at the forums.... I wasn't quite sure where to put it. I'm planning to build the Heavy Stormtrooper from Battlefront 2, but nobody's made one yet and so there's no relevant forum sadly. Well, on to the details and pictures! I love the look of the heavy Stormtrooper, and the backpack is great, plus I like the black pauldrons and big guns.... so I looked and found there isn't a CRL for one yet, so I'm taking the plunge to build the first one! I've been talking to Dave's Darkside Depot for the armor, I've already got stuff in hand, I'll have to build the backpack. Helmet: DDD Armor: DDD Neckseal: I don't remember, got it off Etsy in.... 2018? (in hand) Pauldron: Trooperbay black pauldron (in hand) Body suit: Scuba black body suit (in hand) Boots: TKBoots (an original pair!) Gloves: Imperial Boots/KeepTrooping (in hand) Next post is the research post!
    3 points
  4. Starting out the year strong with a decent amount of upcoming troops. Woohoo! First time event was really a great event with a lot of happy faces. A strong Rebel presence today. Putting a Jawa in jail is crossed off my trooping bucket list.
    2 points
  5. SRS - RetroMania Boulder/Longmont 2024 Smallish con with a lot of toys for sale. Love getting out the FOTK for these events.
    2 points
  6. Troop 43 and 44 Kitchener , Ontario January 20 and 21, 2024 Tricon 2024 This troop was a local “mini con” that was put on at a children’s museum to help revitalize the downtown core. It is a neat venue as the art installations are all in place throughout the 5 story building where the con takes place. We didn’t have a booth, so we would patrol around and interact with guests. This was extra special as it was my son’s first troop with his new biker scout costume. I didn’t get a photo with my son wearing my TK but did with my death trooper. Took advantage of some of the art installations for photo ops. This room has TK written all over it. Oh man! Maybe those were the droids I was looking for! Some pics with other 501st members: Finally, I couldn’t resist a photo with this little guy.
    2 points
  7. Thank you so, so much for making this Detachment a fantastic, safe and wonderful space for all us Stormtrooper enthusiasts. FISD wouldn't be the same without you, Andrew, and I'm very impressed by not only four years in office, but also by all you did during those four years. Cheers! (You can't.)
    2 points
  8. @Sly11 after 4 years as DL! I'm just a simple man. I'll let the rest of the Meme Squad and others create more descriptive content.
    2 points
  9. I think we need a meme capturing and celebrating Andrew's FOUR TERMS in office as DL. One is quite exhausting, that he's hung in there this long and done an AMAZING job is quite notable, IMHO.
    2 points
  10. Oh, and since it's that time of the year again:
    2 points
  11. Very cool idea, and I love the integration of real life education with our own little space fantasy! You had me at "social sciences" since my undergrad degree is in Sociology. =) Adam and Jonatan have some good ideas about a mic and backdrop above, and if you have the funds, you could even consider a wall panel like this one below. Not intentionally a Star Wars product, but inherently in-universe due to the design. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Barrette-Outdoor-Living-3-ft-x-6-ft-Optic-Black-Polypropylene-Decorative-Screen-Panel-73050083/315970643 I've subbed your YouTube channel, and look forward to watching the series as it progresses!
    2 points
  12. Hello all, I’m from the Atlanta, ga area and I have started 3D printing and building my first, First Order Stormtrooper suit this year. I’m about 90% done with the helmet, but I have a long way to go printing the rest of the suit. It has become a dream of mine to join to the 501st legion and meet other Serious Star Wars fans like myself! I also would love to participate in events and someday maybe even make it into one of the Star Wars films as a stormtrooper! But anyways, glad to meet everyone and hopefully this is the start of an amazing life-long journey with you all!
    1 point
  13. If you need a source for the gasket around the chest, back, abdominal, and kidney/posterior pieces, this worked great for my shock trooper: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B87SDCVK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 It comes in a 26-foot length, which is enough to apply to all the pieces and have a few feet of extra material left over. I installed it so the wider edge (the edge with the built-in adhesive material) is on the interior, and the narrow edge is on the exterior (where it is visible). I then glued it all in place with E6000 glue. The built-in adhesive is not strong enough to tolerate trooping.
    1 point
  14. I’ll look through this and get some nice big printouts of the in game model so when I’m assembling the armor, I can follow the model and modify my armor as needed to be as close as possible.
    1 point
  15. Yes just like this one A lot of game version CRL's are also missing some information and correct images and some are not consistent with other game CRL's, when researching I'd highly recommend comparing with the other CRL's. I think you will find quite a few items which will no doubt be different from a base ANH, I'd probably head straight for a BF2 build from the start, but entirely up to you if you want to do the conversions. The thigh ammo strip is also mounted higher like other game CRL's, unlike the other CRL's it still has a rivet in each corner which other game versions do not. If you study the image above you may also note the overlap construction (which is ROTJ style), not butt joined and coverstrip. Belt ends are a little bit longer and the rivet is set more towards the ends of the belt. Also drop boxes are centered to the last belt box NOT to the ends of the belt TKC Also note the rounded look to the posterior and fused kindey/posterior same as other game versions. This costume had been discussed previously and you can find some more reference here if you haven't already seen them
    1 point
  16. Hello all! I thought I would share my latest blaster. It is cast from my original MGC sterling. It has a steel receiver, along with metal components such as tension pins, C-clips and posts etc. Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Fantastic work Marc. Really hope I get to see one in person at some point.
    1 point
  18. Just beautiful. I lust after these every time one passes by my FB stream. I have absolutely no need for an ROTJ E11 but will definitely own one of yours someday.
    1 point
  19. Life got busy and I neglected the meme thread... dang it. and now it's back to work!!! No force chokes! and lastly...
    1 point
  20. Misc images of details Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Rivet detail Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Requesting 501st access ! :-) https://www.501st.com/members/searchresults.php?searchfield=75608&criteria=tkid Commander Pyre out
    1 point
  23. Is it just me, or is that thermal detonator shorter in length that the standard ROTJ trooper?
    1 point
  24. Thanks for the replies guys! The current plan I have due to the helmet is to use an ANH helmet as the base and paint it the proper ROTJ colors. That way the proportions match while the paint does too. I’ll have the fill in the screw recesses on the ears and glue them on, but that’s ezpz after all sorts of animations to make the trooper move and closely watching the belt drop boxes, I have determined the game has nothing attaching them to the belt. They’re just freely floating close to the belt. So.. a creative liberty taken there, and I’ll use the traditional white fabric strips to attach them.
    1 point
  25. I think you got it just right. Something to bear in mind is the rear mounting will vary based on how much material you trim from the halves of the thigh based on getting the right fit for an individual. Slimmer legs mean the mount is a little further back on the rear, large, and it may not get as close as this reference image. You do have the centre block aligned nicely with the cover strip as per the bottom reference image.
    1 point
  26. Thank you, both! I've so far written the scripts for 5 videos, and I have identified plenty of other concepts to discuss in the future! I have so many ideas that the real hold-up to recording anything else is going to be the time I have to do it. It will probably be a while before I get a proper background, mic, and lighting set-up, but this will be a fun project to work on over time!
    1 point
  27. Yay! Another person familiar with the social sciences! Given your sociology background, you will most certainly spot the influence of Erving Goffman in some of the future videos I will create! I like the idea of using this panel! I'll add this to the list of products to look into!
    1 point
  28. A few threads on the subject Another thread here And here Most of our local troopers who have purchased a RS kit have gone for ABS Also an interesting read here online
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. That is pretty darn cool Brian, I think some of the above suggestions will have you taking this to the next level in a heartbeat. Great work, can't wait to see what else you have coming.
    1 point
  31. Force is strong with Brisbane cricket fans, Queensland Australia About The Holsh Experience In 2017, eighty friends celebrated a 40th birthday at the Ashes test in Brisbane. All were dressed in Stormtrooper kits designed specifically for the Aussie summer. The birthday boy, Holsh, was dressed as Darth Vader. They called themselves the Gabbatroopers. Four years on, the army of Troopers is more than 500 strong and 15 other characters have made guest appearances. The group has grown organically, growing through the word of those that have experienced these magical days. Wonderful people creating 'larger than life' memories. https://www.holsh.com.au/gabbatroopers2024 https://www.facebook.com/gabbatroopers/ The 6th year anniversary of the Gabbatroopers is upon us in 2024! And what better way to celebrate than at our first ever Gabbatroopers pink ball day/night test! The Gabbatooters and all your favourite Star Wars characters will be there! DATE Friday 26 January 2024 10:00 AM - 9:30 PM (UTC+10) https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1064163?fbclid=IwAR2My7yl46d-6HZ6cXWh47wM-SYyMZAzJSZNc5GDfuheDZWXmXJT-aaUbNQ What is the Gabba? What is cricket? What is Aussie Rules Football?
    1 point
  32. I really loved it! It made me incredibly pumped of going out in Stormtrooper armor and take the vibe of the video out with me on a troop! I don't know why exactly, but I love the way this feels like we are being taught at the Stormtrooper Academy! I'm sitting here like a hype-man when you said the two words "Move, and along" I was like "THAT'S RIGHT!! MOVE!" If you had a mic and speakers in your helmet, that would be very cool and immersive! Also make sure that you are centered in the frame! I have used my phone for my videos and I think with the back camera (not selfie camera) you can get really good quality results! Although you'd need to have a piece of tape or something on the ground so that you'd for sure be in good position in the frame! If you don't have a green screen or the means to get something like that - I like this monotone grey background! You could in an easy way create a Death Star corridor wall with plywood or whatever and spray it grey and have a pattern like that as a background! Or if not, maybe try to stretch out the fabric! Awesome video idea and series and I'd watch every one!
    1 point
  33. Finished the year and my 25th troop with the same event from last year, which had been my very first troop event. A bit light on attendance, which means we got a lot of silliness and photos. Some cool lighting courtesy of our local Jedi & ROTS Anakin. Sounding out some Santa stories. Group of white armors. The Tuskens make comfy chairs I hear. A little elvin trooper.
    1 point
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