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  2. I'd reach out via their forums or Facebook group, but Ricky, Sha Sha, or Greg on the above linked email list would all be great people to ask about TK stuff up in the GGG area!
  3. Hey Jim, welcome! TI-12585 shows as a Classified Record in the Holocron, but under the Southern California Garrison, of which I am a member. I wasn't able to find any record of that TKID ever being active on our forum or I was going to try to at least pull the username or email associated with the account for you to try a password reset. Are you an approved member of any Garrison and have been assigned that TKID? Please try to keep your intro posts to one thread so we can best help you!
  4. Jim here, and I plan on building a ESB standard TK or Return of the Jedi Scout trooper kit. But Im Here and Ready. Glad to act as a handler first til my build is complete and approved!
  5. So, years ago I created a darn login for the 501st Page but went on an unexpected hiatus for years. now I cant remember my Login OR Password but I cant make a new one because it says "There is an ID already established for this account" and now I cant get it! Help!
  6. There's something I don't get.According to starwarshelmets.com, this is an ANH Stunt helmet: In this image, the trooper on the left is also wearing ANH stunt armor: Why do these helmets look so different if they are the same type? Does quality just differ between manufacturers? I understand the helmet could have gotten messed up from being in the desert or something as well...
  7. Today
  8. Yup, all valid points. Hopefully another vendor will offer them, as you guys can tell Hero is my fave look, followed by ESB. I have a stunt helmet but tbh do not troop in it nearly ever.
  9. Don't get me wrong, some bubble lenses are just fine to see through. But the curved shape creates distortion that makes them objectively harder to see through than flat stunt lenses. The difference in the teeth in addition to the ears usually prevents reasonable crossover between Stunt and Hero these days but it can be done. TM has been accused of recasting CfO's work with evidence and largely fallen from grace in the community of late, in addition to being based out of the UK, and I don't think TE2 is still offered, but several makers have recast it - some with permission and some not.
  10. The more SW that comes out, the more "fans" don't like it. I use the term "fans" loosely. Every new project immediately becomes inundated with negativity. The reasons for the negativity is usually pretty eye-rolling as well. And here's me in the corner just happy there is still new SW content being made! LOL! I have enjoyed pretty much all the new stuff and LOVE pretty much anything Dave Filoni has touched. I assume if that rumor is true and they are doing a Thrown Trilogy, it'll be somewhat modified from the original books, which if that's the case, queue the negative YT videos now. Meanwhile, I'll just be in my corner... Looking forward to more SW content!
  11. Actually it depends on who makes the lenses. Mike Appling made some for one of my hero helmets and they worked out great. Also, some folks offer replacement ears so you can take a regular helmet and do the hero option. Note that you would either need to sand and paint t to smooth out the cap and back if you want perfection or leave it bumpy for good enough. It has been years since I last shopped for armor but at one point TM Troopermaster was #1 at least for armor and hero helmets, and TE2 for stunt helmets.
  12. There were only 6 Hero helmets made for production for ANH, with over 20 Stunt helmets being made. In part for that reasons, far fewer manufacturers offer Hero version helmets. Plus, bubble lenses are harder to see out of.
  13. Research until you care. The standards of the 501st are such that if you don't care about the costume you are building, it is unlikely you will be successful with approval. There are no shortcuts or easy answers, at least not cheap or fast ones. All of the resources are available to help you on your journey, just depending on what you need. But we can't tell you what you want.
  14. This is critical to understand - pick two. If you're looking for quality, it is going to cost you. This is not an inexpensive hobby but by doing thorough research (the slow route), you can help ensure you are happy with your purchase. First decide what type of Stormtrooper you want to build, as there are several available. The overwhelming majority of our members are A New Hope Stunt style stormtroopers and the most resources and options exist for that kit. Have a look at the makers available in the US, as they are all very very different. I am personally not a fan of 850 Armor Works quality or accuracy for the Rogue One/New Gen style suits.
  15. How would I find out how accurate it would be? Also how does 850 armor works compare in price and accuracy to other armors?
  16. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=35335&costumeID=124 Hello. I'm from Polish Garrison. TK 21371 Please enable me to Access.
  17. Is this the correct link? https://www.501st.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=25512
  18. That's it really, it's more Star Wars, love it and am excited to see what's in store.
  19. WOWSERS!... I never knew this existed. that's awesome. I'm not to found of the next seal (fat kid issues) hahaha I think imma make one and see how it goes. I'll definitely keep you in the loop. thanks again. Tk. 45001
  20. If you look at the list on the first page you will see suppliers with country of origin underneath. It's not all just about price, it's accuracy as well as longevity, hence why some research has to be carried out. You can also look at the build thread area, most have maker name in the title or their first page of their build. Also any of the EIB or Centurion sections, all built to a higher accuracy level
  21. Please let me know if there are any additional photos needed!
  22. Hi Alfredo. Those pictures are perfect! One last favor. Could you add a picture like this so we can see the rivets perfectly? Thank you for your patience.
  23. @MaskedVengeance Thank you! Crazy to think two months ago I knew nothing about TKs. I agree and they should be easy changes relative to everything I’ve done so far
  24. Hi Steve. Congratulations and welcome to the 501st.
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