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About SwedishTX

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    Swedish Garrison

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  1. Tried a new method on the gold leafs and i want to share it with you! yesterday i repainted the shoulder armor and add gold leaf for the third time with great results! I dab the surface with a makeup sponge and apply the gold after 30 minutes, use a fine brush and then when you are happy with it, use your finger! most of the wrinkles will disappear ( if wrinkels is correct term )
  2. Well, i don't have to stop printing at all. Does anyone know where i can get stl files to the blaster?
  3. Yeah! but i still think the pieces i already printed will fit .
  4. Update! i just ordered the suit from Sheev´s emporium! Which means i must stop my printing and painting untill it arrives so im sure about the scaling is correct! Happy building!
  5. Think i have made a big mistake on this project. I have printed so much and used my shadow under suit for reference. Now when i look at the suit on sheev's emporium the material feels thick? Does anyone here bought it and can tell how thick it is? I also asked sheev about it but I dont know if he is able so answer fast.
  6. i can try take a picture with all later
  7. Update! Me and Nairy had a chat yesterday on messenger about the locking mechanism and we came up with a solution. Take a plastic strip about 50 mm wide and and 200mm long, glue one half on the armor and put velcro on the other half and tadaaa! i hope this help someone else who have same problem Thanks Nairy Put them on for a test and they fit like a glove! and i started to print Thigh armor yesterday and i´m out of filament now. Size feels right but i must wait and see when the back side is complete
  8. i hear what you saying! but the cut should be under the big strip so you can close it propely, ( i use shadow armor as a reference ) this is the right way, yes? and here is how they made the cut on enoch, maybe glue a plastic strip on the inside with velcro should do the trick. i have seen other prints there the big strip is overlap the other piece
  9. yeah i tried that to when i did it there was a gap like 3-4 mm and you can see velcro. i just got home from hardware store with some stuff i must try
  10. unfortunately, it didn´t work :/ The files i got have that strip next to the cut
  11. question time! Best way to secure and lock shin armor, is it elastic straps and velcro? I cant glue them together 😅 Question nr 2. shoulder straps. Does it have to be ABS plastic or is it ok to cast them in rubber/silicone?
  12. Thank you 🤘 My printer is on 24/7 now 👌
  13. Tried the makeup sponge today, work so much better!
  14. i wet sand it with 800 grid, i have to try something else. Like gmrhodes said, something smoother like a makeup brush thank you man
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