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Ok, so ive been sick and to make myself feel better about not working on my TK ive been watching the original trilogy for the first time on DVD. In ep4 i liked the addition of some of the cg scenes, but when the ending of ep6 came about i almost started screaming.


1. I did not need to hear a jarjar binks sound-alike yelling "WEESA FREE!" during the naboo freedom scene


2. What the heck happened to the ORIGINAL ANAKIN GHOST????????


Someone please tell me these things were illuisons caused by my lack of sleep and high doses of codene laced cough syrup!

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Yeah those are the DVD's that I have too. The one that ticks me off the most is the completely re-vamped CG version of the Jabba's palace band. The Original Sly Snoodles kicked a very impolite person.

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yeah dont mess with my memories lucas!


i have the old definative collection laserdisc set from years ago, i watch these versions when i feel the need, cost a load back then but its quality package.


the original versions are available on dvd on the flipside of the cgi versions.

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i actually like the changes (in concept) it really tie the prequels and the originals together. I think it is also cool that Lucas released the ORIGINAL originals on dvd for all the fans who grew up and loved the unspecial editions.

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I'm not a fan of the changes. I don't mind what they did on Tatooine in ANH (though they made it rather childish) but I can't stand the new CG band sequence, or the new Anakin. I only own the theatrical version of ESB, I must get the others so I can watch them again

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one thing thats allways bothered me about the new version of a new hope is this, please take a look at your copies to see what i mean.


on one of the scenes where luke and crew are driving into mos eisley there are stormtroopers lining either sides of the streets, if you look you can see that the troopers on the left and the troopers on the right of the screen do exactly the same things,sxame stance , everything, as if they just flipped the cgi to save cash, its allways bothered me.!

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one thing thats allways bothered me about the new version of a new hope is this, please take a look at your copies to see what i mean.


on one of the scenes where luke and crew are driving into mos eisley there are stormtroopers lining either sides of the streets, if you look you can see that the troopers on the left and the troopers on the right of the screen do exactly the same things,sxame stance , everything, as if they just flipped the cgi to save cash, its allways bothered me.!



I'll have to look for this next time I watch the new version of ANH.

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on one of the scenes where luke and crew are driving into mos eisley there are stormtroopers lining either sides of the streets, if you look you can see that the troopers on the left and the troopers on the right of the screen do exactly the same things,sxame stance , everything, as if they just flipped the cgi to save cash, its allways bothered me.!


Not only that, they look like regular troopers not Sandtroopers.


I also hate the big creature taking up the entire screen when luke pulls up to the trooper check point in his speeder :angry:


AND :Laser: :rodian: HAN SHOULD SHOOT FIRST !!

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I really can't stand one single change they did, no one has sense IMHO, just to sell more copies, as if they needed that...


Check here for comparisons shots in ANH:



They don't seem to understand that a good puppet or a good spaceship model are WAY BETTER than CG: no matter how good it's done, you can't feel it as real because it isn't, while a good made and animated puppet or model ARE real and your imagination passes the barrier!

Edited by gmrhodes13
link not working, removed gmrhodes13 2021
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That's very true - I much, much prefer models and puppets to CG, even if they look a little off at least they are real in a sense. When I see a CG scene it's immediately obvious that it's CG and it takes something away from the experience I find

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Not only that, they look like regular troopers not Sandtroopers.


I also hate the big creature taking up the entire screen when luke pulls up to the trooper check point in his speeder :angry:


AND :Laser: :rodian: HAN SHOULD SHOOT FIRST !!


We were just talking about this at yesterdays armor party. Under the table in cold blood. or was greedo warm blooded? anyway, the story changes were to say the least, dissapointing. The new footage was cool, the dolby remix was astounding, but the whole theatre booed when Greedo shot first.


What were you thinking George?

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That's very true - I much, much prefer models and puppets to CG, even if they look a little off at least they are real in a sense. When I see a CG scene it's immediately obvious that it's CG and it takes something away from the experience I find


Precisely! Who cares if now the dawback near the cantina entry now moves more and moans? The only thing that pops in my mind is: "Doh, another CG creature..."


Plus, if I were the "move along" TD I'd simply SHOT that little-stupid-annoying sentry droid.... ARGH!

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Precisely! Who cares if now the dawback near the cantina entry now moves more and moans? The only thing that pops in my mind is: "Doh, another CG creature..."


Plus, if I were the "move along" TD I'd simply SHOT that little-stupid-annoying sentry droid.... ARGH!


Yeah >_< argh, why did they have to mess with it?


Han not shooting first really irritates me. That's what made me love Solo! He was such a badass. Maybe it wouldn't irk me so much if they hadn't done such a bad job of it..


And when I see the new Jabba scene, I cringe. It was a nice idea and all, adding it in, but Jabba looks terrible. Maybe if it were done again with a better looking Jabba I could accept it :/

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When they changed the Han and Greedo scene, I really really upset. Made Han look like a pansy. :6:


In the SE vhs Greedo shoots first, in the DVD they shoot at about the same time.

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The only downside of using the laserdisk rips is that the sound is classic stereo. It was fine when I just had two speakers, but it just seems lacking these days of pervasive 5.1 surround. Sigh: perhaps someone will take the original rips and update the sound for those of us who prefer the original '77 version.

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I want access to someone with a full-on editing rig and mix together my "Ultimate Edition". *heh* I liked a lot of the "cleanups" in the Special Editions -- the redone sandcrawler and Obi-Wan's hut, the new Falcon launch, the vistas outside the Cloud City windows, etc. A lot of things you can tell were half-finished, and I'm surprised George didn't bother to complete them for the DVD editions -- the new CG Battle of Yavin needed more work on the Rebel ships (accurate wing markings, droids, and helmets). And a lot f things needed to have not been done at all -- no rontos, no extra shots of the search for the Death Sar plans, no Jabba/docking bay scene, Han shoots first/only, no extra Wampa scenes, no Hayden ghost, no celebration scenes on other planets, no redone Jabba's palace song, etc.


I'd also like to restore and reintegrate the Anchorhead scene, the rest of the Rebel Hangar scene, the rest of the training on Dagobah, and the rest of the Tatooine scenes in Jedi. Even if they slow things down. Have two versions -- theatrical and extended, like Lord of the Rings. :) I maily just wish I could keep the good elements and ditch the bad from the Special and DVD Editions. :/



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