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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by lucnak

  1. Hi Dave! XO for the CCG here. Have you joined our forums at capitalcity501st.ca? Would love to you post an introduction on our recruitment desk! Beyond that, did Andy assist you in the build? He actually makes holster so he can probably help you with modding the holster to be approvable. He makes the canvas belts as well. If you need some help with anything, let me know! Be glad to have you over or I can come to you sometime to help out. You’re close to being all ready to go from what I can see!
  2. Agreed with the others that you look good!
  3. Though it probably won't be a hold up for basic, the read cover strips on the shins should stop at the ridge while yours are going all the way to the edge at the top. Your new photos look good to me otherwise.
  4. Is the canvas belt made out of canvas? It looks like it may be ABS as well? Agreed with Glen's feedback, though not sure if the chest does need to come up? Looks like it's close to your neck there.
  5. Hope you get your BBB sooner than later! As Brendan mentioned, now is a great time to start collecting your build supplies and your soft parts!
  6. I'll do you one better: WHY is justjoseph63?! Sorry I couldn't help myself.
  7. Both COs should speak and agree to the transfer and then there is some database magic that happens that GMLs are responsible for. *MAGIC!*
  8. I'll take two glitter-farting unicorn patches please!
  9. TFA Phasma has different shins. Both have different cod plate (flametrooper cod). Blaster is different as well (not just paint).
  10. Some notes for whenever the INC review happens: Only left dropbox is present on model but this appears to be for the lightsaber when attached to belt. I would argue that unless one is wearing a lightsaber on the belt, both drop boxes should be present. ABS belt should not cover the ab buttons I am not sure how specific we typically get around colour, but I believe that describing the unit markings as dark red is better. Pauldron looks to be more red to orange-red. Ammo pouch on chest plate should be worn vertically, not angled. Almost all of the recent TKC changes are applicable here, which is great as that means that the language has been settled.
  11. Cool! Been reading about this one so asking myself "why does this seem so familiar?" And it finally clicked! Think the only other thing I saw outside of TKC-like updates is the biceps armour paint at the top and some clarification on pauldron as well.
  12. Hi all, given that the TKC CRL was updated recently and that both are from the same game and likely share a large number of similarities, I am wondering if an equivalent update might be required for the INC?
  13. Agreed with the other responses. I would also recommend putting the snap plate higher up in the shoulder bell so that you can push the biceps into the bells without unstrapping when packing up your kit.
  14. Hey Lorelei, looking good! When you said shoulder strapping wasn't in yet, which straps are you referring to? I noticed your biceps moved forward which would indicate a need to strap the biceps to the shoulder bells if you haven't yet, but I'm thinking that may be what you were referring to!
  15. From your last photo post, in the first photo, be careful when suiting up that your yoke is nicely on your shoulders. The left side appears to be poking out a bit, which can get uncomfortable. Doesn't appear to be consistent based on your other photos, so I believe it's just a suiting up thing. Looking good to me!
  16. Just checked mine and it's 1.5" deep.
  17. Hi Colin and welcome to the FISD! Good luck with your first troop tomorrow!
  18. Hi Alex, Just wanted to mention a few things: Start your build thread in the appropriate sub-forum, depending on which costume you are building. I would register for access to the MWG forums http://www.midwestgarrison.com/ You may find armour parties or folks in your area who can help you. Gather your build materials and any other items you may be missing as mentioned by others Start bookmarking threads and reading! Though you can build your armour to Centurion right away, note that the process goes: basic approval with your garrison, then application for EIB here on the FISD, then application for Centurion here on the FISD. Your GML will not be involved with L2 and L3 approval.
  19. I built an AP kit last year and definitely had to heat gun the forearms a bit to get them to a shape where the owner could fit his hands through! Inside cover strips are a good idea here for strength. As mentioned, be careful with the heat gun; err on the side of caution!
  20. Order of building is up to you! I personally assembled the arms first, then the legs, then the ab details, and then finally I strapped them all together. Finished with the belt
  21. The shin closure cover strips should stop at the ridge. Hard to say if it's an angle issue, but it appears that they are partially overlapping the ridge, so a small item to address. However, I don't think anything will hold you back for basic! You'll have a TKID in no time (once the DB unlocks)!
  22. I personally would not take issue with it at L1, but that is a potential question for your GML. For L2 and L3, perhaps we can get a DO to chime in. I don't recall this ever coming up in an application. @ukswrath @justjoseph63 @CableGuy @shashachu I will admit that I have found that those elastics can easily slide around and haven't thought of a good way to keep them in place. You could secure them to the strap based on your photo in some way, but you would then have to ensure that the bridge slides in under it every time you suit, which could make dressing on your own difficult (in case you anticipate doing so on a regular basis).
  23. 1. You can remove the return edge on the butt plate if need be. Doesn't look too bad to me. 2. I don't have any additional feedback for you for this unfortunately! 3. We'd have to see where the chest plate sits on you to really give any advice on this. You're wearing the ab at the right place - as high as you can get it! Chest plate just needs to stay overlapping.
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