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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by sylverbard

  1. Please...look for the oots comic about the word level in d&d. Fond memories.
  2. Because I hate people who espouse 'fact' without proof. Screen used armour on a different body type, camera angle, lighting , version of suit, first, second, or third tier of suit quality made for the movie...all cause differences. If a suit was scanned with roto cameras it will be different then a flat 3d scanner. If a suit made for close ups and good lighting was use vs a suit used for background shots, bad lights, that was produced to wider tolerances, different results. Both are screen origin. Unless someone worked on set and has proper images next to his anovos suit...
  3. Velcro. All the way down. Right hand snap holds top in correct position and Velcro holds side together. Other side should be held in perfect place by on long webbing strip and Velcro or glue under the rivets.
  4. Prove it. And I'll gladly suggest the court ordered settlement be that you have to burn all lower body extremity coverings in your possession ...
  5. It's not low in the crl picture. Some gmls will call you on it...and advanced tactics might as well.
  6. Since he works for efx.....I know why the diamond plate is there. I found it humourous that it's apparently also from Luke's hero suit ( the shorter of the two in his pics) as well as the 35 year old boots in perfect condition. It's still an interesting kit he should build.
  7. It's like a " key" party but you put your armour in a pile on the floor and when people start going home you grab armour and that's who's partner you take home...err, wait, no....
  8. The hero suits in anh had a diamond sniper plate? Isn't this just an old efx kit?
  9. It's the ukg. Their worst armorer is pretty good. And ask for help, not just giving it up for someone else to do. Surgery is more fun when your cutting than closing ;-)
  10. Why not reach out to the Garrison's armour gurus for help? Trooper helping trooper is what white armour is all about and trooper helping nontrooper become trooper paramount to that. No need to go it alone.
  11. And that's about a days work to fix. And way cheaper than a new kit.
  12. Basic approval is not up to interpretation at all. If your suit meets the official 501st posted crl they must, shall approve. Not make you do more work on it, not make you have optional items for basic approval, etc. If your armour as is meets those basic crl requirements and a gml says no, forward that response to the lco and lmo. Some gmls need an attitude adjustment. IE. Nobody needs a blaster for basic tk approval.
  13. I just got a FedEx invoice for the armor kit. So much for anovos taking care of it.
  14. If you choose to build a fotk you choose to fill seams. If you choose to build a a clone you choose to fill seams. If you choose to build a gammy you choose to sweat to death and realistically paint green piggy flesh. If you choose...there's no need to alter a crl build by the original builders of the costumes to the same spec to make it easier for people using third party suits or just not wanting to do the work.
  15. So you're calling anovos liars? Got any proof that's not fifth hand hearsay with regards to the tfa suits that they lied? If you do the class action lawsuit for damages from every owner will be awesome.
  16. Which armour? Once it's fitted to you properly you should have 60% of normal range of motion. I can juggle in my tk.
  17. Stir the bejebus out of it. I grab wooden stir sticks from coffee shops...so many uses.
  18. We're a very vocal group. If there's nothing bad being pointed out as you progress and post updates...that's a good thing. Your thread may not get the posting dog pile tonys do...but it will be easier to see your updates that way. Most fx builds I've seen are hero, because if overlap construction. I like hero builds. Frowny troopers rock.
  19. That's fine. Nobody will see gaps and the strapping and some padding will keep your arm centred.
  20. I said most. Not all. If the guy wants to fanfilm a platoon level movie of close ups...he needs twenty suits but could do it with five change weathering all day. Those suits are from the close ups. A lot of real stunt guys on screen yes. Wait for the making of and behind the scenes shots on the blurays.
  21. Really? Big scene with field of troopers are actually guys in suits? Awesome. Where did they store ten thousand suits of tk armor?. Oh, right, on that hard drive. I was poking fun at the notion that he thinks somebody makes any costume armour cheap and in bulk. It took years for them to be widely available after starwars.
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