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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Congratulations trooper, one of many more to come, well done.
  2. The images you have posted you can't see the sniper plate covering the shin, you may want to take some more directly from the sides as shown below
  3. Nice work, it appears you may have an air bubble in the bottom corner of the left decal, you may want to try to tease that out, a a very impolite person with a pin or lift the corner to release the air and push flat.
  4. Nice work, just try to get the bottom ridges to fit together with little to no gap as they are not covered by the cover strips.
  5. I’m cheeps I use a philips head screwdriver, slight tap with a hammer to open up the post, then finish with tool included with snaps, job done
  6. Congratulations Kris and welcome to the FO ranks
  7. Nice work, it does look like your ab may be a little angled, perhaps you could tighten strapping on that side or loosen the other side to adjust.
  8. Nice work trooper, one thing you could improve, add a little white paint to the hovi tip rims Good luck with approval
  9. More references have become available from different game platforms as such the CRL covers a generalisation of all these variations, you can view other references in this thread You can see the blue stripe on the brow trim in the following images:
  10. The TKC CRL had some updates made to it some months ago, you can find the latest approval requirements here http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_commander Also for references have a look at the last centurion (L3) approved TKC's https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/46018-tk-62317-requesting-tkc-centurion-status-419/ https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/45530-tk-39093-requesting-tkc-centurion-status-tm-410/ https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/44858-tk-16127-requesting-tkc-centurion-statuswtf-approved/
  11. Nice work, not sure if that was the actual droid you should be looking for though
  12. Congratulations and welcome to the ranks trooper
  13. Congratulations trooper and welcome to the ranks
  14. No issues with the first 2 suppliers that you have mentioned, Anovos will deliver at some stage but no guarantee when, many have been waiting patiently. Here's a helpful thread for bits and pieces https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/34166-first-order-stormtrooper-resources/?page=1 Looking forward to see a build thread and some BBB (big brown box) photos in the not too distant future. Good luck
  15. Who is that stranger posting a troop report Ok only joking, great work as always and loving those pics, we gotta catch up for a troop one day soon
  16. Well that and also convert to an ESB Stormtrooper
  17. "Yer that tape works great, even 40 years later"
  18. I normally only use one fan which helps your hearing on at least one ear, most of the noise you find is when they are fully charged, once the charge dies down the noise does as well. You can also add some sound deadening foam to the mount of the fan that can help.
  19. Congratulations trooper once again and thank you for sharing your story, sorry about your father but what a great way to remember him. Looking forward to seeing some photos of you out and about at troops. Many of us keep a troop log and for those special troops post up a separate report and you may find it included in the monthly newsletter. A great read before you first troop is the Troopers Survival Guide lots of helpful information and some of what to expect at your first troop. Now get out there and do us proud trooper
  20. Looking good, can't wait to see some more photos
  21. Great news, normally you research while waiting for armor to arrive but at least you are researching, Joseph has a great thread with things you may need: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/31404-supply-list-for-your-tk-build/ Looking forward to seeing your build progress, good luck
  22. You will be happy with www.imperialboots.com, many troopers have them and I've not heard any complaints.
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