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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Shanester

  1. Anovos takes a while. There are several other good armor makers you can go with. In my opinion, Anovos is a good option if you don't need your armor for a while. It worked for me. If you want to start a kit within a week or two, they are not an option. I am glad they have gotten better about dealing with refunds.
  2. He is getting a bit frail. I believe that if it were up to him, he would tour forever. A nice guy and indeed, the dark lord.
  3. Very nice work trooper. I encourage you to go straight to Centurion after you are granted EIB. Congrats!
  4. I bought my armor thinking that, at the very least, I would put it on a mannequin in my home office. Once I got into, I decided to go full throttle and here I am, a trooper like you. Welcome trooper!
  5. Looking fantastic pal! I am glad I am not the only one who has to make room inside for that Husky trunk. The New Orleans heat would do all kinds of bad things to my armor. I feel your pain. Keep up the good work. (May Hurricane Irma miss us both)
  6. Very nice work. I encourage you to pursue Centurion. You are so close already.
  7. You guys have a come a long way with these kits. I think its good that you can all work together, too. Looking great!
  8. You are really knocking this kit out. Your progress has been steady and well done, too. Keep up the good work!
  9. I am sooo looking forward to this. I just hope I can afford it.
  10. A couple of MM is nothing. Let it go and get that Centurion level approval. Good luck!
  11. If I had a nickel for every "aren't you a little short..." I had tossed at me, I'd have several more armor kits. That line is a popular one, even if you are not all that short. I assume people think they are being clever and original, having no idea we hear it all the time. At second place is "these are not the droids...". Its all good and light hearted.
  12. Very nice collage. Congrats on your start in college, too!
  13. The build is going great. You will be glad you reinforced those shoulder straps. Keep up the good work!
  14. Congrats on getting your kit. I remember when mine arrived and even though I opened it immediately, days went by before I considered starting it. It took me almost a year of slow but steady work and now I am a Centurion. Steady as she goes mate. Best of luck!
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