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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by RogueTrooper

  1. It like Burger Kings motto (have your way) which appeals to you the most.. As for the "Hero" and "Stunt" titles, the nicknames came from the better details on one type of helmet for closeups. The same is for the X-wing/Ywing helmets.There were two different types made of them as well, and they got coin the nicknames Hero and Stunt too. They could have easily nicknamed all these helmets "closeup" and "background" not because that Han and Luke had them on.
  2. In the game the E11 is a type of ROTJ with extended stock (also known as E11B) http://starwars.wiki...b_blaster_rifle But before we had the game skins, the E11 looks more like the dressed ESB (no greebles) than the ANH that has the counter/power cylinders etc... So for a closer alternative, the ESB style was kept in. ------------- As for the Holster. When the CRL were originally made, people asked if they could have an holster (because they wanted to be able to holster their E11 sometime at troops/events). I used the only reference for a TKC having a holster, which is the Sideshow. This was ask about before: ------- Since the TKC did have a reference (Sideshow) it could fall under the EI. It should also read "Holster may be omitted from this costume." I will fix that. As for the HWT holster, the same thing (people asked if they could have an holster) Since the HWT does not have any reference of having a holster, it was not allowed for EI, only basic approval.
  3. For EI (should be in the extended position) not "shall" that is for only for the ROTJ style Centurion. When I did/worked on the TKC CRL, I knew since the game E11 had the stock extended, that it needed to have something in there about it.
  4. It's Rubies Armor but the lids look to be original.....Hard hat/gas mask. borg.....
  5. Another filler, you can use Loctite Plastic epoxy (works well with ABS and HIPS) mix either some white model paint or some of the same material as the armor into the epoxy and fill. BTW, you can fine this at Walmart, Hobby store, Home improvement store. They also make a 5min version of this as well.
  6. As for the Thigh ammo belt. We do not have any requirement for it at the EIB level (other than the basic: The small ammo belt is installed on the bottom of the right thigh. ) But for Centurion we do have "rounded at bottom". If it was me, I would just trim the back edge. If you look at the ANH stunts, some had the edges rounded more, some less.
  7. Great looking Suit Craig. I'ts great to see a chance from the norm, and see an ANH hero Now have an eye out for a farmboy, a space pirate, an old man, a walking carpet and two droids. They might be looking to take your armor....
  8. You can go basic with the FX, but I would say step up to a better helmet, then you can go EI. you will be happier with any one of the screen linage lids.
  9. Sweet!!! One of the guys in my local Rebel Legion that I troop with this past Saturday just got done with his too. Have fun, but don't do this:
  10. Rich, you needed to add a pic of Elvis Trooper to go along with the new version of the "Suspicious Minds"... I mean molds..... TK, TK, very much...
  11. Without see the kit it a roll of the dice. MovieFX, FX or you could lucked out and got TE2 Linage. AM did not come out until 2009. Do you know what it is make of HIPS, or ABS? Post pix when you get it, we will be able to nail down the brand.
  12. The LEDs remind me of Tony Stark (IronMan) Totally cool!
  13. great pix looks like you guys have fun Dude, why the Trek guys in redshirts always die?
  14. What the Frak "Rouge"... Pay back is coming Mrs. Dash Thanks everyone... I hope and try for my post to make a difference, because all of you, the members of the FISD mean a lot to me.
  15. Looks like someone recast (made molds) of one of Gino's Hero TK. The molds are hero, but the pic of the finish lid is stunt. "Caveat emptor" Latin for "let the buyer beware" Not only is it a recast but the he's showing stuff that does not match... Hero or Stunt!?!?!......... Let is has been said before......
  16. A Garrison mate of mine bought a pair from the dollar store (looks like the same brand) there act like they run a little small (at least for me), but great buy for a dollar. As for going to the small, I would say no for two reasons. 1. The rubber does not breath and your hands can swell. 2. If you look at the screen grabs of the Stormtroopers their rubber gloves were loose, even Han's and Luke's.
  17. I used three Radio Shack 3.6" fans and used 9V for each fan. One for exhaust, the other two for bring in and circulate air. I used Loctite Plastic Epoxy to glue them in. Either 5min or 20 min will work. Loctite Plastic Epoxy works great for ABS. for the stand off I used extra ABS. ------------
  18. Here a pix I made for myself it should help: ----------
  19. Here is my mag cut down with a ruler to give you the length.
  20. NIck, I know what is wrong, Eric only fixed the links in the new skin we are working on 2012. Sorry about that.......... I will see if we can get her work in the old skins (2011)
  21. Congratulation to Femtrooper on hitting her 1000th post!! Thanks for being apart of the FISD and all that you bring to it.
  22. I just clicked on all the CRLs and the other side bar links, they are all working. Have you cleared your cache? Try clearing your cache ( your F5 button), then try the links again.
  23. Greetings All, Just wanted to let you know there were bunch of new emoticons added today (total emoticons now, 72). So check them out next time you get ready to post. There are quite a few new TK emoticons and we have updated some to the old ones. So have fun next time you are posting. Tom
  24. What is C6!?!?! What is this thing called Star Wars!?!?!? Who's the FISD!?!?! I will be there.
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