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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2024 in Posts

  1. A nice detail of the helmet "A unique item inside, a piece of paper mounted in the helmets interior that has the name and address of the hotel where productions were staying when they shot on location in Yuma, Arizona."
    4 points
  2. Let's give this a try to see where we're at with the @Deployment Officer Team... Mandatory Information Costume = Stormtrooper, The Force Awakens Costume CRL Link = https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_-_First_Order Name = Justin R. TKID = 61490 Forum Name = TheRascalKing Legion Profile = https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=26076 Garrison/Squad = Southern California Garrison, Orange County Squad Armor = Denuo Novo Helmet = Anovos, TFA Optional Information Height = 5ft 11in, or 180cm Weight = 175lbs, or 80kg Neckseal & Gaskets = Sheev's Emporium Forearms, Cod, & Belt Boxes = Imperial Surplus, TFA Holster = Dantooine Props (functional) Hand Plates = Dantooine Props Gloves = Endor Finders Undersuit shorts = Geeky Pink's Boots = Imperial Boots Blaster = F11-D, TFA Armor Photos Helmet Off (unadjusted) Full Body Front Full Body Back Full Right Full Left Action Shots Blaster It's hard to believe I headed down this rabbit hole over three years ago. Here we are, finally submitted for approval - 3 years, 4 different FOTK suits owned(/sold), from 4 different armor makers, parts from over a dozen vendors, a new house and workshop, and a new baby along the way since I've started. Thanks for looking!
    3 points
  3. I know it's dated and I'm avoiding the "where do I buy the armor thread." Is it even possible to build an animated Rebels-style TK anymore? I'm an approved Kanan in the RL (also a 501st member as a Jawa and a Narkina 5 prisoner) and I'm looking to "improve" a Rebels TK helmet to try to get formally approved as part of the Kanan season 1/2 costume. It's to replace the attached version which is a non-approvable black series helmet that I painted consistent with the Rebels episode "The Call." Thank you for any insights! Chris (501st:dz81314 and RL:ct7567)
    2 points
  4. UPDATE: I will be updating this thread with the new imgur procedures on Saturday morning (if not before), so hang in there!
    2 points
  5. As my phone is an Android, all of my photos are saved to Google Photos. I open Google Photos on my desktop, download and save the relevant photos to a file of my different cosplays, and then upload to Imgur from that file.
    2 points
  6. More cold casting done. This time, the counter. Casting had a single coat of flat black and then a little buff to take it back Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Hey guys! My name is Connor. I’m k currently in SoCal. I’ve been looking into this the past couple days and I want to build a storm trooper, death trooper, or clone trooper costume. I have looked around a bit at storm trooper costumes and I’m just trying to figure out which one is right for me. (I’m 6 foot 4 inches 220pounds). I’m narrowing down my search a little to Anovos and WTF so far. But just trying to figure all of this out and see what is best for me. But looking forward to picking up a kit and start building.
    1 point
  8. Welcome aboard Connor! Looks like others have gotten you started here with some great links, but just wanted to echo that we're all here to help out with any questions you may have along the way!
    1 point
  9. Welcome Connor! As a 6'2" 275lb ANH TK, I can tell you that there is a lot to be said about finding the correct armor. I've built several kits, and all of them required a little something extra to fit me as the original actors (who most of these kit molds are based on) were all under 6' and about 170lbs. That said, just about all of them can be modified to fit anyone with a little bit of shimming and possible some abs paste. With that said, I will throw my suggestion out there to check out Dave's Darkside Depot on Facebook. Dave is the current maker of the AM kits, and these are designed for "bigger" troopers. He says he even built one for a 6'7" 300lb member. So there is some flexibility. I've used some of WTF's parts to improve my ATA kit, so I know that Walt makes some bigger parts as well. Anovos is IMHO best for someone closer to the original actors sizes. Best of luck to you on whatever you choose! We are here to provide as much assistance as we can. And I know that there are a lot of active members in SoCal, so be sure to get on their Garrison forums and FB pages. I'm sure they would be happy to provide additional assistance in a local manner! I look forward to seeing your build thread once you decide on the armor to buy!
    1 point
  10. Awesome I will check it out. Thanks!
    1 point
  11. The ANH TK is our most popular costume! I think it is a great choice too with all the different makers available! This thread might be a good read, if you haven't read it already!
    1 point
  12. Thanks Nairy! Sorry I should have been more specific. Yes right now I’m looking at ANH storm trooper. I’m still open to something else but I have been mostly looking into ANH.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I'll echo what the others have said and note Walt's Trooper Factory is indeed a vendor for Rebels TK kits (I'm not familiar with other vendors for this specific kit).
    1 point
  15. Yep, Rebels Stormtroopers are still around and approvable. I believe Walt of WTF ended up with the molds and even recently offered a run of kits! Look him up on Facebook if you need a helmet. https://www.facebook.com/groups/waltstrooperfactory/
    1 point
  16. Hello and welcome to FISD! It's an awesome idea you've got going on here! As for the Rebels TK helmet, I think WTF: Walt's Trooper Factory is one of the vendors, I've seen some Rebels Tie pilot helmets from there and some TKs before!
    1 point
  17. Way to go Justin! , looks like an easy basic pass sir. Good job
    1 point
  18. The weekend was a bit slower with not being able to use both hands to their full extent. But forearms are together, need to add cover strips, and the start of one bicep.
    1 point
  19. If you've pissed your GML team off before, they're gonna make you shoot on a different background. Your suit looks amazing, but the black pieces blend into the flags. Seriously though, looking good sir.
    1 point
  20. It's always good to check prior to attending a LFL event. The only thing we couldn't do is have our photos take on stage or near the stage. We just hung out in the main lobby.
    1 point
  21. Which sucks because I'm totally excited to share with y'all what I found to be a good finish on a Dlt-19. I'll be up all night worrying about it!
    1 point
  22. Correct, you can go larger if required, many add to the rear to leave the front standard sized. It's entirely up to your GML what they consider approvable so best check with them before going too big. You'd be amazed how many threads there are looking for cover strip sizes but using the search function can help https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/search/?q=cover strips&quick=1 You can even find measurements in the RS photo gallery A helpful video on cutting cover strips
    1 point
  23. This stuff is GOLD! - May be 10 years old - yet priceless. Looked far and wide for this info - The cover strip width size range are not in the CRL - Guess so that those with bigger thighs and biceps can adapt accordingly. Many Thanks
    1 point
  24. I do that too, amazing how fast the email gets there, I wonder if it does a short cut
    1 point
  25. You may want to have your command check with the LEC (legion events coordinator), recent info on legion forums: Due to the licensing agreement between Disney/Lucasfilm and the "In Concert" series, we have been asked not to provide character appearances at any other professional level ticketed concerts. So unfortunately this would be a no.
    1 point
  26. Congrats on the 14th troop! I see you did an ANH in Concert event... how awesome was it?! I'm about to do a "ROTJ in Concert" event soon, I'm buzzing! It was at an ANH in Concert in 2022 that I decided to become a TK!
    1 point
  27. I try to edit images before uploading them, just a little quicker I find
    1 point
  28. Hi everyone, it's been a while! So, as always I have been looking to improve on my builds. Recently I have been working on cold casting the scopes. Step 1 was to cold cast in brass Step 2 was to overlay with a coat of matt black Step 3 was to buff the black back Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. So, aside from a few adjustments (tighter elastic to hold down shoulder bridges and kidney/ab overlap) I think I’m pretty much ready for basic clearance. Thoughts and suggestions welcome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. These measurements are a target to aim for, but may not be achievable for everyone. Try to use these measurements in the front, and if you need more room in your armor use wider cover strips in the back. I ended up with almost 30mm in the back of my thighs. These measurements should be used as a guide not a rule. It all comes down to how your armor fits and looks on YOU. Look through the EIB and Centurion request threads for someone around your size and with the same armor to see what it looks like, they may even have a build thread.
    1 point
  31. Hi Bill, I believe these are the measurements: forearms: 15-16 mm biceps: 15-16 mm Shins: 20 mm (front) 25 mm (rear/calves) Thighs: 20 mm (front) 25 mm (rear) Some people may have slightly different measurements than these. If I remember properly, these measurements were taken from the RS armor. Contact Troopermaster, he is also another solid source for this if you want to confirm these measurements. I did 15 mm on all the arm parts but I think the widths are flexible to some degree. For the legs I stuck with the 20 and 25 mm widths. Good luck!
    1 point
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