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  1. Yesterday
  2. Troop 133: 6/1/2024 - Hockinson Fun Days parade - Hockinson, WA (300th troop overall)
  3. Ok here's take two. 1. Cleaned up the gum lines so that the grey doesn't touch outside. While I was at it I straitened up the lines 2. Installed larger mic tip mesh 3. I curled the TD at a more level angle but found the clips rode way to high. So I took them off, cut them down about 3'4" and bent them back into shape. Much better now 4. Found a better blaster with RS props. I miss the rubber but this one looks a lot more accurate and feels great to hold Lastly, here's my new changes all suited up: And my new action shot
  4. Update for relaunch Total 16 points, 2 more EIB and you make Master! It sounds like you may have had a part in some basic clearances as well if those can be confirmed you would be able to earn some extra points there also. Jim @gijim - TK-28888 - MTK ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Grave Wong @MrGrave - TK-36036 - MTK ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Billy Au-Yeung @baysk - TK-71814 - Anovos ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Henry NG @Henry Ng - TK-12762 - Anovos ANH Stung - EIB - 2 points Peter Lee @TK28228 - TK-28228 - RS ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Galton Ho @Galton - TK-28823 - TM ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Tiffany Wong @rabbitiff - TK-92230 - MTK ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points Gary Ng @TK66124 - TK-66124 - RS ANH Stunt - EIB - 2 points
  5. Update for Relaunch Hi Justin, I have gone through and I will take your word for the extra singles on the 3 confirmed, as bar 1 which is classified they only have one TK so would be their first and so would indeed count. There are three unconfirmed assists on your list, for these to count we will require confirmation. I make your confirmed total 13 points, 16 if the rest are confirmed. Thanks, Chris. Confirmed: Jessie H. @JHowe102 - TK-10272 - Anovos ANH-S TK - EIB #805 - 2pts Max P. @Ninety-Nine - TK-42199 - AM ANH-S TK - Basic Approval, EIB #923 - 3pts Dwight S. @Dsposato0 - TK-62345 - Anovos ANH-S TK - Basic Approval, EIB #1038 - 3pts Michael G. @Gh0stxxiv - TK-11914 - Anovos ANH-S TK - Basic Approval, EIB #1048 - 3pts Scott S. @TattooedStormtrooper - TK-82077 - RS ANH-S TK - EIB #1049 - 2pts Unconfirmed Michael W. @Crow2xs - TK-40473 - Anovos ANH-S TK - Basic Approval Yahir G. @OFFICER_LASKY- TK-10896 - Anovos ANH-S TK - Basic Approval Zachary D. @stormztrooper1 - TK-98752 - MTK ANH-S TK - Basic Approval
  6. Thank you First piece is printed, it feels good and it fits well. Hard to say with just one piece
  7. Welcome Emil, we are looking forward to your progress and an exciting build.
  8. Event: #199 Event Name: Nassau County Games for the Physically Challenged Location: Mitchell Field - Uniondale, NY Date: 5/31/24
  9. Last week
  10. Hi Emil! Glad you made it here after all my nagging! So excited for your build!!!
  11. Hello and welcome to the forum, I think you will find the Galactic armory files have been by most so far looking at the other build threads
  12. Greetings from Sweden! First of all i want to apologize for my bad english! I just started Captain Enoch project and i need some help, Im gonna print all of it. I have 2 sets of files, one if from Galactic armory and the other one is from mcflyprint3d. which one is better? I have read somewhere that galactic armory has problems with the correct scale? Thank you!
  13. Hello, I'm BH 11521, Garrison Colombia, ANH stormtrooper, I couldn't buy the racing shirt, can you help me pay for it and order it in size L

  14. Amazing read thank you. Any idea why the Bapty version isn't allowed for Centurion if they were used on screen?
  15. Depends on the area, I used E6000 on areas that would need some give, like the shins and forearms and JB weld for a more solid join yoke, abdomen, biceps etc. JB weld can be sanded too which is handing if you've applied too much or used to fill gaps before ABS slurry (or filler paint for some)
  16. I find elastic is great for hard to get areas, gives you some slack when twisting your hand into that position. Some use it as an extra connector but can just be cosmetic, called the "Han" snap, some references
  17. Hello and welcome aboard, there's a big difference in sizes of armor so take that in consideration when researching
  18. Finally opened it all up and took inventory. The pulls all seem reasonable, few marks in places that hopefully won't cause too many issues, though the back triangles need a little work. The trim lines on the shoulders are borderline invisible, which will be fun to deal with. Biggest worry remains the proper trim line on the forearms, but others have managed so I am sure I can too. Guess I need to start cutting bits out, I have set my self a goal of being done by November and that's only going to happen if I actually start. What's the glue of choice on these builds? Still E6000?
  19. [71] Kindergarten Class Presentation Alamo CA 5/31/24 This was cool got to meet Patricia Duignan from IL&M
  20. So far the best screen reference we have is in this post https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/54641-welcome-to-the-captain-enoch-resource-thread-for-crl-creation/?do=findComment&comment=780859 I was seeing it as a pleat but given we've already ruled out a single piece, that crease could easily be more just how it's hanging. In which case a simple overlap could be the truth. I am not a huge fan of using toys as reference but in general they are based on the originals at least to a course degree. I am happy to change the wording to reflect an overlap, but would appreciate some other input on this one.
  21. Thank you for confirming and my existing thread has been updated for review when you are ready. Some later wins need to be confirmed but I believe are otherwise documented appropriately.
  22. Hi Justin, The points were calculated taking the old awards into account. As you state, to get Armorer under the old program required 5 EIB assists. Under the new program that works out at 5x 2 points, giving 10 points. So at a minimum, no trooper is worse of than they where 2 days ago. However if you have also assisted on the Basic clearances, and are able to document those you might well be on your way to master armourer. Over the coming days I will go through and update the current threads based on the EIB clearance. If there are basic ones to take into account on those same troopers that will need to be accounted for separately as currently we have no documentation of those.
  23. Super, I appreciate the refresh to the program and hopefully (along with some coming announcements), we'll see more activity. I would assume all existing certified L1 Armorers under the new program would be grandfathered in as L2 under the new program and retain their Armorer status anyways, as they would have at a minimum 5 x 2pts for successful EIB assists for the needed 10 total points, but potentially more if they also assisted with those troopers' original Basic Approval submissions (for an additional point each). Everyone will probably need to redo their math to achieve the next rank, but should be no question of retaining status as I understand it.
  24. For the right side ab-to-kidney connection, I came up with something that I think will work for me. I think I will have more trouble snapping the straps than releasing them. Holding everything in place while trying to do that will make it more difficult. So of the four snap connections crossing this boundary, I chose to make two of them with straps that are the width of a few fingers longer. I can snap these on first with relative ease. Then once those are holding, I can snap the as-measured straps (with loops) in, and I’m good. Time will tell if this will hold reliably enough. One question: In the CRL, for level 3, it states “A single male snap on the top right corner of the ab plate is present.” I found instructions for adding this (see part 4g of the comment): What is this snap used for? While I would be totally happy to get basic approval, I would someday want to shoot higher, and it just seems to make sense to address this while I’m working in this area. I would most likely need to move the upper snap plate on the ab.
  25. Thread updated to align with 2024 Program Relaunch to the best of my understanding, including removing a duplicate win that previously counted. Should be Armorer status still with my existing confirmed wins and 16pts total.
  26. Event: # 22 Event Name: Nassau County Games for the Physically Challenged Location: Mitchell Field, Uniondale, N.Y. Date: 05/31/24
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