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john danter

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Everything posted by john danter

  1. Thanks I'm in 2 minds if Luke and Hans was actually leather or not though......?
  2. That guy is a worm! Does he never learn. How does he get off with these excuses Joe isn't luckily for you
  3. Finished Luke's iconic belt I messed cutting the corners off the belt a little though
  4. Ah they're not mine lads I'd never have green diagonal tiles in my kitchen Kurtyboy's collection from a while back You know you're onions Steve
  5. Always on the look out for Snowie stuff. TrooperVengar on here would love your Jason mask
  6. Don't glue your back plate onto the shoulder straps dude They'll eventually crack with you Use white elastic underneath the straps inside your armour to hold the 2 together 5/6 teeth fled onto the front seems normal for TKs
  7. Ditto that Mark I'd echo what I said earlier Lift your bum and maybe lower the back plate a little
  8. A picture speaks a 1000 words, so yes please
  9. Are you thin? I had to cut about 2/3" off the sides of mine, then take a heat gun to them to make them sit more flat on my sides. Otherwise I looked like a fish How tall are you? You can pull your butt plate up and let the 011 plate droop down a bit if that helps you? You can cut a little away from your neck line, but it starts to pull back up again, you need to fasten it to your ab plate more tightly...?
  10. Plus there are a few types of the Hovi mic tips themselves...... Watch how the text changes its position.... PS: I don't like it when girls say that Karin lol
  11. Have a look on starwarshelmets.com or look closely at the lads lined up in the films ----------
  12. Theyre different left and right too 11 and 13 but I might be wrong
  13. I post to our brothers in the states quite often. Handplates, ears, lenses shoulder bells etc. Some things take DAYS to get there (Daetrin's handplates only took a few days!!) whilst other things take ages. I recently helped out a chap in the US, Michael Torrez by buying him a UK Tron toy and posting it out. This cost us £22 and I was told it would take days. I took well over a month!!! So like I said, a small airmail packet sent to Paul took just days, simple airmail, nothing fancy. Then when I do pay a lot for super dooper postage it makes no difference to the service between us. Does it make a difference where in the states you live? Which coast etc. Anyone else notice this irregularity with the US postage chaps. And to think Lance Armstrong was sponsored by them John
  14. They're the kind of thing that would count the number of tins if beans passing them on a conveyor. That kind of thing Just a simple mechanical counter. The contacts feed into a relay that just pulses the count up +1 each time
  15. Just need the switch to finish off my grappling box I decided to use a tape measure to act as the retractable gismo Pull out the tape, open up the enclosure and pull it off the tab. Tie on the white cord, retwist the wire spring in the centre and put it all back together.... Make a bracket to hold the tape measure belt bracket Pull the cord through the hole and stick in the tape measure Tie a double loop around the grappling hook, and leave about a foot lose Use a knot called an albright knot to stick the cords together. Cord from the tape measure and the double loop from the grappling This forms a nice knot to stop it retracting back inside the box. Otherwise the hook would fly out of the plastic hoop and look silly Rivet the box onto the plastic bracket already riveted onto the belt Job done
  16. Can I offer you some advice...? Your work area looks way too clean and organised for me. Please mess it up a little and start again Looking good sir!!
  17. I think a lot of people fall foul to the fact the trim each side the same distance Front should be narrow, the rear should be thicker. This is due to the way the helmet curves away from you by the ears The front face is quite flat, but the back end of the helmet starts to curve away from you on the backcap So trim one side at a time. Do the front first
  18. If that's acrylic capped, it's like a mirror, and no amount of polish will ever get it back to that again. You'll always see something...if you look hard enough. Which is what you're doing. It doenst look that bad to me. I maybe wrong but you're talking NASA level Hubble telescope type polishing equipment to get that back. That said, Applesauce is good for iphone and alike. It comes in 2 stages. A filler, to fill the little scratches, then a polish to smooth it all out From what I can see, it doens't look too bad mate Try applesauce? It's the filler stage you're missing, as you'll always have scratches on there otherwise ----- Also, PVC restorer used on window frame etc will work too
  19. Update on my belt Almost finished Luke's belt Made the compad and clip This was made from one of Marks Skunky's mic tips. I love the detail on them. Very nice Vac formed a grappling hook box. Fairly simple but I'm pretty happy with it Just need to add the toggle switch and wire zinger to it
  20. Anyone else here agree Luke was wearing 2 left shoulder bells? Or am I imagining things?
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