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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by lucnak

  1. Not sure that the belt really needs to come down. It could come down a tiny bit, but it's not by much! The buttons can certainly be partially covered. Reference photo:/
  2. I gave it a hot water bath to help stop it from pointing straight to the floor. The strap will also help for sure!
  3. You can try switching from elastic to webbing, reducing the return edge under the shoulder bell, or both. It's possible that if you have a bicep hook, it's pulling the bells down and away from the shoulder bridges too.
  4. I don't think that it is possible. At the very least, it would be much easier to buy a R1 kit and building that than make the modifications for R1. Pretty much every single piece is different.
  5. EIB is required before applying for Centurion.
  6. Ooh, good catch Daniel. That would probably level out the brow issue.
  7. Ah, I either missed that or it was added afterwards! Hahah.
  8. Congrats again, Jordan! What are the two other costumes?
  9. Definitely looks better! I would personally probably continue to level it even more - from the side, you can see the angle of it coming down near the "nose." I believe it's ultimately up to you how you'd like the brow to sit. You tend to see them bow upwards more than downwards, though that's more frequently the case with TDs than ANH Stunts.
  10. Yes, for the thigh, just glue in some scrap and then fill with ABS paste. The other option is cutting out the knees for mobility, which you might need to do anyway. Saves you the trouble. I don't think you should have many issues with basic. Sounds like Frank's GML was pretty strict. My guess is that we would let misalignment fly in our garrison, as long as it wasn't too bad.
  11. Yes, that should fix it! I would recommend using some tape to mark off where you want to shave it and to ensure a nice straight line.
  12. Most of us have made these kinds of mistakes - don't sweat it! If it really bothers you, you should use a little bit of ABS paste, but I'm not sure that will be necessary.
  13. Hi Sal, I agree with Dan regarding the brow. That's the biggest thing that is standing out to me that should be addressed. It's currently drooping down in the middle and it should at least be level. I think your shoulder bells are alright, definitely a lot better in the second round of pics you posted. Be careful with that sniper knee getting caught in the thigh. If you can bring your thighs up and your shins down, it should help to avoid this issue. If you can't, use some foam to puch the knee forward and the thigh back so that it doesn't get locked in there. You could also paint the frown a bit further out past the uncut tooth as per this reference: And you could also shape the paint on the vocoder a bit. Here's a reference photo (it's a hero helmet, but it's a good reference for the vocoder paint)
  14. Jordan, beauty build. Strapping is *chef's kiss*! Joseph brought up pretty much everything. I feel like your shins may be a bit high, but I also noticed the velcro on your boots to help this. Do you think adding a stirrup of sorts could help keep them down? Should help prevent sniper knee lock.
  15. Hi Winston, as Frank mentioned, it looks like you're aware of all the isues/potential issues. I think that the only thing that will hold you back from the basic is the left shin being open. You'll need a solid photo of you wearing it correctly, otherwise your GML will be unable to verify that it does close and look correct on you. The main things that stood out to me are the shin (as mentioned), your back plate/kidney being a bit crooked, and the gap at the back of your left thigh. I'd prioritize these for your fixes/adjustments. Of course, as you troop your first few events, you'll find other things to adjust.
  16. Wow can't wait to see your progress in this thread. You're a building machine!
  17. For clarity, you're saying that even if the armour has the notch moulded in, it is not required to cut it out?
  18. Agreed with everything Brad said! The mic tip rims are typically white from sanding off the black paint to simulate the wear. Oh and the kidney notches are optional in that some armour has it moulded in, some does not. If it does not, no need to bother, but if it does, then I'm fairly sure you should cut them out (I believe this is what's alluded to in "if present"). Perhaps Tony or Joseph can provide a clarification on this? @ukswrath@justjoseph63
  19. Congrats again, Jameson. Good luck on your first troop! You'll definitely find some things that need to be adjusted or modded for comfort/mobility.
  20. The two extra rivets are for the knee ammo pack. I would also assume the short one is for the cod rivet. Not sure why you only have three washers...Ideally, you should get some more and use them for anywhere the rivets are functional. Lastly, here's a reference pic for the small ab button plate. I believe it should be trimmed a bit more.
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