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I'm Batman

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Everything posted by I'm Batman

  1. Yeah, I've got the same folding stock too, which I don't particularly like the colour of either. From none not too long ago, to heaps! You're right Aaron, options galore. Flat black, heaps of types of wrinkle/texture paint, paper dabbing, etc. I'm leaning towards flat black, but what I found, and it looks like Tim has found, even flat black can have a sheen to it. On my hasbro build, I scuffed it down with fine sandpaper. You probably couldn't do that with the textures. Anyway, Tim - as requested, good luck with the final finish. Awaiting eagerly.
  2. While the efforts and execution are undoubtedly second to none (maybe equal to others ), personally I'm not too sure on the finish. I'll have to do a lot of research before I decide on the finish for my upcoming build. From what I understand, just about everyone painted theirs flat black until Steve or others posted pics of the wrinkle finish on the original Sterlings. Do we have detailed pics of the actual E-11's? I guess they just sprayed them black (as Vern hs pointed out), over the existing military finish?? Can't wait to see the end result Tim, once you tone down that shine. That will probably make a big difference.
  3. I used the Dremel cutting disc for most of my cuts. Just like a mini angle grinder.
  4. To answer your question above - yes, ATA is EI and Centurion capable. Check out some of the huge array of applications in the EI and Centurion threads. Really nice. Any of the vetted makers (ATA, AP, RS, etc) and most of the non vetted (MTK for example) will be EI/Centurion ok. I think I saw RS post on their facebook page that they were busy and would get back to people asap. (However I can't comment on fitting for women, or fitting for someone of your size)
  5. That is probably correct for EIB, but for Centurion it would be "Boring conversation anyway. Luke! We're going to have company!" LOL! I think I might. It would be awesome to have a properly aligned see through scope! And ditto to the great information above. I hadn't come across that before. That's prop making in the 70's on a budget, I guess. So many combinations. Throw together whatever you can with whatever you can get hold of.
  6. I think they're quoting Han's line from the movie. Debating whether it's "Boring conversation" or "Stupid conversation". When he blasts the radio on the desk. Edit - Too late, Brian beat me.
  7. Anyway, back on track...... So, if the M19 was just as common as the M38, why does everyone use the M38? Is it frowned upon to use the 19? Pretty sure my buddy has a real M19 which he was just going to give me for nothing, but I said no, cause I thought I needed a M38. Thinking I might go and get it from him!
  8. I might do that scope mod to my Hasbro? I've got the same decal (came with the Doopy Kit) for the rear of my scope, but it just doesn't look right. Yours does look beter for some reason. Going great guns!
  9. Yeah, I've done the whole car interior thing aswell. Held up real good. I'm just about to buy my boots and dye/paint them but the store owner said DON'T use the spray USE the liquid. So dunno..... You should be our guinea pig Aaron!
  10. Amazing work. Some bigger detailed pics would be nice. As Aaron said - awesome R2. A lot of intricate styrene cutting there!
  11. Agree Tim. Looking back at your pics on page 1, I see the rear sight now. Seems to be an odd way to do it.
  12. Looks like Billhag's original How To http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/4697-howto-make-a-metal-scope-rail-counter-bracket/ has the end of the rail bending down over the back of the rear sight. Not owning a Doopy kit, I'm not sure which method will provide the better finish. Does having the curve hide some 'mess' perhaps?
  13. Another awesome episode Tino. Good work around with Steve's magazine. Might use that one if you don't mind
  14. Ask a moderator to put it in the build thread section Seriously, good luck and enjoy! 2 bucket face plates???
  15. That's how I did mine - taped the 2 together first to get a good fit, then made the elastic straps to measure. Once that was hanging good, glued the plastic should bridges on to make sure they covered the elastic White velcro straps included would either be the shoulder (generally 2inch), or to hang the drop boxes (generally 1inch)
  16. Haha! Yeah, sorry about the Aussie slang. Beaut, bonza, pearla, all that. Bloody good too! I had a bit of leakage on my stripes too, but wasnt too bad to clean up.
  17. Awesome job Russell. All hand painted? Looks schmick!
  18. Looking great Mickael. Those shouers look good now with the straps. Are you planning for EIB or Centurion?
  19. But the fun of doing that work is immeasurable in $$ Um, what's a Arduino? How's the rake? I went shopping for a rake. None of the hardware stores in Australia sold one that was suitable. Went with Marv's for mine.
  20. I'm sure you'll be fine Ron. Some medium, some fine, then some polish an you'l be the ony one who knows there was a crack. I've already got a few paste fixer uppers on mine!
  21. Another bout of awsomeness about to flood our forum!
  22. I was about to cut my belt at the 10/13 rule as I read that too, but the CRL's now state that it needs to be 45 degrees, so it would need to be an equal cut both directions. I think this was raised in a previous thread. Must have been one of several soft changes that Mathias has mentioned occurred.
  23. Is it only on the UK guys you've seen? They supposedly are a special case and are allowed their garrison and/ or number on their shoulder bells. The previous thread I've seen had some strong opinions why they can do it and others can't, but anyway.....
  24. Someone else pointed me to that Dritz one as well. I think I'll pull the trigger on that. I later noticed that the 3rd one I mentioned is only for resin snaps, so I might go and edit my thread so no one lese gets confused.
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