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I'm Batman

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Everything posted by I'm Batman

  1. A third option would be to get that scrap piece, as Steve said, and dip it in hot/boiling water. Then you can curve it gradually without directing heat onto a small concentrated spot, pull out, let cool.
  2. Thanks Tim. Looks like yours is perfectly lined up already! My wife isn't quite so approving, so help is harder to come by in my house.
  3. Handy work with that iron Tim. Might have to wrap a tea towell around my household iron to do a bit of work Didn't realise the RT comes with a split cod/ab.
  4. This bunch of white plastic is starting to resemble some armor. First major test fit with the snaps and elastic holding everything together. Tape on the sides there to confirm where I cut the sides were good. Butts hanging down a bit. Just not snapped to the cod at the moment. And drilled my rivet holes on the side - 10mm from the edge, evenly spaced
  5. Looking great there Takashi! - Edit - missed someone had already mentioned this bit Well done!
  6. Yes, I am Adam. Got all that sorted last night. Tell you what, they'll be a technique to get the crotch strap done up while getting kitted up. Got a mate coming around this morning to help me trim the sides to fit....
  7. I picked up my compression gear from Kmart. It's great. Haven't trooped in it yet, but it feels comfy. Different stores may or may not stock them, so I'd ring ahead if you have to travel that far. (Australia is obviously totally different to you though)
  8. What has that got to do with anything? "It may be used to obscure the face of the wearer". And that is for basic approval only.
  9. Yeah, straight on, no primer. The cleaner is 100% Isopropanol, and my boots are rubber, not leather or other materials, so not sure if that will make a difference. I haven't had them rubbing up against the shin armor yet, but have bent them back and forth and so far so good.
  10. Just thought I'd better check in after a little more progress. Finished the boots, Check them out ^^^ Pretty much have the torso done. Just waiting on a mate to trim the sides (ab/kidney) to size. Will post some more pics when that's done. In the mean time, boots and hand guards done, in the above thread, and did some sewing!! (and drew more blood)
  11. Found some more time (damn life getting in the way) to make some more progress here. A few more coats on the boots, then sourced some flexible fabric paint for the elastic sides: One coat Two coats Three Touch up paint around the sole where I had sme overspray, and done! I also used the same flexible paint on the hand guards. So far, so good. Nice and flexible.
  12. Congrats on the purchase and welcome from another another MTK'er. 1. I tried 2 brands of snaps without success (total fail!) before I bought Tandy ones. They seem great now. I've heard good and bad about Dritz but can't comment first hand. 2. I think the look will be compromised if you do adjustable straps, however, is 15lb really that much. Even if all of that 15lb is on your waist, I'm not sure that your armor would be that tight that you wouldn't fit. I would build it to your preferred size. 3. I just used whatever black spray I had lying around. Seems great. Didn't smell. I would definately recommend painting before building and applying other paint/decals. I didn't. I thought I masked it up real good. Turned out the spray crept through the gap around the ears and helmet joins. I had a LOT of cleaning up to do with fine sandpaper and polish afterwards. Good luck and post up heaps!
  13. Plenty of discussions of the new east bay gear. Pity they changed the stitching. I almost went to dye a set I had, until I stumbled across a set in Kmart. Only AUD$20 here, so probably some stupid price like $10 if you can get it hen mover there.
  14. I went through 2 suppliers of snaps (and about $60-) before going to Tandy snaps. These work great now. I just picked the cheaper silver ones, but what're ever colour or design you want - they're not seen.
  15. Looks good Zach. Did you know your Hengstler fell off? Got any close up of how you did the scope conversion. Looks good from a distance!
  16. You'll be done by about 5pm tomorrow I reckon. Looks like it's all done for you! And even though you're known for your photo taking, I can't believe you paused long enough to take a photo of the actual truck!! Lol!!
  17. No Steve. No pew pew from Kyle! I have no idea though. I plug batteries in. That's my electronics expertise.
  18. Nice work so far Craig. You're right about the quality of Doopy Doos. Plenty of fine DD E-11's out there. One tip a few use is to wrap sandpaper around the receiver, then sand the curved items like the sights, grip, etc. This will make sure the two curves match and minimise some of those gaps - like on your front sight at the moment.
  19. Looking good Russell. Top quality build there! I think Steve covered in his build thread how you need trim the magazine down a bit to fit in the Doopy's, but you obviously worked it out well.
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