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I'm Batman

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Everything posted by I'm Batman

  1. Looks good. And I doubt 1 or 2 coats of thin Dark Gunmetal regular paint would make that any worse.
  2. Can I check, for Gary's sake, and for my current build in progress, (which I'm watching all of the EIB applications) but should there be a gap of 3mm between the TD clips and ends?
  3. Coming along great Tim! If a backward bayonet lug is your worst mistake, you'll be doing pretty good. What armor have you got coming your way?
  4. Thanks Greg. I didn't touch the internals at all. So the LED at the tip is still there. Got a bit of paint on it until I realised to shove tissue paper down there, and I think there is one LED at the base, that shoots up a clear cyclinder.
  5. Oops, sorry. Hence my opening disclaimer. Maybe I'll leave it to the experts....
  6. Good point, I wonder how much detail you'd lose, with a couple of coats of primer, 3 coats of the VHT Wrinkle, and 2 or 3 coats of final colour. How thick are those 3 coast Steve?
  7. Some of the pros might pitch in to say whether it might affect EIB or Centurion, but most of the pics I've found show the middle box centred.
  8. Looks like you got some good bits stock piled there. Enjoy the build.
  9. not 100%, but pretty sure it is. In Australia we got the black version whereas all I see everywhere else is the white version. I guess they're the same on the inside though??? Probably other hasbro build threads will confirm it.
  10. Thanks Steve. Troopermaster also had a good explanation on the other thread. Paint on tomorrow and helmet just about done! Sorry for the thread hijack Bobby.
  11. Thanks Bobby. Your pic i still a bit hard to tell, but it does look like my first option above (which is wrong). So I need the bottom decal, which I'll say has the longer part of the curve on the first stripe at the top, on the left hand side.
  12. Congrats Bobby, I've been understandably following your progess, with my own MTK build. Steve, can you elaborate pn the tube stripe example, or Bobby, can you explain exactly which way they go. I've actually asked the question over here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/25829-anyone-know-where-to-get-anh-tube-transfers-to-paint/#entry335836 Might have to borrow your motorcycle helment idea too. I have an old helmet lying around. Cheers
  13. I just went to our build thread Tony, and like most others, it's a bit hard to tell, but it looks like you did it the way of my first picture - top one on the left tube. More investigations required......
  14. And...... which one is left/right. I'll search for your Centurion build and see if you passed
  15. Thanks mate. Excuse the crappy photos. That's what happens in the dark, no flash differing degrees of distance in the same shot.
  16. Thought I'd revive this thread rather than start a new one - these are trooperbay's paint masks that come with the MTK kit. I can't find the thread that spoke about which one is left and right. I'm thinking the top one is on the left (pictured) and the bottom one is on the other sde Correct?
  17. I think they'll be fine for EIB and Centurian. The seam (or lack of) is the main thing, which you've got right.
  18. Good point. For $2-, why didn't I throw some on my order.....
  19. From doing all my research over recent months and reading half the threads on here, an of those kits will be fine and excellent quality. I was also budge concious, so nearly went ATA (too long wait), nearly went AP (no reason why I didn't), ended up with MTK. Check out the build threads and you probably won't pick any faults with any of the kits mentioned.
  20. CA Glue, Zip Kicker and a buddy to help hold?? With CA and Zip Kicker, you only need to hold it (can do so manually with your hands) for a few seconds.
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