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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by sylverbard

  1. Easy answer is just start undoing screws. That should get the ears off...lenses...any trim is likely glued on.
  2. Oh I like the boots. I just would never send soldiers out in them :-). Some nice vibrum soles and ankle support would rock my horrible feet is all.
  3. join your local garrison as well so you can make friends to help :-)
  4. most garrisons allow non members to sign up for very basic access...but you might find you only get to say hi and ask for a mentor.
  5. how many of those just joined hoping they'd see Ep7 armour...?
  6. i think you could buy a kit more cheaply and have someone local build it to centurion for you.
  7. Personally I hope they are boots made for walking not stupid stirrup soles.
  8. -soft pouches on the belt. -holster detail with the correct screw info. -decorations: the stickers vs. paint. i really would like this to be the first white armor that *doesnt* have EIB or Centurion. Just make the CRL inclusive. 'shoulders, elbows, and knees have a ribbed gasket. Gaskets may be rubber, rubber-like material, or cloth.' let the individual builder decide how insane they want to go, ie, real screws in their resin holster. i'll bet someone is already making a multi level metal version. And please can we keep the ambiguity out of it? no more 'should' and 'minimal'. use real measurements. it is already such a complicated build that it doesn't need interpretation. it needs specifics. please.
  9. You'd have to add strips to the back closure so you can slide them higher.
  10. your thighs need to go up about two inches. that will free up your knees. if they can't go up two inches....shim.
  11. Yup those ones. Take some white off and done. They come in summer and winter weights so I bought both.
  12. Find another tfa builder and ask to see his gloves. Mine are packed. They required modification.
  13. They are found items. I'm sure that info will be obvious by the tag inside when you see them.
  14. I'm hoping he was quoting time and prices for the new anh suit.
  15. Yeah...if the same kit costs less than 1200 with the helmet I'll be a bit pissed...OK a lot.
  16. return edges are mentionned where they cannot be. wrist part of forearms. most of them are trimmed off to fit the limb. kidney and back plate are trimmed to be as flush as possible.
  17. I'll get them added in soon. All of them showed missing bicept straps.
  18. And thanks :-). Once I get through the other build I'll finish tweaking for next level.
  19. I was going to retake the full body shots with the correct upgrades.
  20. Original Post edited with updated pics of bicep straps, correct tube stripes, made side trap more trap than square, correct TD metal attachments.
  21. Belts done. Repainted tubes. I think I'm ready to resubmit. Packing a house and...another build...got in the way.
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