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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About HansDC

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    Melbourne Australia


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    Knightfall Garrison

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  1. Thanks Q! Actually thought about you a lot doing this....
  2. I got an FOTK kit from Jimiroquai over at RPF in the middle of the year. Rushed to get it done to get approved before Celebration Europe but missed a few details which I addressed and got approved after my European holiday. I initially thought I could get away with the kit just the way it was and without doing any cutting. It was baggy without the gaskets and I thought once I got my gaskets, it would all fit well. But after the first two troops, I realised that it was just too big especially on all the limbs. I was 'clunking' around when I had it on and just felt wrong. Felt like one of those bad Iron-Man costumes at the cons where it just looks too big and uncomfortable. 100% for effort, but just built and fitted wrong. Anyways, I decided to bite the bullet and rebuild all the arm and leg parts - so shin, thighs, biceps and forearms. I also pulled apart my (FN) gaskets and had a go at making them fit me better. Just like the armour it was too baggy. This was the photo that made me decide to go ahead with the mod. The bicep especially. Cool pic, but every time I look at it I cringe a little cos I can actually feel where its wrong when I look at it. And here is an approval shot.... You can see in this shot how big the thighs are as well. The gap sticking out under the buttplate.... Lets start with the dreaded cuts.... I first thought I only had to cut one side of the forearm and rejoin when I had it measured. But because they have symmetrical ridges on both sides, I had to cut them into two pieces and reattach them.... After some sanding and cleaning up some rough bits...I measured best I could by myself in the mirror... Then it was on to cutting some ABS strips out to use as joiners. Made sure I sanded the areas that would be glued. Once that was done, it was on to some bog action. I use APOXIE SCULPT. I found it is good to work with and not as messy or smelly as most others. I also have a couple tubes of TAMIYA plastic model putty for all the pin holes... Learned from past mistakes that Im pretty messy with the stuff, so best to tape off a border to prevent having to take off excess putty. I probably did four or five rounds of - putty, dry sand, wet sand, primer - repeat. I think I had to tell myself that it would have to do because each time I gave it a coat of primer, I would knit pick on some tiny flaw or a bubble I missed. And after many many hours of doing something I hate (sanding)....on to the other thing that I don't enjoy so much - painting. Gave it many coats of gloss white and more than a couple of coats of clear. And these are the completed gaskets.... Before I modded my gaskets, I could never keep the knees up. Whenever I bent my knees, I heard the tearing sound of velcro and the knee gaskets would slip off the thigh piece ever so slowly. I changed the velcro from front on to the sides....that way they don't suffer so much from the bending of the knees. I can now walk much easier and nothing slips. I hope you can see where I have placed the velcro bits.... And finally here are some side 2 side shots for comparison. I dunno if it looks all that much different at a glance, but it does feel like my two other costumes now. I can walk, run, jump, climb stairs and pretty much do everything I can in my original TK and movie clone. It's still not 100%. My main blaster needs a repaint and Im trying to organise for some V4 knee pads as they are more contoured to the knee than the ones I have on. I might also shorten the shoulder bells as they are quite big compared to the screen shots. Thanks for looking and I hope this helps anyone intending to mod Jim's armour. I don't claim to be a good builder, but I think I do ok for someone with no garage, average tools and limited knowledge of the fact. Any feedback would be welcome. Let me know what you think! CHEERS TROOPERS!
  3. Nah. I cut and rejoined them....but was maybe wanting to look at ABS ones because Jim's ones are really prone to paint cracking in a 'bendy' part like the spat.
  4. As far as undersuits are concerned, I have tried them all. One piece, two piece, motorcycle undersuits, sports compression suits, cheap, expensive, recommended and the rest. And the one thing that is the most comfortable and cost effective - are of course the cheapest ones. Im not sure if you have UNIQLO in America, but their 'HEAT TECH' undergarments are what I use and have been using for the last 18 months. They cost no more than $15 a piece for top and bottom, and all you have make sure is to buy at least a size down depending on how tight you want it. Its super lightweight and durable for what it is, breathable and very quick to dry if wet. They also have an 'extra warm' version for the winter months. Same price Im sure. Hope this helps.
  5. Not sure if this is the right place to ask....but I'm after a pair of Anovos spats. If anyone has a spare pair for sale or know where I can get some from...please hit me up! Thanks!
  6. The armour and all the weapons look friggin' amazing!! Congrats!!!
  7. It was made for this place.... http://sploid.gizmodo.com/this-is-the-worst-star-wars-exhibition-ive-ever-seen-1600221857
  8. Yes Im pretty sure you can. You are allowed to trim parts so they don't rub and will assist in movement such as inside and the back of the thighs and shins, around the ankles and forearms. Should be ok as long as it doesn't take away from the general look of the area. Also remember that you want as little black to show overall, so the less you have to take off the armour the better. A little bit of rubbing and clunking is normal, but you will know what you are comfortable with after the first few proper troops.
  9. Thanks! Kit arrived last week and have prepped the inside with sanding and some bondo in the gaps. Given it a wash and the first coat of primer to see what other bits I have to fill. Winter kicked in hard this morning in Melbourne and its cold & wet outside. Looks like its gonna be like that for the next week. Planning on working out my strapping and joining all the bits while I'm stuck inside. Waiting on my last item to arrive which are the gaskets. Been following your build from the start and its very impressive and also very helpful. So thank you!
  10. Thanks. So no seams or no gaps? I am assuming you mean you need to bondo where you have glued the boxes in right? ...and not 'no gaps' between the boxes.
  11. What do you mean by 'make sure there is no gap between the boxes on your left leg'....?
  12. I can fully kit up myself. Just practice. Once you've done it enough times and made adjustments to your fit, you'll be able to whip it on and off when you like.
  13. The wrinkling is probably caused by too heavy a coat of spray versus the temperature/conditions while painting.
  14. Hey sorry I just saw this! I paid USD$200. But you have to think about postage I guess cos you are on the other side of the world. If Im not mistaken, there is someone on the forum doing 3D printed DLT's. They are much much lighter. Mine weighs about 7kg's and if I troop with it all day like at a con....my arms are broken at the end.
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