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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Hello and welcome aboard, you are welcome to post builds on both Redbacks and here if you wish too, entirely up to you. Getting feedback is a great way to know you are on the right track, there are members on the forums most times of the days and ready to offer advice Some great links in this thread you may find helpful Good luck with the build
  2. Have a read through the instructions again, you need to start a seperate troop record then you post a link to it in this thread once you reach certain levels
  3. You are very welcome, I checked and you had to wrong link, I've posted the correct one for you
  4. That is your 501st forum profile not the actual member profile, here is the correct link https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=11307 A.C. will be along in due course to update your access
  5. Depends on what batteries you will be using, generally I am using 5V power source and use 1K resistors This may be of help https://www.digikey.com.au/en/blog/atm-how-to-select-a-resistor-for-an-led
  6. Correct you keep your TKID for life. A Retired Member is eligible to: Retain a displayable legion profile with .Retired. indicator. Return to active status via a written request, re-approval of their costume, and completion of or immediately pending completion of a troop. Have their membership information and ID number saved/maintained in the 501st Legion database with the member from cradle-to-grave, unless otherwise reassigned by a judgment of the Legion Council through a 2/3 majority vote of the Legion Council members.
  7. Hello and welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing a build thread soon. Here's another great thread full of information Gallery area here, full of reference material https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/gallery/category/24-anh-tk-reference/
  8. I get my hi bright led's from Aliexpress, just recently I started using some flat top LED's this give a wider beam and does not have the intense center of the LED. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1917223733.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.15606f746UJUHe&algo_pvid=fca537b1-3fd1-4919-99a3-c0b67147e3d9&algo_exp_id=fca537b1-3fd1-4919-99a3-c0b67147e3d9-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!2.30!2.08!!!1.54!!%402101ea7117035392618631942eaeda!63448203855!sea!AU!178098435!&curPageLogUid=TspnV5MzKpeP For longer thinner beams I use these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001143159616.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.587579f7K1dfqw&algo_pvid=96f0ee0e-2d30-4f2d-a8f4-85e262aeb1d6&algo_exp_id=96f0ee0e-2d30-4f2d-a8f4-85e262aeb1d6-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!1.32!1.19!!!0.88!!%402101c59517035394621321559eb076!10000014882839212!sea!AU!178098435!&curPageLogUid=bElac9hGjElf
  9. Very nice, one thing to be aware of with the ROTK white pauldron is they are a little different to most others, the section around he neck and closure is actually white, weird but here's a reference. Albeit this has not been updated in the ROTK CRL Thread here about new era pauldrons
  10. Great to hear, hope you have some good news soon. Once issued with your TKID you can request TK / 501st access here Good luck
  11. Perhaps add any questions here as all of the feedback is here Looking forward to seeing your centurion app once you get back to it.
  12. You are still welcome to ask questions here even if you will be a dirty boy
  13. I already reached out to a couple of the designers (that's one of them) but there's a big difference of 3D rendering images compared with 3D printing and he's not interested in trying to convert
  14. Some armor can be a little harder than others to assemble, brute force can help, masking tape, clamps, magnets can help.keep sections in place when drying. Some use a hot water bath to help pieces conform a little better, much easier to manage than using a heat gun. As for closing its either elastic and bra hooks (original), Velcro which most use, or even magnets. I'll add some links when I'm next on computer
  15. You know I did go looking but unfortunately all I found was 3D renders not suitable for printing, but by all means if there's someone out there clever enough and willing to give it a go I'd be happy to print one
  16. gmrhodes13

    Publicity Blaster - Nambu Type 99 LMG

    Publicity shot taken in the UK late 1977 / early 1978 for the UK release of A New Hope
  17. Only image I still have of this.
  18. Publicity shot taken in the UK late 1977 / early 1978 for the UK release of A New Hope Thank you to @Billhag for sharing UKG references
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