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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. You know I did go looking but unfortunately all I found was 3D renders not suitable for printing, but by all means if there's someone out there clever enough and willing to give it a go I'd be happy to print one
  2. gmrhodes13

    Publicity Blaster - Nambu Type 99 LMG

    Publicity shot taken in the UK late 1977 / early 1978 for the UK release of A New Hope
  3. Only image I still have of this.
  4. Publicity shot taken in the UK late 1977 / early 1978 for the UK release of A New Hope Thank you to @Billhag for sharing UKG references
  5. gmrhodes13

    TFA F-11D Blasters

  6. Start with anything you feel is less scary Personally I would start with the legs, you will need these before you can do final strapping to the abdomen/chest areas but as I say it's entirely up to you were you start. Great thread here on return edges Many helpful threads can be found here Measure twice and cut once, and ask questions, there are no silly questions only silly mistakes from not asking a question Lots of members frequent these forums and are ready to lend a hand if needed. Good luck with the build
  7. Nice work. I noticed you are missing the cocking lever, a quick replacement is a thick plastic paint brush, cut to desired length, heat with lighter or stove to give a slight curve, add a screw in the base, cut off head of screw, drill hole in broken lever then screw in cocking lever, you can also add some glue for extra strength. Good luck with approval
  8. You can only add a couple of attachments, many of us use a free online image host IMGUR, upload there then copy the "direct link" option and post into your thread. More info here Don't reduce your images too much or details won't be able to be seen: PHOTO GUIDELINES Photo size- At least 800 X 600 (preferably 1280 X 960) or larger
  9. Your link is not working, also you are listed as a "classified record" which means you will have to contact your GCO or GML as to your current membership status.
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the Expert Infantry and also the EI Honor gallery
  11. Congratulations trooper, you can request higher access here A few items for L2/L3 Drop boxes should align with the end of the plastic belt, not the corners Shoulder bells do need to come inwards, not sure if you have strapping from the bells to the biceps? Should be no paint on the gums Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. Tighter strapping may be needed between your chest and abdomen Vocoder needs cleaning up a bit. Reduce gaps at the elbows I'd probably trim the excess of the neck see as it's seen between shoulder bells and chest Shoulder strap on back left not sitting on the back plate Ab kidney shims should be straight, not on an angle Posterior is being pushed backwards, tighter strapping or perhaps some V tabs Blaster has some blemishes, mainly on the barrel You could fill the gap in the bottom thigh ridge. Also make sure your shins are completely closed Detonator control panel appears to be on an angle on the left. Also could rotate the detonator to show more of the O detail
  12. Both Phasma CRL's have needed an update for some time, issue is not many members with Phasma experience visit these forums. I would think the staps would be the same material as the cape but I could be wrong
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