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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Some specs on E6000: What temperature range does E6000 withstand? E6000 can be applied in temperatures ranging from 50 °F to 90 °F (10 °C to 32 °C). When cured, E6000 can withstand temperatures between -40 °F and 180 °F (-40 °C and 82 °C). https://eclecticproducts.com/product/e6000-industrial-adhesive/#:~:text=How long does E6000 take,between 24 and 72 hours. Thread on ABS paste https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/42866-how-to-make-abs-paste/
  2. You don't need to download a program or software for Imgur, you can upload directly to their server once you register. You can adjust sizing with somethings as simple as Windows Paint, if on mobile there are lots of free apps that can do the same. IMGUR is just the host for your images, you shouldn't even need to reduce the size of your images, I've never had an issue. There are other image hosts out there too, https://www.flickr.com/ is just one
  3. Nice clean build trooper, you may want to add a link to your EIB approval to your post Mandatory Information [Expert Infantry Request Thread URL]
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum, a great thread which should help you one your way. Good luck with the research
  5. Hello and welcome aboard, good luck with the research and looking forward to seeing your progress
  6. Looking forward to seeing the progress. One thing you have to be aware of is print lines, cannot contain visible print lines and must be sanded smooth for a more realistic appearance. You may need to go over the helmet again as there are quite a few lines showing For the cracks it may be a case of having them for higher level approval and only painted for base approval but that's entirely up to our DL and the LMO team. Good luck with the build
  7. This subject has come up a few times with the RO / New Era armor and the belts, there is a standard belt and there are belts which have been trimmed to allow a little more movement (or because they have been broken). All of the angle cuts appear to be on the same angle although cut in different places. Standard, straight across bottom of belt Trimmed / Angle cut Even with the trimmed angle cut there are variants, trimmed in line of the corner of the second belt box, trimmed under the corner of second belt box, trimmed to meet the corner of the last belt box and trimmed on the inside of the second belt box Trimmed in line of the corner of the second belt box Under corner of second belt box Angle cut before the last belt box Trimmed on the inside of the second belt box So should some level of belt trimming be allowable in the CRL and for higher level acceptance?
  8. I doubt what is already there would change hence why some have asked for another level for full accuracy. Level 3 - Screen Accurate is kind of what we have now BUT the issue is there are different details on different troopers but for all the levels a generalized look is used. MEPD pick a trooper and replicate it which we don't do, again hence a L4 accuracy level. Some info on these levels and why they are what they are Albeit some things are changing, with the recent proposal to build a variant FOTK blaster. As I've said who knows what the next command team's vision is for the detachment and what may or may not change, it all comes down to the membership to propose, discuss and vote for changes or additions
  9. Just found my copy so you don't need to download the full 3D files, Google Drive link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yAEpvY5dUOMV32PGvJn3LcdxTLPpfoa4?usp=sharing
  10. I've not heard of any for sale for some time, you can find the images in the @The5thHorseman F-11D 3D files here and perhaps have them made locally.
  11. Inside the armor it really doesn't matter as long as it can't be seen from the outside. Some use a tray sealer spray paint on Jim's armor to cover any loose fibreglass. You can just see behind the abdomen white inside
  12. You know a higher level of accuracy has come up in conversations quite a few times in the past, along the lines of how MEPD do their level 3 program, this could be something that members could ask in the upcoming election Q&A's for detachment leaders in January/February
  13. Just check your end plate thickness, should be a bigger gap between the end caps and control panel. Also note the placement of the screws/holes on the clips if you are aiming for higher levels
  14. Its amazing how much you can pick up at armor workshops, hopefully it gets you moving in the right direction
  15. Take into account what your GML will consider approvable, you definitely want to reach out to him/her/them As to higher levels it's entirely up to the @Deployment Officer Team who will hopefully chime in soon. Take note that this team may change at the end of February after legion elections and the next Deployment Officers may have a different point of view.
  16. Normally you trim the front of the thighs to the base @ 20mm width raised ridge to raised ridge, if that can't be obtained larger cover strips are normally used to fill this area or lager coverstrips on the rear. I would definitely reach out to your GML and discuss the cover strips before going to much further, as a GML I would not approve as they are and your GML may feel the same way. From our DL As a rule of thumb, front leg cover strips are 20mm wide approximately, you usually go a bit wider on the calves for the enclosure, say 25mm. Now in saying this, if you can keep the front cover strips close to this , you can go wider on the back to try and cater for a wider girth. I know plenty of troopers who went with 30mm on the rear of the thighs because they needed a bit more. at basic i would be surprised if a GML pulled you up on something like that. Note the raised ridge in these references Here's a couple of extreme examples which added extra material on the backs of the thighs As I say speak to your GML to check what is acceptable for your garrison
  17. Response from RS Props in regards to armor kits: We will be looking at adding kits back to our website shortly.
  18. Hello and welcome aboard, you are welcome to post builds on both Redbacks and here if you wish too, entirely up to you. Getting feedback is a great way to know you are on the right track, there are members on the forums most times of the days and ready to offer advice Some great links in this thread you may find helpful Good luck with the build
  19. Have a read through the instructions again, you need to start a seperate troop record then you post a link to it in this thread once you reach certain levels
  20. You are very welcome, I checked and you had to wrong link, I've posted the correct one for you
  21. That is your 501st forum profile not the actual member profile, here is the correct link https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=11307 A.C. will be along in due course to update your access
  22. Depends on what batteries you will be using, generally I am using 5V power source and use 1K resistors This may be of help https://www.digikey.com.au/en/blog/atm-how-to-select-a-resistor-for-an-led
  23. Correct you keep your TKID for life. A Retired Member is eligible to: Retain a displayable legion profile with .Retired. indicator. Return to active status via a written request, re-approval of their costume, and completion of or immediately pending completion of a troop. Have their membership information and ID number saved/maintained in the 501st Legion database with the member from cradle-to-grave, unless otherwise reassigned by a judgment of the Legion Council through a 2/3 majority vote of the Legion Council members.
  24. Hello and welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing a build thread soon. Here's another great thread full of information Gallery area here, full of reference material https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/gallery/category/24-anh-tk-reference/
  25. I get my hi bright led's from Aliexpress, just recently I started using some flat top LED's this give a wider beam and does not have the intense center of the LED. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1917223733.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.15606f746UJUHe&algo_pvid=fca537b1-3fd1-4919-99a3-c0b67147e3d9&algo_exp_id=fca537b1-3fd1-4919-99a3-c0b67147e3d9-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!2.30!2.08!!!1.54!!%402101ea7117035392618631942eaeda!63448203855!sea!AU!178098435!&curPageLogUid=TspnV5MzKpeP For longer thinner beams I use these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001143159616.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.587579f7K1dfqw&algo_pvid=96f0ee0e-2d30-4f2d-a8f4-85e262aeb1d6&algo_exp_id=96f0ee0e-2d30-4f2d-a8f4-85e262aeb1d6-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!1.32!1.19!!!0.88!!%402101c59517035394621321559eb076!10000014882839212!sea!AU!178098435!&curPageLogUid=bElac9hGjElf
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