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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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    French Garrison

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  1. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1917223733.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.4.420d1802wsVDab Got them in red, orange, yellow... got the whole set basically
  2. I sure could use guidance, just got my leds and resistors, but they don't seem that bright to me. Have to take some pictures or make a drawing of the thrower, that will make more sense of what I am trying to achieve
  3. Well I am trying to give a "flame" look to that smoke, so kinda bright I reckon. But then it's not an industrial smoke machine either. I have picked up the ones recommended by gmrhodes, we shall see how that turns out Thanks again for the support guys !
  4. Hello there, Still working on the remnants incinerator, just go my microfogger machine, which I plan to hide in my backpack. To complete the "flame" effect I would like to add orange leds to the flamethrower muzzle. I don't know the first thing about electronics though so I am not sure what exactly I should be looking for. See microfogger in action : I have a 3D printed flamethrower (see included file) and I assume I could hide some leds in the muzzle fairly easily. What should I get ?
  5. Another question : how do you paint / prep a fiberglass kit ? I am especially curious at what to do with the interiors of the kit since they still feel "itchy" somewhat. Anything in particular is expected to be done to those parts ?
  6. That's what I thought, what liquid do you use for your microfogger ? The one they sell seem crazy expensive, but it's not always obvious what those products contain while browsing amazon or alie
  7. Geeting back into that project after a couple hectic years, I was looking into how to make smoke from that flamethrower... I found the microfogger machine, but it's super expensive. Are there alternatives to make decent amounts of smoke ?
  8. Hi there, I have been looking at my options to store and transport (safely) my remnants TK flamethrower : It's about a meter long, and a good 15 cm wide basically. I have search for various type of boxes, but no luck so far. I would like something rather "hardshelled" than a softbag, plus I can mod a case with star wars things to make it look cool Outside going pelicase and sacrificing my first born to the gods, I had no luck so far. Most hunting / shooting cases are rather thin because real weapons are not bulky like the flamethrower from mando show. My best find so far is photographer bags for tripods / lights... but as I said above : I would rather have something with a hardshell... If you guys have ideas, I even tried military surplus, without breaking the bank of course !
  9. That's a good one ! I was told about wolfcub but couldn't pinpoint where his work was. Thanks for the help !
  10. Found those : Chrome strongly disagrees with downloading that file, but you can force it.
  11. I have downloaded that zip last week, so clearly I found it somewhere on the forums Not sure how to figure out where I found them though. For the "best template" I found those : But a lot of measurements are not available in that one. I would like to be able to input the correct distances in fusion 360, and not just eyeball it with the templates used as canvas...
  12. Well they are available here : https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4702 But I have not idea where from on the forum I found them, and I don't know who made them either... It's my understanding that the initial work started years ago for the "best template" has never been completed ?
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