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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-tlj-storm-trooperhelmet-chest-shoulder-armour-ep8
  2. I haven't found Do3d very accurate for a lot of models. Many have been using these files https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-tlj-storm-trooperhelmet-chest-shoulder-armour-ep8 and have gained 501st clearance, with any costume it is entirely up to your GML as they have the final say.with costume.aprovals. Take a look in the TLJ Builds area as there are some printed builds there
  3. One other detail would be good to address, the overlapping of the belt on the sides, (when there not covered with gaffa tape). I believe there are enough references showing both back overlap front and front overlap back, shouldn't matter which way as long as it's closed CRL The back belt overlaps the front belt on the sides.
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum, you might find this thread useful Good luck with the build
  5. Pauldron References - Vintage Motocross Protection Made by Torsten Hallman 1970's Owned by a German garrison member This image comes up every few years, added for those who may have not seen it
  6. Nice work, looks like a winner to me
  7. TE July 2005 Matt Gauthier To: Noah! Enjoy and have fun! Your 1st Stormtrooper!
  8. Does it matter? well that would be the question, there is no allowance in the CRL currently to modify it so if someone builds to screen references they may be declined approval by their GML. There is also the question of higher level approval, again not addressed in the CRL but there are quite a few references and unlike "Mr No Stripes" this is not a one off. Interested to hear form our @Deployment Officer Teamin regards to L2 and L3 Only reason I posted this is I know members have had conversations about this modification in a few build threads previously, plus this may also impact other CRL's depending on what happens with other new era costumes, so I was pre-empting what may come up later, albeit not my problem. It is actually accurate to have the modified belt for the Artillery Trooper going on screen references so already a couple of our new Artillery CRL references are outdated, should it matter? well again that is the question, I'm just providing the information. Angle cut/trimmed Great reference below showing how the coverstrip fits nicely into this modded belt. In this image you can see a bigger crack above the angle cut, we will have to wait and see if this trooper ever surfaces again to check if they addressed it.
  9. Congratulations once again Brian and welcome to the legion. Looking forward to seeing some trooping photos in the not too distant future
  10. I guess the argument would be have they been modified this way or trimmed once the belts had initially been cracked/broken, they are seen in RO and the promo images. You can definitely see how much punishment the tops of the thighs, cover strips and the belt takes, especially for those lower in height. They are also seen between all the movies and series with only one set of armor made, this may change due to the conversion to Night troopers so we may see new armor in future. Personally I think it's the strapping system being on the sides doesn't allow the same amount of movement than having strapping on the front. Thighs hitting belt is pretty common. Even the trimmed belt on the left still will take a beating as the thigh is over the belt. Promo shot from Rogue One Even at a relatively slow pace the thighs get jammed on the belt Mangled belt Cracked areas on belt Missing thigh Chewed cover strips Coverstrip replacement Lifted coverstrip Here's one on a red carpet event with trimmed lower belt The whole lower ridge is missing on this belt. I would think this would be an accident not deliberate trimming And on this night trooper I don't this trooper has to worry about his thighs hitting the belt
  11. A bit hard to say, I've not seen a TE helmet for sale for some time. It's one that quite a few may want to add to their collections. I would suggest a look through the sales sections to see what other helmets go been sold for. Here's one from 2009, price went down from $450 to eventually $325 shipped US
  12. Hopefully not the chest, that is a lot larger and wider than a TK chest, also backplate is different
  13. Congratulations and welcome to the Centurion ranks trooper
  14. Width of belt and size of pipe depends on how long the clips should be on the belt side, on the pipe side you want to make sure the holes are close to the control panel and the TD rotated enough to see the O detail from the back,. You don't want to see clips under the belt.
  15. I managed to convert some of the 3D image files to 3D STL format, unfortunately you loose details as the rendered areas are merged with the model, grips, stock and so on, plus anything round area becomes segmented. Some models have just too many inconsistencies but I did run across the one below. I'm not smart enough to modify the file but if anyone comes across this thread and does have more brain cells than I by all means give it a go, there are so many references available online. Nambu_type99.stl
  16. Your shins are sitting really high on your boots, if you could get these to sit lower you could drop your thighs a little so they miss your posterior plate. Other than that you could trim some material off the top rear of the thighs so it allows some gap. AM for comparison #1072, looks like the posterior has been pulled under. Also note how low the shins sit on his boots
  17. A great comparison of the different versions parts here https://drive.google.com/file/d/10tEVteIreh6AHMogW010cuH_Bf8TBfU6/view
  18. Hello and welcome aboard, we have a whole area for FOTK's which you can find here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/218-first-order-battle-group/ Vendors here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/49132-vendors-list-for-your-fotk-build/ Good luck with the research
  19. Nice work, looking forward to seeing these
  20. Wishing everyone best wishes and glad tidings for 2024, may it be a safe and prosperous year for you all
  21. It can be quite daunting, there is a lot of information on these forums and a lot to read. Never feel bad for asking a question, we've all been there before Imgur offers plenty of space for photos so you should be fine. It's only the forum which only allows a certain amount of attachments, image links you can add as many as you like
  22. I think you will find that Stormtroopers would be one of the most covered costumes in the legion with so many references, tutorials and forum members ready to lend a hand. Good luck with the research, looking forward to seeing a build thread from you soon
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