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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Going well good job, can't wait for my first armor bites
  2. Another great newsletter, thank you for your effort
  3. While on the long wait for armor I decided to start making some fixings for the press studs So started the same way as most, cut out the plastic, sand round the sharp edges, sand the back to help the glue hold, punch a hole in the centre for the stud. Then I remembered the stud would stick out the back and not lay flat, so brainwave, bring out the old trusted heat gun and find a heat proof surface. Warm the back first just on the outside of the fixture, 5-10 seconds. Flip it over and warm the front, only needs a couple of seconds, you can just see it starting to bend slightly. Then while warm use a small piece of pipe and push down on the fixture until it cools slightly. Then you will have this And from the side, notice no stud and the plastic fixture is still flat for the glue to hold
  4. Thanks Charles, quite a few people have had kind words about the metal work, getting asked if I will make any more, if I could get them laser cut I would as the cutting, filing and drilling is a lot of work. Your build is going well, love the counter mod
  5. here you go, link was in my signature Helmet build
  6. The more I read the more I am inspired to do better with my build, thanks guys and girls
  7. can't quite tell from the pictures, is the base oval, would help to drape better,also would there be a over hang to open and close. Looking great good work, wish I was that handy
  8. I have used both and the paints seem pretty much a muchness, I am also using both on my lid, dave m decals and paint. From reading through the forums most prefer to be more screen acurate and paint their lids, my hands aren't that steady but I may call on a fellow trooper to help me out in the future
  9. Looking good, you could also have started with wire mesh and paper mache for the base form. Good luck with the build
  10. Looks like your on the right track, good luck with the build
  11. Well done, as a relative new member I find it a great help reading through these posts just to pick up the fine details to go that extra mile
  12. Nice blaster, after searching around the forums I have noticed Vern's name popping up a lot, very good builds and a wealth of knowledge
  13. Imperial Crew I would say would be the cheapest, think that may be on my next build list
  14. OMG I may need to put more clamps on my santa wish list lol
  15. Nice build looks good to me, well done
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