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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by FunkyTrigger

  1. I wouldn't glue fresh e6000 onto old. Old E6000 can be rubbed, scraped and sanded off. It's a great glue to work with, and easy to remove any excess glue.
  2. Hi Eric, Good for what may I ask? ANH TK Stormtrooper boots? They look fine for basic clearance. We need better pics from the side and back regarding EIB and Centurion, hence the question above. I suspect that once they are dyed white, they would hit the EIB approval, but everyone reserves the right to comment openly without good clear photos. They are a good price though for leather jodphur boots.
  3. Thanks Billy. It was the magazine barrels on the rifles of the background troopers that threw me.
  4. I don't recognize all 3 of the guns from either of the original trilogy films.
  5. @billy Yes indeed you are right. Your 2009 guide indeed does show the correct blue colour of French blue as the one to use And the guide clearly states that the old colour is midnight blue.
  6. @spectre It's not worth making a fuss over a $1 tin of paint really is it??? Application candidates can either choose to make their builds accurate or not. For a single TK, I suppose it doesn't matter, but when groups of TKs are together, they look awesome when then all look the same, like they are all off a movie set, like the uniform is from an army production line. The CRL cannot provide every single individual detail. It is up to the candidate to do some research. We are here to improve standards, the updated colour chart has been on the front page of FISD for many months. There are many so called suppliers of belts, holsters, blasters, helmets, armour, tube stripes, decals, frown mesh, eye lenses and buttons that don't supply accurate props. This is a problem for the buyer, but its not our problem. We are volunteer police to help guide and separate right from wrong. If you want to force my hand, then I can state that as it stands the supplier Vader Dave is providing ANH TK AB buttons with the incorrect shade of blue.
  7. Midnight blue is the wrong blue to use these days. You have been following a 2009 guide which has long been updated and is on the main FISD front page under tutorials. French blue is a lighter blue, which is the one to use.
  8. The minimum that you should do for this EIB application is... Attend to the AB button colours. Attend to the AB belt snaps so that your belt hangs correctly. Reduce the shoulder bell gaps between top of shoulder bells and ribbed shoulder straps.
  9. Everything looks spot on to me including the belt height. No faults found and the armour sits and fits you well. You have totally exceeded EIB expectations and quality. Centurion very soon I suspect.
  10. There's plenty of troops left for you to get onto this year Si
  11. Well spotted Mathias, Stephen SW1 was there in his TM Luke suit, the last arty picture is a picture of me with his son Rocco wearing an early smaller TM Stormtrooper. Steve's wife Karen is our Princess Leia Organa and tithe mini TKs that stunned her to the ground are my son Tom using the TK I built him from my mini TK build thread, with Rocco in his mini TM. My daughter Charlotte is wearing the mini Jango Fett that I built her and.... Steve SW1's other littlest son Leo is the mini Imperial Crewman. Steve's loving the cadet attention in this pic
  12. I'm looking forward to following your build thread and the end result. Are you planning to make your own helmet too as that will indeed be a challenge. I ended up using one of the bug eyed, butt nasty Rubies helmets for mine They are very cheap and unwanted. I managed to get it half decent for a kid by heating and re-shaping it, Cutting out the eyes and frown and by giving it a paint job. Hope that helps
  13. The UK Garrison were invited to an event organised by one of our fellow TK brothers, Rob Deneham to raise money for a needed children's playground for a small UK village called Redbourn.
  14. My son trooped with other Cadets today... He had his blaster set to stun, and managed to capture a princess He could appreciate the line "aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?" He and I managed to show imperial strength together in capturing "Rebel Scum,"
  15. You know Steve.... There's something not quite right about your Luke Suit. It'll come to me when I can put a finger on it.
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